New Player Guide
Cells - Red resource. Acquired from leveling up chimera and expeditions. Primarily used to unlock and upgrade stuff.
Parts - Blue resource. Acquired from expeditions, raid drops, and from kills in outposts you build. Primarily used to purchase hardware and upgrade stuff.
Synthite - Orange resource. Acquired from expeditions, raid drops, and from kills in outposts you build. Primarily used for building, both in terms of purchasing outposts and prestiging/resetting outposts.
Each advisor allows you to purchase and/or upgrade stuff. Each advisor also has a boost they can give you which gives a temporary bonus and costs resources. Each boost is available in 3 different ranks which effect the quality of the boost. The duration of the bonus increases as you level up the advisor. The max level of advisors is 100 at which time a boost lasts a little over 4 hours.
Suits - Prosarmogi - visit this advisor to unlock and upgrade suits. Boost - information for outposts prior to entering. At rank 3 the boost will give you the exact length of the HRV path, the quantity of the two most common guards/traps, and the exact number of guards and traps in the outpost. This is without question the best advisor boost and costs 150 cells at rank 3.
Traps - Prota - visit this advisor to unlock and upgrade traps. Boost - Increases synthite (orange) drop rate. (this does not increase the amount of resources drops give you. It only increases the % chance of a resource dropping in the first place)
Guards - Metamorph - visit this advisor to unlock and upgrade guards. Boost - Increases prestige acquired from your outposts. The only time you should ever activate this boost is if you are trying to get a PSN trophy or the equivalent for whatever platform you are on. It is literally worthless.
Hardware - Elpida - visit this advisor to unlock and resupply consumable hardware. Hardware costs parts (blue). Each hardware costs 20 parts each except for phoenix pods which cost 30. Boost - Increases gen mat acquired when raiding. Generally not worth the cost of the boost. Cells (red) can be earned by gaining gen mat and leveling up the chimera but starting out, parts (blue) are the real bottleneck.
Weapons - Chrona - visit this advisor to unlock and upgrade weapons. If you are just starting out then I'd strongly recommend unlocking and upgrading weapons as your first priority. Weapons and their performance will have a much stronger impact on your success as a raider compared to custodian suit perks. Boost - increases drop rate of parts. Since parts are the real bottleneck at the start of the game, I think a good argument could be made for using this boost if you plan on grinding for a while. Once you have everything unlocked and upgraded then parts are still useful to purchase hardware. But generally, you will acquire far more parts then you will need to resupply used hardware. Most people don't use this boost for that reason.
You can bring any combination of two weapons with you into a raid. You can bring 2 ranged, 2 melee, or even 2 defensive weapons if you like.
- Volt Lancer - This is your default ranged weapon when starting out and honestly the best weapon in the game in terms of versatility. Breaks traps, kills guards, and breaks armor. The bolts are fairly heavy and you'll need to account for the arc in long range shots but the range is still far enough that you can outrange any traps or guards with it. This should be the first thing you upgrade. The only real downsides to the volt lancer is the limited ammo capacity and moderate fire rate.
- Falconic Plasmabow - This weapon excels at killing guards. If you use the suit advisor boost to gain intel on an outpost and you see the outpost has a lot of guards in it then this is the ideal weapon. This weapon has excellent range with very little drop off on the bolts so you can accurately snipe guards. The plasmabow does not break armor or traps however. So when you are killing guards with armor you will need to aim for the fleshy parts. While the plasmabow does not destroy traps, it is also not completely useless against a number of traps either. Plasmabow is excellent for checking for holocubes. It can also be used to shoot down the grappler on claw traps. It can actually shoot down most projectiles though that often isn't very practical. Fully upgraded, you get a very generous 15 bolts with the plasmabow and the plasmabow has a high rate of fire.
