Animated Banners and Flags
There's a desperate needs of them for our outposts! They'll be a very Cool addition for customization or... Hide a trap!
traps and decor can't be placed on the same block, i doubt they'd let us hide traps behind a banner and if they did that banner would block our traps ability to target but not the raiders just like acid.
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Unless the banner itself is a trap similar to the holocube. A holo-banner if you will. Which I would be fine with except that I'm not too keen on cluttering up the user interface with traps that are redundant. A holo-banner would functionally be the same as a holocube so you might as well just use the holocube. I'd be good with a holocube augment that makes it appear like a banner though. Not sure how that would work exactly.
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devs already said they'd intended holo cube to have other appearances but it was harder than they though to code it. a 1 block banner would be pretty weak.
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Like I said, I'm not sure how it would be implemented, but I could see something like once you click the "banner augment" you are given a banner to place that acts like a holocube but it must be placed within 2 tiles distance of the holocubes location. I imagine the banners placement would be similar in nature to the tube lightings but has a piece of cloth hanging from it. I could also see this being a buggy nightmare for the game devs though. I like the idea but it might not be worth the resources to make it happen.
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a banner out front on the outpost we could change could be easily implemented. but seeing the hitbox on the driveway metal and the HRV tower doesn't fill me with much hope. (try shooting just next to the metal and your bolt gets stuck in solid air)