Why is the loot magnetization so terrible?

KopyKat Member Posts: 4

To be quite honest, if it doesn't get improved, I really would prefer that it got removed. It's far more annoying to run/grapple past some loot on the ground and have it fling itself off the path or far off to your left or whatever, than it is worth to have it magnetized to you. Unless it would get changed to being picked up like ammunition (even if it's in a much smaller radius) or a MUCH stronger pull strength/more powerful magnetization when it gets close to you (kind of like, you know, a REAL magnet...), please just give me the option to turn it off. Or maybe the devs are keeping it like this to add another suit ability in the future idk.


  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,965

    I personally love the loot magnetization. I could do without the noise when objects are being pulled to you. Or at least make the noise more subdued. But the magnetization of loot when you are hanging from a block and break a tomb is strong enough to prevent it from scattering all over the ground. That's all I really care about.