Got the same on Onryu, probably counting any killer that can cause hinder
I've also been noticing that occassionally I will get a replay that has 0 deaths and like 10-15 minutes of video. I go and watch it and it shows the person died many times but it does not ad to it's kill count and it doesn't drop any rewards. I see maybe 1 in every 20-30 replays, so t's not common but really sucks when the…
Update: still getting this freeze happening. Still happens in multiple locations, but most frequently in the hub or on a loading screen. I haven't seen it while building, happened once during a raid at a respawn. Hope someone in there is looking into this!
+1 I'm also having this issue I've had this a few times while trying to make outposts that are within the 'Normal' range on danger. Saw a few posts saying there isn't enough so I figured I would make a few. I try to put in just enough traps that the danger level does not rise to 'Dangerous'. I place a trap, wait about 20…
I am also having this issue. Really hope this is adressed soon along side the freezing issue :/
Having a similar issue where my uprgades are not showing on my suit. This seems to have started after playing a session with my friend.