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  • Yeah, it's not great. I'm not a fan of the system as designed, for sure. Yep, this is what I've found. Fortunately a couple of passes of this is generally enough to prestige any given base, as Seraphor noted here: In my experience doing the enter/exit trick 2-3 times per prestige level is enough to nearly guarantee a base…
  • To be fair, not long before this video I did buy a chunk of 20 or so plots. Previously I was sitting at 20k synthite, but it's still my limiting resource by a huge margin. The outposts almost maintain themselves, but not quite. I do have to do a batch of brutals once every couple of days in order to keep 5 outposts alive…
  • Worth noting that some of the UI in the open beta heavily implied the existence of trap-, block "class"-, and guard-type limits. For instance, while the open beta had 8 or so traps, the limit was the same number (8 unique trap types). This will severely limit how P2W they can make the game - if they add 20 new trap types…
  • Worth noting, there's some inaccurate math and/or assumptions in here. A large-pool (4800 genmat, extraction rate is 150/hr) base will stay active for about 2 weeks and will last 32 hours at each prestige level, unless you set it to overdrive or prestige early. Small genmat-pool plots will last just over a week; the plot…
  • Rank is an interesting concept, but underutilized like you've mentioned. I'd love to see a sanctuary trophy for reaching certain ranks, maybe with a global rank number on it - it's relatively low-effort, and would be really nice for people who put time into raiding. Speaking of which, while outposts are kinda-sorta ranked…
  • This is accurate; as long as you have a path of some kind HRV can follow that's longer than the path which uses second-wave holocubes or corrosive cubes in the floor HRV will take the shorter way in if it's walkable, even if that's not what his path shows when editing the base. Once the raider grabs the genmat he'll switch…
  • The problem is, those games are completely different than MYM (which I've put around 350 hours into, both as a builder and raider though I'd consider myself a better builder than raider). I've both played and built maps for Trackmania. Trackmania has an entirely separate set of goals, and the mapmaker's goal is not…
  • Personally I think HRV and the limitations he imposes are excellent and necessary for the game. As a builder, I can kill HRV trivially at the start of a map with a dead man's switch guard and corrosive cube if my intent is to make a maze (though builder beware: from closed beta experience, most raiders absolutely hate…
  • Another example, this one a bit more extreme.
  • Back in the closed beta there was an issue that may be relevant; the path break shown was sometimes not where the actual impassable area is. Check the whole intended path, not just the spot showing as broken. Look for places shaped like a |_\ (hard to draw in text - look for places where there's a triangle overhang with no…
  • I strongly suspect they're leaning towards #3, or at least #2 with purchasable microtransactions being cosmetic-only, plus possible DLCs. I can't talk a whole lot about why due to the NDA from the previous closed beta, but to sum up information available from public sources they've shown off two different playable…
  • Being careful to avoid breaking the NDA, but a lot of his complaints stem from 2 things: the awkwardness of watching someone who's not particularly proficient or fast at the game meander through what looks like a particularly easy level, ignoring or easily dealing with most of the poorly-placed defenses, which seem to have…
  • Adding streaming integration features is expensive and time-consuming, and takes dev time away from feature improvements. Simply paying a few high-profile streamers to stream your game for an evening, however, is fairly cost-effective. Doing a sponsored stream with a moderately-popular streamer who tends to play somewhat…
  • Judging by the trailers (can't talk about anything I saw in the closed beta, and the story concepts may have entirely changed anyway since then): the playable characters from the trailer are pretty clearly humanoid, but don't look entirely human-shaped. If they are "human", they're probably heavily modified like the…
  • It's a hard genre to define. There's two main "sides" to the game: the first is an outpost building engine, where you design your outpost, deploy traps and guards, and generally do your best to set up defenses around an objective; the other "side" is a 1-2 player raid system where you raid outposts other people have…
  • Ahh, a whole new place to place traps interact with the community!