- Demolition Cannon - If you like to make things go "boom" then this is the weapon for you. Think "grenade launcher". Fully upgraded, it has a surprising ammo capacity of 4. This weapon destroys both guards and traps. It ignores armor (doesn't break armor but armor doesn't protect against it either). This weapon is strong against what players refer to as "killboxes" or outposts with excessive traps/guards in a confined space. Well placed grenades can destroy multiple threats. It is excellent against second wave warmonger/assassin rush downs. It is the ideal weapon against some outposts but it does have it's weaknesses too. Demolition cannon isn't very good against flying threats like hornets or traps placed on ceilings. You will need to bounce the grenades off another surface to get those. It also is pretty easy for builders to make ammo traps for the demo cannon too.
- Fury's Edge - this is your default melee weapon. This weapon has a fast attack rate, breaks traps and kills guards. It can also deflect bolts and break projectiles. This weapon does not break armor though so you will need to accurately aim at fleshy parts of guards if they are armored. It also has a small lunge range.
- Sledgeblade - this is the slower, harder hitting melee option. You give up the ability to deflect bolts with the sledgeblade but you gain the ability to break armor and have a much longer lunge range. It is possible to eliminate multiple threats with a single swing of the sledgeblade but it requires some skill and ideal conditions.
- Arc Barrier - while this "weapon" has virtually no offensive capabilities, it is extremely powerful at protecting the raider. Activating the arc barrier protects the raider from threats against every angle of attack. It provides defense against every type of attack too. Bombs, acid, flames, whatever. Activating the arc barrier immediately before a threat would impact you will provide a perfect defense bonus which extends the duration of the shield. If you want to speed run outposts then this is the ideal weapon to bring. It is possible to reflect lasers to destroy traps with the arc barrier too. The arc barrier deactivates if you use a weapon though so bear that in mind.
- Lodestar - this is the defensive option that doesn't deactivate when you use an offensive weapon. It creates a barrier that you can shoot through but hostile weapons will not go through. It lasts longer and refreshes faster than the arc barrier too. The cooldown does not begin until a current shield wears off or is deactivated early. The lodestar barrier can also be grappled to by the raider (for better or worse). The lodestar barrier does not stop an enemy guard from passing through it. This makes defending against warmongers quite tricky with the lodestar. You will need to time the activation of the shield carefully and aim slightly up to block the blades. You need to be careful about how you angle the shield when protecting yourself against bolt or flame traps too. If you angle it wrong then the threat will go under/over the shield. If the lodestar shield is placed within range of certain traps then it will destroy the trap. Impalers and death pistons will be destroyed when coming in contact with the shield. You do need to angle the shield down if you are standing on the trap though as it won't break until it makes contact with the shield so if the trap makes contact with you first then you will still die. The lodestar shield will also deflect lasers which can be used to the raider's benefit.
These are your consumable items that you bring with you into raids. You can resupply from Elpida in the sanctuary. There is no limit on how many hardware you can purchase but once you reach 1,000 or more of any item then it will be displayed as 999+. Though there isn't a limit on how many you can own, there is a limit on how many you can bring into a raid. You can only have 2 of each type except for blast grenades which you can bring 3.
- Blast Grenades - regular old grenades. They work exactly like they do in any game. Great for when you run out of ammo or want to conserve ammo and eliminate multiple threats.
- Flash Barrier - using this creates a temporary bubble that shields you from attacks. The barrier itself will break traps it comes into contact with. Be careful when using a flash barrier in your body placement. If even your big toe is sticking out and there is a flame trap or explosion outside the barrier then you will still die. The flash barrier is an outstanding tool to use when dealing with particularly nasty outposts with a high threat density in an area. The flash barrier will push out projectiles like bombs when activated. Guards can pass through the barrier though. If a ranged guard like an enforcer is sticking the barrel of their gun through the arc barrier then it will still kill you. Also, dead man switches on guards are effective against arc barrier. I love the flash barrier and rarely unequip it for what it's worth.
- Phoenix Pods - These are this games version of an extra life. Place one down and when you die, you are revived where the phoenix pod was placed and the pod is consumed. Whatever progress you've made through the level is saved. You can only have one phoenix pod active at a time. If you place a second one down while there is already a phoenix pod in play then the first one is destroyed. Also when you collect the gen mat, any existing phoenix pod is destroyed. This is the most expensive hardware but is still quite affordable and well worth it.
