Comes In All Shapes, and Sizes!

Marcus_Soul Member Posts: 25

I was sitting here creating an outpost when suddenly I got the familiar chirping sound indicating I have upset the Gods of Order and broken Harvey's path.

In case you're wondering what in the world I am indicating here, It's that Harvey doesn't fit in the space underneath the peak concrete block...but we all know Harvey's ego isn't big enough to deny him the required space he rightfully deserves to get to the GenMat that he with? We do the work, Harvey! I don't know why you even have a GenMat light on your head!

Anyway, if you spin the peak onto its head and then rotate it, the point of the peak would move from corner to corner of the adjacent tile. It would be understandable the chirp would go off if you placed it anywhere on the tile, but since Harvey is making a left and the point of mentioned peak is to the far upper right corner of the tile, this should be a legal move, but it's not.

Contrast to this, a peak and a slope can be combined to mysteriously make a legal path for Harvey (You have no idea what occurred in my mind the day I discovered this was legal. A certain gif comes to mind) so given those concepts each in hand, it seems kind of silly this dynamic is illegal and feels imbalanced.

This illegal dynamic would seem natural if it were legal considering the nature of the slant of the block if it's farthest away from Harvey's path.


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    HRV paths are a little weird. I don't think you'll get an argument out of anyone saying otherwise. With that said, in this particular case I don't think HRV is wrong. If those surrounding blocks were full blocks it would be a little crowded getting through as a raider.