Feedback, Suggestions for quality of life improvements & general ideas.

Oldman79 Member Posts: 9

First of all.

I've been playing this game from day 1. I've always been drawn to games which has some kind of building included, and being able to build literally dungeons filled with death traps for other players to raid was near the perfect game for me.


After months of building one outpost after the other, the flaws really started to show. I legitimately experienced a burnout and my love for this game started to fade drastically and I just had to take a break. And I doubt that I am alone in this..

I do have a lot of ideas and suggestions though, which could change everything. For me at least...

1. The amount of raids your outposts receive are far from satisfying. I am aware that there's an enormous pool of outposts from players, and they all want to see their outposts being raided. I am honestly not sure how your system works regarding the visibility of players outposts, but I think that when a player first activate their outpost, it is visible until it has received a certain amount of raids or kills, and then pushed back in the line, to make space for the newly activated outposts. To reflect the amount of outposts and the size the pool, why not triple the amount of outposts to choose from in the raid menu? Instead of only one for each adviser, have 3 from each. This way, outposts that have received the amount of raids or kills, that would, as it is now, push them out of sight are instead pushed further down in the menu, but would still be visible for 2 "extra" rounds. Adding a "Shuffle button" could also be really nice. If none of the outposts that are presented to you, look interesting by the picture, just press the shuffle button to get a new set of outposts. Also.. Instead of having some outposts reward you with parts or some synthite, they all should reward you with synthite, since it's the resource we all need the most. I'm quite sure that most players tend to choose the outposts that reward synthite instead of the ones that reward parts. I know I am...

2. And now that I am on the subject of resources. BHVR.. PLEASE!!!... We need more synthite! My suggestions.. After leveling your Chimera 5 times, instead of the now 500 Cells, 250 Parts & 250 Synthite, change the amount of synthite to 500. With the daily challenges, instead of always having 2 rewarding cells and then maybe 2 rewarding parts or synthite, or 1 of each, change it to always having 2 rewarding synthite and let the cells take the place where synthite are now. Also, change amount rewarded to 250 regardless of the challenge and resource. Maybe add a higher tier of challenges that would reward 300. I'm sure that you can come up more difficult kinds of challenges. Otherwise, ask the community, as I know that there's plenty who have really great ideas. When raiding, the Ancient Tombs are great as they are now, but instead of having some traps or guards drop either parts or synthite, change it to guards only dropping synthite and traps only dropping parts. So if you end up needing parts after all, then you better destroy a lot of traps. It also makes a lot more sense having traps dropping only parts...

3. I know players have been asking for this for a long time. Having to enter your outposts to build, in order to prestige, activate or deactivate them, is extremely time consuming and very annoying. My suggestion is to add a 3. tab in the Command Center where you can Prestige your outposts and claim the resources dropped from raiders. It's great that you can see where raiders died when entering to build, but just let the dropped resources go straight to your wallet instead.

4. Another idea I had with this, since it's an always online game, why not develop an app for your mobile phone? Not where you can actually play the game, f... that, but an app where you can manage your outposts. Activate or deactivate them. Put them on overdrive or social. Prestige them if you meet the requirements, maybe even watch replays, while on the road. I am often on tour, out playing concerts, and I would absolutely LOVE being able to watch my replays from the back of the van and manage my outposts. We all have our unique builder names, which we can use for logging in, with our own unique passwords we use for our Steam, Playstation or XBox accounts. I think that could be a hit!

5. When you've completed a raid, you get to reward the builder with accolades. The accolades reward points you use for prestiges alongside with kills. But just now and then you stumble across an outpost that just blow your mind, and I feel accolades aren't enough in those cases. Why not add some kind of "Super Like" button? Receiving a Super Like, doesn't reward you with points or resources. A Super Like is "just" a personal nod to the builder for an outstanding job. The builder receiving a Super Like will be able to see who rewarded it, and thats it. It doesn't reward you with anything else than the recognition many builders deserve. The player giving a Super Like, will also add that particular outpost to a list of their favorite outposts, so they can return to the outposts, to play them again as Socials later on. Being able to commend players in the replay menu, who did a good job while raiding your maps, would also be really great.

6. Last, but definitely not least. I have been crying out loud about this from the very beginning. As it is now, we have 3 kinds of building blocks. The cube, the slope and the peak. And this is where I always have been wondering why we don't have something opposite the peak. With the peak you can build "outside corners" that are sloped. Pyramids for example, but we don't have a block to build sloped corners. An "inside corner".

I made this drawing to show you instead of trying to explain it. I am not perfect in my perspectives, but I am certain that you can see what I mean. It doesn't make sense to have the peak without its counterpart. Please consider adding this block to the game. It would add so many possibilities to our builds.

That's it for me. Best regards:

Builder: Shibito13


  • eyedeeoneohtee
    eyedeeoneohtee Member Posts: 34

    I think points 1 and 2 could both be solved if raiding dangerous and brutal outposts gave more synthite. What I've been finding is that I can spend 15 minutes building a 750 capacity normal outpost or several hours building a 4500 capacity brutal outpost, but the normal outpost will get twice as many kills because it gets so many more raids. They're not all new players either, a lot of them are level 100 or 200 but just don't seem to raid anything above normal.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    Shibito13, I'm admirer of your work. I've seen DakkaBooms raid several of your outposts. I agree with a number of the issues you have pointed out but I don't know if I agree with all the solutions.

    Point 1 - The number of raids at normal and dangerous are pretty reasonable imho. It's really only at brutal that the number of raids becomes lackluster. 3 to 5 raids on average just isn't enough for the time and prestige costs. I don't think anyone would argue this point. But there is just always going to be a disparity between the number of players raiding brutals vs the number of brutal bases available. I wouldn't mind having more options to choose from and I would love a reset button to get new bases to choose from but once an outpost reaches that 3-5 raids it will be pulled off the queue list for other outposts to get their raids in. Think about it this way, there is a finite amount of peanut butter to spread over a piece of bread. The peanut butter being raids and the bread being brutal outposts. No matter how big the piece of bread is, the amount of peanut butter doesn't change. Larger bread just means less peanut butter per given surface area.

    The solution I would propose is for there to be an option for a fixed amount of raids, say 10. Instead of an outpost only being active for a set amount of time, the outpost stays active until it has 10 raids. Each raid decreases the amount of gen mat for the builder by 1/10th. If an outpost takes 72 hours to get those 10 raids then so be it. But at least the builder is guaranteed a set amount of raids for prestiging their outpost each time.

    Point 2 - Agreed. The new daily system and Triple synthite weekends go a long, long way to helping out though.

    Point 3 - Agreed. Been asking for this for a while.

    Point 4 - Cool idea. I hope at some point in time it becomes a reality.

    Point 5 - I like the idea of a "super like" button but I would take it much, much further. I think each day, each player gets a vote token. If they come across an outpost that they really like then they can use their vote token on that base and it rewards the builder with 100 synthite. Over the course of a month, a set number of outposts per difficulty rating with the most votes gets featured in a special area. Below the Brutal category there should be a 4th option, the monthly featured outposts. Those outposts are available to raid for everyone but only offer the rewards for raiding once each. You can only vote for a particular outpost once per month but you can spend cells for extra votes each day if you want. 100 cells for the first extra vote and it doubles for each vote after that. This would also act as a bit of a resource sink for cells.

    Point 6 - Agreed. I would like a single block pyramid shape as well.