The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Should HRV be equipped with builder tools to drill through blocked paths or build if obstructed?

rootisonfire Member Posts: 38

Imagine this: when HRV encounters an obstacle blocking its path, it pulls out a special build tool that allows it to drill through the blockage and continue along its intended route. This feature would eliminate the need to worry about HRV's build path, giving builders the freedom to be more creative in designing obstacles and traps. The build mode could even show how HRV would break through the barrier, showcasing its determination to reach its destination.

Not only would this idea foster new and innovative base designs, but it would also introduce an element of strategy and decision-making. Players who deliberately stand in front of HRV would face consequences, as HRV would have the ability to drill them to death if they fail to move out of its way. This adds a thrilling dynamic to the gameplay, ensuring that HRV remains unstoppable in its pursuit.

I believe that implementing this idea would open up a world of possibilities and greatly enhance the gameplay experience for everyone involved. But before moving forward, I would like to gather your opinions through a simple poll. The question is: "Should HRV have the tools of a builder and be able to drill through blocked paths or build if lost?" Your votes will help determine the feasibility and desirability of this idea.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts and opinions on this proposal. Let's make HRV an even more dynamic and versatile character within our game!

Should HRV be equipped with builder tools to drill through blocked paths or build if obstructed? 6 votes

Yes, HRV should have builder tools to drill through blocked paths or build if obstructed.
16% 1 vote
No, HRV should not have builder tools and should follow predefined paths only.
33% 2 votes
I'm unsure or have no preference regarding whether HRV should have builder tools.
16% 1 vote
I have another suggestion or idea regarding HRV's capabilities (please specify).
33% 2 votes


  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    i'm against any form of block destruction in raid.

  • rootisonfire
    rootisonfire Member Posts: 38

    @MadMoeZel Thank you for expressing your opposition to any form of block destruction in raids. I understand and respect your perspective on maintaining the integrity of the raid design. Upon further consideration, I believe I can offer a revised concept that aligns more closely with your concerns.

    Instead of introducing block destruction, a more basic approach would be to add a modification to the existing holograph traps: Call it "Quantum Projection". This modification would cause the holograph to appear invisible until when approached and then displaying a static block, effectively blocking the raider's path to go a different way. However, HRV would have the ability to remove the holograph whenever it walks through it, removing it and revealing the true path and allowing for progress.

    By incorporating this modification to holographs, "Quantum Projection" introduce a strategic element where HRV plays a vital role in navigating and clearing the holographic obstacles, without altering the underlying blocks in raids.

    I appreciate your feedback and opposition to block destruction, as it has prompted a reassessment of the concept. This revised approach maintains the core principles you highlighted while still adding a new layer of gameplay dynamics and challenge.

    Thank you for sharing your perspective, and I welcome any further thoughts or input you may have.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    how do we handle HRV dying before getting to said quantum projection?

  • rootisonfire
    rootisonfire Member Posts: 38

    He’d still have to have an alternative route he can take that is complete so there should be another way. This would just be to confuse raiders perhaps give them the impression the route is short and genmat just in reach, only for the door to seal. If its the shortest route HRV will go through it and remove it if it has a path to it. Else HRV will take the next shortest path.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    this sounds like HRV will break this to expose a shorter route, if you keep him alive? not sure i'm understanding.

  • rootisonfire
    rootisonfire Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2023

    The alternate route is required for the raiders’ sake to ensure there is a complete path. When using this mod or trap in the path of HRV, it would show two different colored paths when in the build mode. Green as the primary shortest path, and yellow as the secondary path. When using the Quantum Projector in the path of HRV. It requires the path have two complete paths. And yellow cannot be obstructed at all. If this works, then dev could consider allowing more quantum projectors and then if builders put another quantum projector on the yellow path it creates another colored path like a red one. And thats to indicate that the builder cannot obstruct the red.

    And to balance it, if its its own trap perhaps its very subtle in its appearance but you can destroy it before it projects a solid wall if you shoot it from far enough away. But if you dont notice it, the wall appears to block you. Either move on or wait for HRV (if thats the path HRV is on).