- Spike Drive - These give a temporary speed boost to the raider. The speed boost stacks with other speed boosts like enhancements or suit perks but does not stack with itself. With some outposts sometimes the simplest solution is to just out run all the threats. This is especially true with second wave outposts where there is couple seconds after collecting the gen mat before they become active.
The custodian suits in MYM have biolinks (think perks from other games) that increase the raiders performance during raids. Mastering a biolink will allow it to be swapped for other mastered biolinks from different suits. Once all biolinks from all suits are mastered, the suits are effectively cosmetic in nature.
Ironside - This suit specializes in increasing the raiders capabilities with ranged weapons.
- Magnetic Link - increases the distance that you can pick up bolts. Once this reaches rank 3, raiders can effectively pick up bolts through walls if the builder hasn't properly insulated their outpost.
- Shot Tracker - this biolink allows the raider to see their spent bolts through walls and increases the distance with each rank. This makes it far easier to retrieve bolts.
- Rapid Fire - increases the fire rate of ranged weapons. Personally, this is the biolink I would swap out as the base fire rate on weapons is already reasonable.
Kamaitachi - This suit specializes in increasing the raiders capabilities with melee weapons.
- Frenzy - increases run speed after destroying a trap or guard for 4 seconds. At rank 3 the bonus is 30% which is a very large movement speed bonus. This biolink is one of the strongest incentives to use melee weapons.
- Gap Closer - increases lunge range. Largely pointless if you are using fury's edge since the bonus is percentage based and fury's edge has a tiny lunge range to begin with. This biolink is pretty decent with sledgeblade though.
- Quick Strike - does what it says on the label. Increases lunge speed.
Nautilus - This suit specializes in increasing the raiders capabilities with defensive weapons.
- Counter Charge - enhances the effect of a perfect block. Arc Barrier increases the duration and Lodestar increases the size the shield (unsure on duration).
- Block Lock - increases the time to perform a perfect block. When I run Nautilus, this is my swap out biolink. It's okay. It does what it says it does. But perfect blocks aren't that hard to do without this biolink anyway.
- Surge Override - decreases the recharge time of defensive weapons. I can not overstate how good this biolink is. If you are running a defensive weapon then you should be running this biolink. Period.
Overseer - This suit specializes in scouting.
- Slipstreamer - when you have this biolink equipped, if you hold the jump button then you will glide. If you are using a console controller then I'd strongly recommend switching your control set up so that jump is R1.
- Pathfinder - this is an incredibly powerful biolink. It makes it so you can see the HRV path. Never get lost again. Avoid all pitfall traps. Increase efficiency and save time when grinding through outposts.
- Scavenger - makes it so you can see dropped resource nodes through walls as well as tomb locations. The tombs make a lot of noise so they aren't usually too hard to find and many builders just mark the path to them anyway. I would virtually never use this biolink unless I hadn't mastered it to swap out.
Recommended loadouts. Take all this with a grain of salt. These are simply my recommendations and you won't be able to initially do this anyway until you have mastered enough biolinks to swap them around. But maybe this will give you some insight as to which biolinks to master first so you can swap them out. My default hardware is flash barrier and phoenix pods for all builds.
Speed Runner: volt lancer and arc barrier. This is my default loadout. Biolinks: Counter Charge, Surge Override, Pathfinder
Ranged build: volt lancer and demo cannon for trap heavy maps, volt lancer and plasmabow for guard heavy maps. Biolinks: Magnetic Link, Shot Tracker, Pathfinder.
Double swords: fury's edge and sledgeblade. I like to run this on arena style maps. Biolinks: Frenzy, Gap Closer, Pathfinder
Sword and Board: Sledgeblade and Arc Barrier Biolinks: same as speed runner except maybe swap out Counter Charge for either Gap Closer or Frenzy
Enhancements are acquired from completing raids in expeditions. Enhancements are like boosts that get consumed when you use them. They last for the entire duration of a raid even if you die and the map resets. You can have up to 3 enhancements active at a time. Once you complete a raid, the enhancements you had equipped will remain equipped. So unless you want to consume them again in the next raid you will need to unequip them in the sanctuary or once you enter the next raid before you move and your loadout is determined. You can switch out enhancements mid raid but it will still consume whatever enhancement you had equipped prior.
