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Builders get NERFED every time.

Beflap Member Posts: 8
edited March 5 in Feedback

I, as a builder, want to give the raider absolute HELL. I see this game as chess. I make sure every square the raider moves has consequences, making sure the raider has to adjust constantly. No safe spots. But there is a problem. The raiders always get the advantage over time. Traps get more expensive or are being nerfed.

When I used to build a map, I always have to take into account that players use:

  • Duo players
  • Hardware (2 shields, 2 phoenix pods)
  • Grenade launcher

Only these 3 require me to build in such a way that it will use up all my 'currency' very quickly.

Nowadays raiders get more stuff to work with:

  • Enhancements (5 shields and phoenix pods)
  • Crossbow destroys traps
  • More ammo for every ranged weapon
  • More speed and range

As a builder that don't want you to complete the map (easely), I simply cannot compete with all these extra's that are being given to the raider. Just with the 5 shields it's like they are walking casually through the park. What is even the point of providing quality maps like this?

This should go both ways. More stuff for the raider, more stuff for the builder. I do appreciate the updates with more traps and mods for variety, but still there is a limit in how many different traps you can use in one map. This is not enough. A possible solution for the builder:

  • 1 extra mod for a trap
  • 1 extra mod for guard
  • All 13 traps (now 9 out of 13 are allowed)
  • Through enhancements, more 'currency' to use more traps

I remember when traps activated through second wave corrosive cubes. Where are those days?



    SAWII Member Posts: 92

    It's less about nerfing builders and more about trying to encourage people to raid brutal (which is over saturated as it is.) Brutals typically only get 3, maybe 4 raids per cycle. What do you expect will happen to those numbers if Brutal becomes even more difficult? When there are a decent number of people raiding Brutal, then it would make sense to talk about buffing building accordingly. But until then, take pride in the fact that you're killing raiders even though they have it so "easy".

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,847

    I actually agree about increasing the number of mods/augments for traps and guards. But I do think there should be an additional cost of +10 capacity for any extra mods or augments beyond two. I think that would be fair. As far as the limitations for the number of types of traps and guards, I don't think that is really done for the purposes of restricting builders from killing raiders so much as it has to do with limiting the amount of stuff that has to be loaded into the map to keep load times reasonable. Same reason there is a limit the the amount of different types of blocks and props builders can use.