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  • Houndmaster's search still feels awful, even with today's patch. Just go to RPD, stand in a few locations on the top floor of the main lobby, and try to target the search command to various places on the ground in the main lobby. And then try to actually target the generators on the bottom floor, even though the killer is…
  • The only thing most people on these forums agree on… Is that problematic killer behavior, like camping, slugging, and tunneling, is incredibly easy for any killer to do, in any game, with any perks, and any addons… and that the requirements for problematic killer behavior is so very very low, that people can constantly see…
  • This game could never have a perk contest based on community voting, because there would be way more survivor-sided votes than killer-sided votes. That would ensure the most powerful survivor perks would get chosen, and the weakest killer perks would get chosen.
  • That auto-sacrificed the survivors the split second after the last survivor was slugged for like 0.5 seconds. That's not the same thing at all. Survivors might have unbreakable or exponential, or they might be able to self-unhook, or they might be able to crawl out an open exit game. But if all the survivors have been…
  • That doesn’t make a difference. If all the survivors are slugged, and they have 0 hook states, it’s a poor game decision to hook any of them, because they might self unhook and save their teammates. The bigger question is “why doesn’t the game automatically end after all the survivors have been slugged for over 60…
  • There is still a risk that some of the survivors could escape, if the killer tried to hook any of them. 3 gens in a 3v1 isn’t a guaranteed killer win, especially if some of the generators already have repair progress, and especially if the other 3 survivors have 0 hook states.
  • It' would be a bad game decision for the killer to hook any of those survivors, because they all have 0 hooks, and therefore have a chance to self unhook and pick up their teammates.
  • Killers have so many strategies that are considered unhealthily. Survivors should be allowed to have at least one strategy that is considered unhealthy.
  • Making Wake Up +12.5% if only 1 survivor is fine, but 50% if 2 or more survivors are alive, is buffing a team-oriented perk.
  • Anti-tunneling suggestions usually don’t include compensation buffs for chasing different survivors. Anti-slugging suggestions usually don’t include compensation buffs for hooking survivors. The anti-facecamp mechanic didn’t give killers compensation buffs for leaving a hooked survivor.
  • My suggestion is a huge buff for everything except only one survivor being alive. It should be good for everyone….. except the people that specifically want to use the perk as the last survivor alive.
  • My suggestion is a huge buff for everything except only one survivor being alive. It should be good for everyone….. except the people that specifically want to use the perk as the last survivor alive.
  • Sole Survivor should be reworked, and Wake Up should have a limited value if only one survivor is alive. Making Wake Up +12.5% if only 1 survivor is fine, but 50% if 2 or more survivors are alive, works too. That would still be a large buff for everything except the "only 1 survivor is alive" scenario.
  • Removing aim dressing would fix the problem, because the forced camera yanks, and the forced short M1 attacks, are both part of aim dressing.
  • The killer tutorial says that killers should do everything in their power to stop survivors. Camping, tunneling, and slugging are part of "everything in their power", so I guess the official game rules say it's fine for killers to do these things as much as possible.
  • BHVR said the crux of the problem is that solo survivors don't work together as much as SWF. You can read the official quote right here. It's an official BHVR answer.
  • The best way to close the gap between solo q and SWF, is to discourage survivors from having massively selfish playstyles. How is solo q supposed to feel like a team, when it's "acceptable" for players to decide their primary game strategy is to be as selfish as possible? And by the way, massively selfish survivor…
  • Eruption was nerfed, even though some of the killers using this perk weren't trying to force excessively long 3-gen games. The point is that perks can be nerfed even though they aren't being misused 100% of the time.
  • Not everyone that was using pre-nerfed Eruption, was forcing massively long 3-gen games, but the perk still got nerfed because some people were doing this. Likewise, it's fair to nerf perks like Sole Survivor and Wake Up, because of what some people are doing with them.
  • The goal isn't to completely stop people from doing bad behaviors. The goal is to NOT ENCOURAGE people to do bad behaviors. When BHVR gives survivors perks like Sole Survivor and pre-nerfed Wake Up, it helps enable selfish behavior. And if you want to quote official game material, the game manual says "KILLERS SHOULD DO…
  • For reals, what you should be asking is for BHVR to review the game stats, to determine if survivors using Wake Up are more likely to be playing selfishly. Because both of us are basically speculating, and BHVR has access to the actual stats to determine if Wake Up actually is being used selfishly. Edit: And before you…
  • How do you think sole survivor got such a huge escape rate, if people are mostly just using it as a “backup”? Do you think it’s coincidental that sole survivor and wake up are both near the top of the escape rates? Or is it more likely people are using these perks together because they have so much synergy in a selfish…
  • They’re more likely “sweating” for escapes by combining wake up with sole survivor, and deciding before the game has even started that they are going to selfishly sandbag the team. Sole survivor wouldn’t have such a high escape rate if survivors were just “playing normally” and “using it as a backup”. And the fact that…
  • I'd rather prefer teammates that aren't sandbagging their team with their selfish Wake Up + Sole Survivor + Left Behind build, where they decided to be selfish before the game had even started.
  • Sole Survivor and Wake Up are in the top 5 escape rates, because so many people are specifically using them in selfish builds.
  • My biggest conspiracy theory is…. Map RNG isn't as RNG as people think it is, and map generation will purposely rig the map to balance out the MMRs of the people in the game. For example, if the survivor MMRs are lower than the killer, then the map will spawn a lot more pallets… but if the survivor MMRs are higher than the…
  • it would be better if sole survivor was nerfed on top of wake up being nerfed. It eventually turns into permanent distortion, and distortion was nerfed because people were using it to excessively hide.