Enhancements can effect most performance aspects of raiders including movement speed, ammo or hardware capacity, as well unique effects. Don't be afraid to use these. The only ones wasted are the ones that go unused. Enhancements are not consumed when in social raids so feel free to experiment with them there. The only enhancements I would recommend not consuming is at least one copy of each epic enhancement so you can use them in social raids forever.
Expeditions come in 3 classifications of difficulty. Normal, dangerous and brutal. You can freely switch between the various difficulties without losing progress. Each expedition has 6 outposts in it. Completing all 6 outposts and collecting the reward nodes will finish the expedition and award expedition points. Normal expeditions award 50 expedition points, dangerous give 75 points and brutal award 100 points. You can also earn expedition points by completing daily challenges. Each daily challenge is worth 25 points and there are 4 different challenges issued daily.
100 expedition points are needed to earn each reward on the expedition reward track. Once you have collected all the rewards in the reward track, there is an infinite cycle of rewards available. These rewards take 200 expedition points to earn. There are various cosmetics as well as any previous seasons uncollected reward track prizes can be earned this way. Once all of those are collected, you will be given either 6 epic or 9 rare of a random enhancement.
Co-op Playing:
You can either raid or build with another player so long as they are on the same platform. It doesn't have to be the same generation either. PS4 players can play with PS5 players for instance. Any rewards collected from expeditions are shared including expedition points from completing an expedition. Players can save up reward nodes and invite players to collect them. When raiding, co-op players can revive each other infinitely. Raid partners can kill each other and those kills are given credit to the builder. It is generally a good idea for co-op raiders to separate when collecting gen mat to avoid 2nd wave deaths. When co-op building, the outpost is the host's outpost and co-op partner will have access to the same building blocks, decals, etc. as the host.
Purchasing outposts - there are a number of values and attributes attached to each building plot. The sector, size, capacity, gen mat, cost and name. The sector is purely cosmetic and determines the surrounding environment as well as the appearance of bedrock and the various machinery. There are 3 sizes of outpost plots available. Small, medium and large. Each size plot increases the amount of tombs by 1. Each size also has a range of capacity available to it.
Small plots have a range of capacity from 750 to 1500. Medium has a range of 2000 to 3000. Large have a range of 3500 to 4500. Gen mat amount is independent of the size of the plot. Gen mat comes in three different amounts. 4500 which lasts 12 hours, 6750 which lasts 18 hours, and 9000 which lasts for 24 hours. The cost of the outpost varies based on lot size, gen mat amount and capacity. The names of the outposts are randomly taken from a pool of available names and are not unique to each outpost. There is no way to change the name of an outpost.
Activating outposts - there are only four requirements that need to be met to activate an outpost. It needs a valid HRV (commonly referred to as Harvey) trail. It needs a minimum amount of defense consisting of guards and/or traps placed in the outpost. The outpost needs gen mat for raiders to raid (outposts have gen mat available when first purchased but once the gen mat runs out the outpost needs to be prestiged or reset to get more gen mat). The player also needs an open slot to activate an outpost. Each player is allowed to have up to 5 active outposts at a given time. If you have 5 active outposts and you want to activate another outpost then you will either have to de-activate an outpost or wait until one runs out of gen mat.
Building an outpost - players have an immense amount of freedom to build in MYM. Naturally it is against the rules to build offensive stuff. No genitals, swear words, etc. But outside of that, build what you want. You are free to make your outpost as difficult or easy as you want. My recommendation is to build the outpost that you would want to raid. If you come across a really fun outpost or something with clever traps then feel free to steal the idea. That's how we collectively elevate the game. By borrowing and improving from each other. But those are only recommendations. As long as you aren't breaking the game rules then build whatever you want.
