Base difficulty rating
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kill in the outpost fail when used as the only metric of difficulty. it doesn't account for changes in construction or if people quit due to time, difficulty, or patience. also trap combos affect diffculty heavily.
a iron claw with a acid cube below it is always going to be more lethal than a spike trap over the acid cube because the claw reels you in and the spike can't reach anywhere but over the acid that you'd normally try to avoid anyways.
what we need is a detailed readout of how each thing placed changes difficulty. not to simplify it down to a single metric.
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I'm going go include the patch notes directly related to the difficulty rating because it seems there is some confusion about how this is calculated.
There’s no right way to build an Outpost—and that’s a good thing. With traps and guards around every corner, players know to expect the unexpected when raiding Outposts. But what shouldn’t be unexpected is a difficulty spike after you’ve chosen an Outpost to raid. We want everyone’s journey to be as fun as possible, and that includes better accommodating different player preferences.
This new update brings an overhaul of the difficulty system that will make it easier for Raiders to choose the kind of Outposts they want to play. This change affects not only how difficulty is displayed, but also how it's calculated.
Previously, Outpost Danger Score (Normal, Hard, Brutal) was calculated solely on automated factors such as guard and trap placement in relation to the Harvester path. With patch 1.4 we made several tweaks to this system, taking into account trap density, trap combos, and many other factors. We’ve since made even more changes and fixed several bugs based on player feedback that resulted in more difficult Outposts appearing in the Normal category.
To give players a more accurate view of difficulty, we’ll be augmenting the standard Outpost categorizations of Normal, Dangerous and Brutal with a 10-point difficulty scale symbolized by skulls. The more skulls, you see, the deadlier the Outpost.
We’re also planning for this updated difficulty system to have a dynamic component that assesses both the Raider and the Outpost to make the difficulty score a living, breathing rating that can rise or fall depending on Raider performance. Factors such as skill level of the Raider, number of times they died, and more will be considered as the Outpost difficulty score gradually adjusts.
When Sector 2 launches, we'll be turning on this new dynamic component in the background to collect data, fine-tune the system, and to let initial ratings stabilize. Soon after, with our upcoming Mid-Sector update, we’ll be fully launching the dynamic Outpost difficulty system and rewards for players. The more you raid, the more accurate our difficulty system will be. So we’re calling on you, Custodians—raid as much as possible!
Whether you’re seeking a high-speed challenge or a slower, more calculated experience, we want Meet Your Maker to work for everyone. This system will help make raiding a more consistent experience and let you better choose the type of challenge you're after."
I went ahead and bolded the text I wanted to highlight. The system will become more accurate the more people raid. The raiders will get skill scores which will compare to the outpost scores which will in turn adjust each other over time. In other games, think Match Making Ranks or MMR. This is actually the most accurate way to determine the difficulty level of an outpost. So before judging the difficulty setting too harshly, I would suggest giving it some time to work itself out.