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    i'm still not understanding. it seems like the sole purpose of the quantam mod would be to shorten the path if HRV is alive. but not if HRV is dead?

  • rootisonfire
    rootisonfire Member Posts: 38
    edited May 2023

    @MadMoeZel I understand your concern that the Quantum Projection modification might only serve to shorten the path if HRV is alive but not if HRV is dead. However, the purpose of this modification goes beyond that. It allows builders to create mazes, bait-and-switch traps, and dynamic environments by combining it with standard holograms. Builders can give the illusion of doors closing and opening, forcing raiders to make strategic decisions. Additionally, it can be used in conjunction with other traps, such as boltshots or plasma sentinels, to create challenging scenarios. The primary focus is on providing raiders with alternate routes and introducing elements of surprise, strategy, and decision-making. HRV's ability to remove the Quantum Projection ensures that builders can modify HRV's route without breaking the level, while still offering raiders viable paths to progress

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    yes but the way you described it the quantam can't be broken except by HRV, meaning without HRV it's literally just a 10 point wall. and with HRV it make the outpost shorter for the raider? i don't mind that being part of the game but i don't see myself using it like that.

  • rootisonfire
    rootisonfire Member Posts: 38

    What if the idea is to have HRV consistently select the untriggered alternative route unless it exceeds a maximum distance? In that case, HRV would choose the fastest route starting from the nearest quantum projector. So, if a raider speedruns and triggers all projectors before HRV reaches them, and the distance to the genmat is greater than a maximum distance set, HRV would carve through the first triggered projector, making it the new route.

  • eyedeeoneohtee
    eyedeeoneohtee Member Posts: 34

    I think the HRV system isn't in a bad place but it might be good to have some augments that give it a few more movement options, subject to a few restrictions for balance purposes:

    -Harvey should always be less mobile than the raiders, since Harvey doesn't have to deal with traps or guards

    -Harvey augments should have a substantial difficulty multiplier, to keep parkour mazes out of normal difficulty

    -Harvey augments should add obvious cosmetic changes to Harvey on any outpost that uses them, so raiders always know what to expect

    That being said, I think the following augments would be reasonable unlocks:

    Climbing Hooks: Harvey can climb vertically up or down walls, if a walkable space exists at the top and bottom of the wall. Harvey cannot move horizontally along walls or ceilings

    Pneumatic Legs: Harvey can jump up to five blocks horizontally and up to two blocks vertically, if a walkable space exists at the start and end point, and if the path between them is unobstructed

    Asbestos Jacket: Harvey can pass through corrosive cubes, if the corrosive cube has no mods and is not adjacent to any other corrosive cubes. Although Harvey can walk through corrosive cubes, they are not counted as a walkable space for the purpose of any other augments.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    i must not understand the suggested quantum mod then. becuase i genuinely have no idea what you're saying.

    "Call it "Quantum Projection". This modification would cause the holograph to appear invisible until when approached and then displaying a static block, effectively blocking the raider's path to go a different way."

    this makes it sound like the raider can't break quantum projection, only HRV can. but HRV will only go to this block if it's the shortest route, meaning that if HRV stays alive he reveals a shorter path.

    "However, the purpose of this modification goes beyond that. It allows builders to create mazes, bait-and-switch traps, and dynamic environments by combining it with standard holograms. Builders can give the illusion of doors closing and opening, forcing raiders to make strategic decisions. Additionally, it can be used in conjunction with other traps, such as boltshots or plasma sentinels, to create challenging scenarios."

    i don't understand how it would be bait and switch (i think i JUST NOW figured it out, it's a block that only shows up when you get close to make people think an empty hole is a door but it's actually a wall?) i don't understand how it'd work in conjunction with other traps in a way that just having the hole there wouldn't?

  • FateEncoded
    FateEncoded Member Posts: 6

    They need to just find a way to simulate jumping and ziplining to exponentially increase the options for build creativity.