Dynamic difficulty - this was introduced with expeditions 2.0. It is a system by which outposts are assigned a difficulty rating from half a skull up to five skulls (10 total difficulties). The initial difficulty rating is assigned by the game based on criteria made by game devs. These criteria have not been made available to players but players have been able to figure out a number of factors that effect the calculated difficulty such as number of traps, and proximity of traps to the Harvey Path, and number of traps with overlapping trigger areas. Traps like sentry beam and plasma sentinel will have a higher impact on danger rating since their trigger range covers more of the HRV trail. Once you activate the outpost, the difficulty rating may change based on the results of raiders. If raiders are breezing through with few deaths then the rating will drop. If it is murdering the crap out of raiders then it will go up.
Normal, dangerous, brutal - based on the skull rating, outposts are assigned into a broader category of difficulty. Normal outposts are those with 1 or less skulls. Dangerous outposts have 1.5 to 2.5 skulls. Brutal outposts have 3 or more skulls. As a general rule, the easier an outpost is, the more raids it will receive per activation.
Outposts can have a maximum of 20 guards. All guards except hornet and assassin will die if they drop the equivalent of 2 or more blocks distance. Guards can have up to 2 augments equipped. All guards have access to the following augments: Armor (changes appearance and provides protection on certain parts of their body), Bloodlust (causes the guard to chase after the raider if able if another nearby guard becomes alerted to the raider), Deadman's Switch (causes the guard to explode when killed), Relentless (increases attack rate), Adrenal Converter (increases in combat move speed), Optical Implant (increases the guards vision range at which they will become alerted to raiders by 2 blocks) and Short Leash (guards with this mod will not move far from their patrol path). Of all the augments, armor is the most effective and should be your first upgrade for guards.
- Enforcer (cost 50) - This is your basic bolt firing grunt. Armor augment only covers the chest. Effective unit at all ranges. Unique augment eliminates the arc of enforcer bolt and gives it a slight heat seeker effect. (so slight as it is almost unnoticeable)
- Warmonger (cost 50) - This is your close range warrior unit. Armor covers both chest and legs but the back is completely vulnerable. The head and various gaps in armor in the front can also be hit. The warmonger is particularly effective in groups at close range or as an obstruction in threat heavy areas. The warmonger is also effective as a bloodlust unit from a flank position. Unique augment flamewalker makes the warmonger invulnerable to fire from flame traps.
- Hornet (cost 70) - This is the only flying guard. Armor covers the chest. Easiest place to aim is wings or legs. The hornet has slow moving, heat seeking balls of plasma. The hornet is most effective in open spaces. Unique augment adds a slow field to missed shots that distorts the raiders vision and makes them move much slower while in it but grappling works normally.
- Cannonback (cost 70) - This guard fires bombs in an arc. Armor covers chest and legs. Easiest place to hit from the front is the arm with the cannon on it. Cannonbacks are most effective from a raised position. Unique augment will cause the cannonback to explode if the raider comes in close proximity. It is very difficult to take advantage of this augment though.
- Ravager (cost 50) - This is your shotgun grunt. Armor is chest only. It is most effective at close to mid range. Unique augment combat ready slightly reduces the time it takes for the ravager to engage raiders as well as making it harder to sneak up or attack the ravager from behind. It is generally believed that bloodlust augment is just more effective.
- Assassin (cost 50) - This unit has a predator-like cloaking field making it difficult to see and it attacks with a dash attack. Armor is chest only. The assassin has the unique ability to not take fall damage allowing the assassin to take unique pathing options. The assassin's dash attack is particularly effective over sloped areas as the dash will follow the contours. The assassin is also very tall making it effective at blocking a raiders path. The assassin is often paired with warmongers in close range situations.
- Burster (cost 50) - guard moves very quickly when alerted to raiders and spews large quantities of acid puddles when in close proximity to raider. The acid puddles will kill other guards. Raiders can simply bunny hop to avoid being killed by the acid puddles. Guard isn't very threatening on it's own for these reasons but can still serve a couple purposes. Burster is very good as a distraction since it moves really fast and sends out a lot of alerts making it difficult to ignore. Burster also has the unique trait of being immune to acid. As such, burster can take unique pathing options or any number of clever tricks.