  • I'm saying it's different when survivors start to be selfish near the end of the game, compared to survivors deciding to selfishly sandbag their team before the game has even started. I was comparing survivor behavior to survivor behavior.
  • The official game rules say killers should do "EVERYTHING IN THEIR POWER" to stop survivors. Does that mean camping and tunneling should never be nerfed, or does it mean people shouldn't be extremely extreme with their text interpretations? I'm fairly sure BHVR wasn't expecting survivors to literally hide and wait the…
  • That's not the same thing. If survivors start hiding when the killer is slugging for the 4k, they waited until the near end of the game to be selfish. I'm talking about the people that decide BEFORE the game has even started, that their selfish plan is for their teammates to die. When people equip perk combos like Wake Up…
  • BHVR should nerf all of the perks that encourage survivors to have a selfish playstyle, where the survivor decides before the match has even started, that their strategy is to wait for the other survivors to die, so they can use their "last man standing" perks. And the Steam description should be reworded, because it…
  • The problem is we have a mechanic called "aim dressing", that when a killer makes an M1 attack, it makes proximity checks that are completely separate from the actual hit validation checks. And the game can forcibly move the killer's camera, and can forcibly turn their lunge into a short M1 attack, after the proximity…
  • If BHVR wants to disincentivize this selfish playstyle, then can Sole Survivor also be evaluated for a potential nerf or rework? Because I think all the perks that help enable this selfish playstyle should be nerfed or reworked.
  • Camping and Tunneling isn’t “sweaty”. Labeling and demonizing every killer strategy as “sweaty” or “problematic” is a terrible double standard. Why isn’t it “sweaty” when survivors use voice comms specifically for extra game advantages? Why isn’t it sweaty when survivors pallet save or flashlight save at 0 hooks? Calling…
  • DBD needs to have VICTORY or DEFEAT, in giant letters. That's literally it. Because the post-game screens we currently have in DBD, aren't the same thing.
  • Being able to see MMR numbers could very easily fix the problem of "what MMR are streamers, and the people they play against". No, you don't know if MMR is incredibly flawed. Matchmaking doesn't have a 100% focus on perfect matches, because of player feedback. BHVR made a balance between quality of matchmaking and speed of…
  • Can someone explain why people are discussing various streamers, if "no one can know what MMR people are"? Are people trying to guess what MMR various streamers are, even though "it shouldn't matter" and "we should stop caring about MMR"? Imagine how much easier this could be if everyone could just see what MMR each…
  • 2v8 is the only game mode that really broke the queue times, and that was because of 2v8 itself, and not the fact that we had two game modes at the same time. We would have had the same queue time problem if 2v8 was the only game mode available.
  • The biggest double standard in this game is that it's considered "sweaty" for killers to camp and tunnel, but it's not considered "sweaty" for survivors to use voice comms specifically for extra game advantages.
  • There could be a normal mode and ranked mode, and they don't need to be balanced the same as each other.
  • If 2 survivors are slugged, and a 3rd survivor is threatening the killer with a flashlight/flashbang/pallet save, it is completely valid and justifiable to chase them. There should be ZERO punishment for the killer in this scenario. Punishing the killer with a reset, when the killer is repeatedly being forced to slug, is…
  • If 2 survivors are slugged, and a 3rd survivor is threatening me with a flashlight/flashbang/pallet save, it is completely valid and justifiable to chase them. Your solution is 100% unacceptable. Killers should not be punished for slugging, when it was forced upon them by survivors. If a survivor has been slugged for 60…
  • You literally didn’t take this scenario into account. In my scenario it was absolutely valid and justifiable to slug all 4 survivors. Your suggestion allows survivors to bully the killer, because if 2 survivors are slugged, you’re saying a 3rd survivor should be able to bully killers with the threat of a…
  • Fix Hag Survivors shouldn't be able to run at a trap with the camera facing backward, so they can purposely run into traps without getting hit Hag also feels like she has no power if the survivor is literally anywhere without nearby traps, because it takes so long to place a trap. And do something so it doesn't feel like…
  • Earlier this week I had a game where… I knocked the 1st survivor to a ground, searched around for nearby flashlight users, and found the 2nd survivor with a flashlight. So I chased the 2nd survivor, and they suspiciously got knocked down under an undropped pallet, so I searched around a found the 3rd survivor. So I chased…
  • It’s still better than when people say their opinion matters more because of the number of hours they’ve played. And it’s still better than when complain that matchmaking must “obviously” be broken because the 5 players in a game don’t have a similar number of hours.
  • But it doesn’t even really help the killer because it requires the survivors to do a specific action, that the survivors can delay indefinitely. You could have just given killers an extra 20 second wiggle time as base kit, with zero requirements. But instead, you want it to be the survivor team’s decision on whether or not…
  • Correction: Your system offers an answer to a good number of scenarios FOR SURVIVORS, but barely helps killers at all. You give survivors a huge buff, that automatically triggers on its own…. but the one buff you give killers requires the survivor team to make a specific event, which they can decide to delay as much as…
  • If a survivor is slugged, and the killer literally can't hook them, and the killer sees a survivor nearby… it is absolutely in their best interest to chase that survivor instead. And if that survivor runs away from the slugged survivor, then it's in the best interest for the killer to keep chasing them anyway. It also…
  • The killer can't force a survivor to pick themselves off the ground, to trigger the extra 20 seconds wiggle time. And the killer really can't be expected to just stand over the slugged survivor while their teammates repair generators. The killer will have to leave the slugged survivor, at which point the survivor gets…