Death should not rob raiders of tomb resources
Traps can destroy tombs. When a raider dies before a resource can be picked up, that resource despawns and is lost. These two facts make it common for a tomb's resources to be lost, and that isn't fair. I'm fine with dying, but it should not come with the loss of resources.
The synthite grind is bad enough, but losing the resources on top of that is too harsh.
Have dropped resources stay on the ground after death, like the mess from DMS. Or raiders receive all dropped resources on death--a nice bonus of this is resources that fall into corrosive cubes are not forever lost. Or have tombs immune to traps. Change it however you like, just don't allow builders to rob the raider of those resources they Need. Death is punishment enough.
Loot should be picked up at range just like ammo is. This would mean that you would typically pick up all the loot of a tomb as or before you die from the traps. Only thing is when a trap hits you before it breaks the tomb.
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Then what incentive is there to go into danger to collect the loot? risk and reward. if the loot is so important to you bring a shield to dive into acid, bring phoenix pods so you don't lose the loot if you die in the process. you have tools to prevent this already. You're denying the builder a legitimate chance to earn THEIR resources by discouraging loot collection by EITHER making it ammo range or on exit. builders need resources too.
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addendum, why not just suggest making tombs be unbreakable by traps and guards so that only the raider can control when they drop their resources? that way you only lose your resources in operator error.
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That's a good suggestion.