Leaching Plant

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Builder Name: Paul Padano
Outpost Name: Leaching Plant
The remains of the leaching plant.
“Most of us were asleep when they came. If it wasn’t for the thunder of their boots on the metal walkways, we would all have perished in our sleep.”
One night, approximately 1000 displaced Cult of the Lost fanatics approached and assaulted The Bastion, taking it by surprise and overwhelming local defenses.
Using their knowledge of the old refinery layout, the Cult members entered the facility through the old Copper mines and gained access to the massive Leaching plant.
Unopposed, they quickly they controlled and opened the main gates allowing their fanatics to storm inside.
Objective: Complete the Outpost and find the QR Code to continue the trail.
Optional Raid Challenge: Speed Run: In and out in less than 120 seconds.