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  • I abandoned a base for the exact reason yesterday and lost 35000 points. Haha. Thankfully it was a visual bug and my points were given back to me when I loaded up my sanctuary. That's awful your points did not return!
  • Same for me! This happens about 2 to 3 times a day across my bases. Look at how many deaths I missed out on! Absolutely insane that people can die loads of times in a base and we builders get absolutely nothing for it. Two of my bases aren't prestige 5+ yet so they are struggling to get raided enough to prestige them.…
  • Resource exchange would definitely be clutch. They probably just need to set threshold milestones for bases. For example, reach a certain number of kills or accolades, get bonus Synthite. Something like that.
  • I do indeed hunt for forbidden tombs. That does help some with synthite but not nearly enough. You are on to something with waiting to build. I think for now, while the balance of resources is so lopsided toward raiding, that is the best option. Make a base or two and raid with almost all of your gaming time. That's…
  • This needs to be said more: Just Leave. I came across a killbox where the walls were literally just plasma shooters. It would have taken forever to destroy piece by piece so I just went next. The builder got nothing out of me and the game tracks that. I'll also just leave and go next when people make it so if you shoot a…
  • This is an interesting concept. Unrelenting really is a useless mod for the Impaler that won't see use, making it a waste of progression resources. The detection range aspect is interesting, but it'd be a risk to run. Slower, more methodical players will set it off from further away and potentially before it's even at risk…
  • I, for one, have been clearing out some of the games in my backlog and am preparing to completely obsess over this game. As far as other people, well some have mentioned the term "sleeper hit" and I feel that applies here. A lot of smaller, independent titles that I've played recently have done extremely well on little…
  • I won't agree to disagree, because speedrunning is not a problem in this game.
  • I didn't belittle you at any point in my post. Its unfortunate you are taking discourse about a video game so personally. There is nothing I can do about how you take my words so I suppose that is what it is. To address the topic at hand, "Normal" bases are most likely going to be easier to blast through simply because of…
  • You aren't wrong at all here. As much as many don't wish to admit it, if speed runners are a problem for a builder, it's that builder's fault. To Clownkrieger and others on this board who are blocking people for being speed runners, I respectfully disagree with that being justified behavior. The raiders who can blast…
  • While I understand where a lot of this feedback is coming from, I was well on my way with my own bases to showing you don't have to build with a lot of "cheese" in order to give raiders a challenge. I also have some topics of conversation concerning cheese builds and player behavior overall. Bases that are super easy to…
  • I second this! THIS is the game I'd like to play in 2023. I mean, all year and beyond. I got hooked on DBD for about three years and really sunk myself into that community. I feel that happening here as well. I came here to the forums hoping there was some kind of extended or closed beta for the addicts like us but…
  • You know, fun and brutal aren't mutually exclusive in this game. It's all subjective, for starters, but I don't think building for anti-speed running HAS to ruin the fun. For example, my final base was built with lots of ramps, tight corridors, clusters of guards, and so forth that made it impossible to just rush through.…
  • To add to this conversation, in my experience there are two approaches to raiding. The first is to methodically pick your way through, destroying traps and guards as you master the puzzle that is the base. The other is try and rush through. It's definitely the latter that makes it seem like traps are slow or ineffective.…
  • I ran into some TOUGH outposts right away and you know what, I viewed it as a "baptism by fire" concept. I learned what would and would not work via trial and error that wouldn't have been necessary in easier dungeons. It made me a better raider and I fed the first couple builders a lot of mats, so its a win win! Haha. I…