Why would the devs want to remove mazes as a base style entirely?

KopyKat Member Posts: 4

Alright, I can understand that some (probably most) players don't appreciate maze style maps, but adding a suit that just negates any hidden entrances or trick paths is NOT the answer. Probably 75% of my bases use these tools, and this ONE BIOLINK just removes them entirely. As if builders weren't limited enough already, now we have to deal with raiders knowing EXACTLY which blocks on the floor are fake, where decoy pathways are, and a perfectly straight pathway through ANYTHING even RESEMBLING a maze.

Like there are SO MANY other ways to help players through mazes; for instance, a paper trail biolink that tracks where you've been, or even a leash biolink that always has a tight line from where you came (idk how to explain this, like as if you had a spring-loaded coil of rope at the spawn that when you backtracked it just remains taut vs paper trail being pretty much you leaving muddy footprints)

But no. The devs don't like builders spending 100 of our precious build points to kill Harv so that the raiders can spend ten minutes running through a maze chased by 7 angry warmongers and would rather just remove another 10% of our building tools.


  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    i hate mazes. even with pathfinder i'll still not play them. make a maze where the routes continually loop back on itself and traverses up and down itself so that the path when displayed via pathfinder the pathfinder perk also shows the path HRV will walk, not the "VALID PATH" displayed in build mode. meaning if his way in routes over 2nd wave blocks cause it's shorter, pathfinder will show that route. if that path becomes invalid when they touch genmat, pathfinder will auto-change to the new "valid path" meaning they can't use it to back track your maze exactly unless they remember it. forcing them forward through new routes.

    it's also stupid hard to see with the ice tile under it. the light green is camouflaged well with the blue ice.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965
    edited September 2023

    I'd like to make a couple points here. First of all, there is clearly a widespread disdain for maze type maps. So putting in this particular custodian was not an accident on the devs part. Secondly, if you do like mazes either as a builder or a raider then there is nothing stopping you from making or playing maze maps. As a raider, just don't use the pathfinder perk. As a builder, you just need to find your people. Perhaps advertise the map as a maze. Then if someone actually wants the experience of a maze then they will go through it as the builder intended.