Traps can have up to 2 mods equipped which change the way the trap behaves and/or looks. Traps have an activation range which the builder can see when in build mode (L2 and then triangle on PS controller). Each trap has a unique sound made when activated. Traps are more effective when used in conjunction with each other and with distractions and from unexpected angles. Italic mods are ones I would prioritize in purchasing first as they are particularly effective.
Corrosive Cube (cost 20) - indestructible trap that will kill the raider if they are exposed to it for a short period of time. It is possible for raiders to safely travel through a single block of corrosive cube if they travel quickly with the grappler or falling. By using the arc barrier it is possible to travel through multiple corrosive cubes. Corrosive cubes are often abbreviated as CC. Even though you can see and pass through a corrosive cube, traps do not trigger through a corrosive cube.
- Opaque - makes the trap cloudy so the raider can't see through it.
- Hardened Skin - makes the trap solid so raiders can't pass through it.
- Splatter - makes it so an acid blob comes out if a projectile hits the corrosive cube.
- Spontaneous - makes it so the corrosive cube regular sends out balls of acid. This mod has been nerfed several times and is still extremely strong. Serves the purpose of pushing raiders out of an area.
- 2nd wave - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Boltshot (cost 50) - fires a volley of bolts in a single direction. The bolts are subject to gravity and fall down over time. Once the trap is triggered, it will deactivate.
- Hunter - makes the bolts track raiders. Very effective and popular mod especially when used in combination with opaque corrosive cubes.
- Overshot - increases both the activation and effective range of boltshot by 2 blocks.
- Relentless - changes the trap so it fires it's bolts rapidly over time instead of one volley. This is particularly effective against raiders using fury's edge since it is more difficult to deflect the bolts.
- Double Down - allows boltshot to fire a second volley. Trap deactivates after second volley.
- 2nd wave - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Impaler (cost 30) - has an activation and kill range of one block in one direction. Deactivates after it is triggered.
- Unrelenting - makes it so the trap will activate repeatedly.
- Blockade - increases the duration that the trap stays extended.
- Self Destruct - makes it so the trap explodes after it is destroyed. This mod is popular with "xp" or "farm" style outposts since they can be chained together so a large number of traps are exploded with a single trap being destroyed.
- Red Hot - makes it so the sides of the trap are lethal if a raider touches them. This also briefly extends the duration that the trap remains extended. Stacks with blockade.
- 2nd wave - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Iron Claw (cost 30) - non-lethal trap that extends a claw on a chain and drags raiders back to the claw trap. This trap is often paired with an impaler to kill the raider when they reach the claw trap or corrosive cubes to drag the raider through acid so they die on the way back to the claw trap. Claw traps will activate repeatedly if they fail to catch a raider but will deactivate once a raider is caught.
- Quick Launch - makes the claw travel faster once activated.
- Greased Chain - makes the claw trap reel in faster once it catches the raider.
- Catch & Release - immediately drops a raider once they are reeled in.
- Self Destruct - same as impaler.
- Double Down - makes it so the trap doesn't deactivate if it has reeled in a raider or had the claw itself broken once. It will deactivate after the second time though.
- 2nd wave - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Incinerator (cost 70) - sends out a wall of flames for a distance of 4 blocks in one direction. Death isn't instantaneous but is very fast. This trap fires repeatedly until destroyed.
- Dragon's Breath - extends detection and kill range by one block.
- Eruption - creates a very small range explosion in the area next to incinerator. Very rarely used but serves the purpose of breaking holocubes to release guards. This should be one of the last upgrades you purchase.
- Firestorm - increases the duration that the trap is activated.
- Napalm - leaves an area on fire where the flame trap hits.
- 2nd wave - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Plasma Sentinel (cost 70) - like the corrosive cube, this trap takes the space of an entire block. It fires plasma balls and has a detection range of 360 degrees around itself. Combined with an impressive range this trap is effective in larger areas. This trap fires repeatedly until destroyed.
- Eagle Eye - increases the range of plasma sentinel.
- Plasma Cloud - creates a ball of energy where the plasma orb strikes. The cloud is lethal if the raider spends too much time in it. This was once very oppressive but has been nerfed a few times to the point where it isn't very effective anymore.
