Just played against 2 Sadakos in a row. They teleported constantly and got us pretty fast cursed. She won both games.
I really like RPD.
Here would have been a comment if it wasn´t closed.
We need more NoE chars overall :-)
JRMs YT video was really funny imo - he tried to get this perk to work and didn´t manage it because they were constantly interupted in the basement :-)
Hm… don´t know if it is louder. But some chase musics are very loud - that is true. It is said they want to cover survs noises with this - i wish there was an option to turn the chase music down a bit.
Thank you very much and congrats to you and the other winners! Happy Holidays everyone :-)
Me too, it doesn´t notice.
It is in options - graphic - down to UI/HUD - killer hooks
Cool, thx!
Go to a pile and get snowballs and then a deployable snowmen. Make a snowman and exit it - it turns into a decoy. Then hit this one with a snowball - worked for me 2 times.
Got moried by NB recently. Mori was correct - so i guess this was fixed.
Can confirm - PC/Steam. But no real reproduction - just happens sometimes you make no sound while vaulting.
Same for german.
Hm ok. He explains a lot while playing. He only has different opinions sometimes which is fine for me. Hens is one of the quickest with new broken stuff at the moment. Has some funny videos. Also as german i cannot overhear his accent :-) Somehow i like the grasshopper videos at the moment - stupidly funny - but also very…
Haven´t seen it yet. I watch a lot of different streamers only on YT. And he always has videos up which is nice. Have no problem with him. Otz is indeed very persistent with his challenges. But streamers have the time for these things. I hope they do hardcore surv again. I also really liked when these started with Dowsey.…
…was longer for me. About 111 Questions. I maybe still hope it does something.
Some people reported bloodweb errors - looks like a bug. Would be cool if you could get cakes still.
The removal of the Next and Previous buttons with the new UI to cycle through your chars. Like V said - the unnecessary changes to things that were completely fine. Getting stomped by aura Nurse on Midwich. Aura reading and endurance in general.
That was a long survey. I liked the page for the evolving cosmetics / customizations to vfx - terror radius music? - maybe change it? A lot of questions regarding slugging.
Offiizielle kenne ich keine. Auf Youtube gibt es immer mal videos von DbD Turnieren. Wenn man googelt kommen auch ein paar Seiten. Vielleicht da mal schauen.
Oh yeah… you are right Agreed, there could be some happy ones too.
Pick up Snowballs then at the pile change them into a deployable snowman. The build your own snowmen and jump out - it turns into a decoy. Then hit it with a snowball - done - just worked for me on PC / Steam as surv.
It is pretty rare. Got it three times. Just play a custom game with bots to see it. You can choose on which map you play there.
They exist. Like some said - play event queue - use plunderers instinct perk to see chests. And maybe bring an event offering.
Play the event tome for the cosmetics. A lot more is not really to it.
Pick up Snowballs then at the pile change them into a deployable snowman. Then build your own snowmen and jump out - it turns into a decoy. The hit it with a snowball - done - just worked for me on PC / Steam.
I noticed some desync - when unhooking the person is already down whil the unhook animation still plays. Also Wesker chests are opened and the unlocking anim still plays for a short time.
Pick up Snowballs then at the pile change them into a deployable snowman. Then build your own snowmen and jump out - it turns into a decoy. The hit it with a snowball - done - just worked for me on PC / Steam.
Hi, pick up Snowballs then at the pile change zjem into a deployable snowman. The build your own snowmen and jump out - it turns into a decoy. The hit it with a snowball - done - just worked for me on PC / Steam.
I booped it yesterday and the Pig accepted :-) - not every Pig does. But one gave up immediately on Hook and one Dc´d. I guess that helped… I am always happy when i face a nice killer who slows down when he totally dominates.
Same. EU. No bonus on killer but very short queue times. 25% on surv with much longer queue times.
Jumping in the locker instead of the hatch… against Clown - i died… :-( as he was not so funny.
I think this was the last 2v8 tome. But not 100% sure right now.
Yes, noticed this too. PC / Steam Everytime there is this sound now. Didn´t know this is the cancel sound - but makes sense there. But not after every normal puke.
It is a bit clunky overall. But i still think there should have been a protect command - where my dog protects me against pallet stuns or attacks a flashlight blinder :-)
Not that often luckily. But yes - even if they don´t admit the problems (or have they?) - i hope they fix it in the background.
Tried Clean Break once - was bad - in the 70 secs killer caught me. Would have been better to let me heal instead. Have not escaped yet…
2v8 is fun for some time but then it gets annoying with the double taps and Wraith hook rushers. (Also Huntress is insanely annoying too) It has to stay limited time.
Thought the same - not the swamp but that the background looks really cool.
You mean the washing machines? Sorry but they were horrible.
Always something with the chase music… One thing - it is almost every time to loud! If you don´t turn it down a bit in general maybe add a little slider to adjust it. Chase music is to loud.
They don´t really prerun a lot (new survs do) - but they get a bit confused sometimes. I always use this on Doctor for the shock. And for the BP… :-( - sadly not anymore. Doctor also has an addon where they always hear the TR like he is right behind - messes up some players. But the buff could be nice - like Legion.
"You heal someone else. Then they start healing you and when doing that, you can activate the Perk, become broken for a minute and then you are fully healed." Thank you. Doesn´t really sound like very good value to me for a perk slot.
Ok, i get these points. I don´t play so serious so i don´t care about the map. I only use offerings for challenges - the game is perfect for pallets and these hide in 10m radius ones. And Ormond for the drop while being chased.
Can someone explain Clean Break? … i don´t get it. (may be the german translation again) I have to heal somebody - then it activates? … and then?
I am ignoring them :-) …that is the problem You get no info, no heal or anything - in combo one perk may be useful - but these three… not for me. It also doesn´t help my teammates decide to immediately give up on hook. The all aura Huntresses are also not funny.
No T-bagging but just killing on hooks. Yeah, got this to in the last two games…
? Why, you now will have probably enough to always play them.
Hm… why do i have 9,7? Strange.