- Self Destruct - when the trap is destroyed it creates a plasma cloud around the trap. This can be quite effective in tight spaces. It is also a fairly effective counter measure for builders against flash barrier.
- 2nd wave - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Holocube (cost 10) - Non-lethal trap designed for deception. Holocubes take on the appearance of bedrock and disappear when a raider is in detection range or when hit by a projectile. Guards can pass through holocubes without breaking the holocube. The key to making holocubes work is to place them in a location where it is believable that bedrock would exist. Holocubes can also be used for advanced level building techniques. For example, a builder can set up a situation where the raider triggers a trap which would then break a holocube with the masquerade mod which had a hidden guard blocked off. The guard could then path to a flanking position on the raider or drop far enough to fall through a corrosive cube with opaque mod on it. The guard would have deadman's switch augment causing the guard to explode on the raider from an unexpected angle. Holocubes can do many things with some imagination.
- Eagle Eye - increases detection range by 2 blocks.
- Masquerade - stops guards from passing through the holocube.
- Picture Perfect - makes the holocube harder to detect (holocubes have a slight haze or subtle motion to their surface).
- 2nd wave - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Bomb Ejector (cost 70) - The bomb ejector is a pretty good test of how experienced a builder is. Experienced builders will go out of their way to build around bomb ejectors in such a way that once triggered the bombs split off in different directions to kill raiders if they try to outrun the bombs and/or if they back up to an area they think is safe. One of the signs to look out for are corrosive cubes with the opaque mod on it. The bombs can freely pass through these while hiding their direction of travel. Arc barrier and flash barrier are extremely effective against this trap. This trap has a detection range of 4 blocks and deactivates once triggered.
- Chaos Bombs - makes the bombs bounce in an unpredictable manner.
- Spring Load - pushes the bombs out of the ejector with more velocity.
- Heavyweight Bombs - the bombs are larger and move less when hitting surfaces. This is a very difficult mod to get positive use out of. Purchase this upgrade last if at all.
- Eagle Eye - increases the detection range by 2 blocks.
- 2nd wave - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Death Piston (cost 50) - Death Piston is good at punishing raiders for carelessly running through an outpost. The death piston is always active unless it is placed inside a holocube. The death piston will stop pounding briefly if HRV is traveling past it. Death pistons also make a great distraction since they are so noisy.
- Burning Piston (15) - this will make it so when the piston is extended, if a raider touches the side of the piston it will kill them. Fantastic to use against speed runners. Highly recommend.
- Pulverize (15) - this makes the piston pump much faster.
- Blockade (15) - this makes the piston remain in the extended position longer.
- Unstable (15) - this makes the piston pump in an erratic manner.
- Self Destruct (15) - the trap will explode when destroyed.
- 2nd wave (5) - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Sentry Beam (cost 50) - This trap has a large cone shaped trigger area. Once activated, the trap will track the raider and then after a brief warning, a laser will be fired that ricochets twice. Arc barrier, lodestar and flash barrier will all reflect the laser. Sentry beam and bomb ejector are the two traps most likely to cause defense backfires. This trap will fire repeatedly until destroyed.
- Overamplify (15) - causes the sentry beam to ricochet 2 additional times.
- Burst Beam (15) - causes the trap to fire more quickly but has a shorter duration.
- Pinball (15) - causes the ricochet laser to be more unpredictable. In practice it is very difficult to notice this effect. Buy this upgrade last if at all.
- Target Lock (15) - trap tracks the raider more quickly. This mod description is rather misleading though. The trap does track the raider more quickly but it also makes the laser take longer to fire. Typically this mod isn't worth using.
- 2nd wave (5) - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Launch Pad (cost 50) - Non-lethal trap that flings the raider. Basically the opposite of the grapple trap. While this trap is non-lethal, it does have the fastest activation speed of any trap and if the raider is successfully flung then it usually is into a corrosive cube which usually does result in lethality. The camouflage mod on certain blocks is very difficult to notice too. Trap deactivates after it is triggered.
- Camouflage (5) - makes the trap more difficult to see. This is usually more effective on dark colored blocks like wood block or metal pipes. If this is on the bastion block with the circle side, the trap is kind of covered by the block itself.
- Unrelenting (5) - trap will trigger until destroyed.
- Full Force (5) - the trap will fling raiders further.
- 2nd wave (5) - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Death Blossom (cost 70) - The death blossom is a full block trap similar to plasma sentinel. The base version will send out up to 2 mines that hover nearby in a random open direction. The death blossom is itself a mine that will explode if a raider gets too close. So it is a mine that deploys mines. If you want the mines to be sent in a specific direction then you can just block the sides in the direction you don't want mines with other blocks. The mines have a spherical cloud of particle effects displaying the range the mines will explode. It is possible for raiders to detonate the mines by proximity without being killed. The floating mines can be destroyed by most lethal sources including friendly fire. The floating mines will also deactivate if a projectile passes through the energy field. If the trap itself is destroyed then the mines will deactivate.
- Extra Mines (20) - spawns up to 2 extra floating mines.
- Independence (10) - the floating mines aren't destroyed when the trap is destroyed.
- Overdrive (10) - the mines are spawned faster.
- 2nd Wave (5) - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Update for 2/6/24 patch
New Guard:
Burster (cost 50) - guard moves very quickly when alerted to raiders and spews large quantities of acid puddles when in close proximity to raider. The acid puddles will kill other guards. Raiders can simply bunny hop to avoid being killed by the acid puddles. Guard isn't very threatening on it's own for these reasons but can still serve a couple purposes. Burster is very good as a distraction since it moves really fast and sends out a lot of alerts making it difficult to ignore. Burster also has the unique trait of being immune to acid. As such, burster can take unique pathing options or any number of clever tricks.
New Trap:
Death Blossom (cost 70) - The death blossom is a full block trap similar to plasma sentinel. The base version will send out up to 2 mines that hover nearby in a random open direction. The death blossom is itself a mine that will explode if a raider gets too close. So it is a mine that deploys mines. If you want the mines to be sent in a specific direction then you can just block the sides in the direction you don't want mines with other blocks. The mines have a spherical cloud of particle effects displaying the range the mines will explode. It is possible for raiders to detonate the mines by proximity without being killed. The floating mines can be destroyed by most lethal sources including friendly fire. The floating mines will also deactivate if a projectile passes through the energy field. If the trap itself is destroyed then the mines will deactivate.
- Extra Mines (20) - spawns up to 2 extra floating mines.
- Independence (10) - the floating mines aren't destroyed when the trap is destroyed.
- Overdrive (10) - the mines are spawned faster.
- 2nd Wave (5) - trap remains hidden until the raider gets the gen mat.
Post edited by Dreamnomad on1 -
Some general tips for new players:
- Don't give up. I mean that in the don't quit the game altogether sense. This is a game where players die frequently especially when learning. Death isn't a big deal in MYM. You basically just lose a little bit of time resetting. But you keep any resources and experience earned. Even if you die 100 times and complete a mission, you'll still gain rank progress. Learn from your mistakes and you'll die a lot less.
- If you are finding a particular map frustrating or if you just don't think the map is worth the time and effort then you can always abandon that particular map. Once you are back at the command console, you can abandon the map and get a new one into your expedition. But you do have to at least load into a map before you can abandon it and get a new one.
- Use phoenix pods. They are this games version of an extra life. The higher the difficulty, the more you'll need these. Yes, they cost 30 parts and you'll want parts to unlock upgrades and stuff but the amount of time you'll save not completely resetting is worth it.
- When you first begin unlock stuff, focus on completely upgrading weapons before moving onto suits.
- Discord is the most active location to interact with other MYM players. This game has an amazing community that wants the game to grow and thrive. Plenty of players are there that will be more than happy to answer any questions you have or give advice. You can find the discord here:
- If you are the visual learning type then I'd recommend watching DakkaBooms on YouTube. He's an enthusiastic player that raids a lot of amazing outposts submitted to him as well as just showing his brutal expeditions. If you see him running around with double swords, don't assume that is the optimal meta though. Newer players would be better served sticking with ranged weapons. You can find him here: