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  • Overall I am winning ranks point too but to be honest it's mostly thanks to the console player. I find some of my outposts ridiculously easy but for the most part they have an average of 5 kills. I'll say it again but I just have a problem with the real killboxes, the ones that aren't feasible without the speedrunners. All…
  • Ironically, it is the "competitive raiders" who farm the most
  • False, if the builder does not kill enough he loses rank points
  • People don't always play video games for skill but for fun. It's a community game, she chooses what she wants to play or not. Then, if your pleasure is the brutal base, there are discords dedicated to that to have social raids. You can't force the community to play bases they don't want to play
  • it's strange that 'competitive player' seems to rhyme with 'being toxic'. There is a perfect game for you: League of legend
  • It's more the definition of Killboxes that people seem to have trouble with. A room full of traps and monsters is not a killbox if you can play the room without having to speedrun it like a tard. By definition, only brutal outpost can have TRUE killboxes. (A room with nothing but lava, pistons everywhere and incinerators…
  • I think you are playing the wrong game if you are looking for competition. Votes are a very good way to get people to do something other than killbox. Finally, the creators who seem to complain the most about the system are all the creators of the brutal base.
  • I respect your point of view but clearly this is not the case for the majority of players. If players don't click on brutal it's for a reason. Seeing a piston army and sentries shooting everywhere when I only have 3 ammo doesn't make me want to play this kind of base.
  • The ranking system is an aberration and causes much of the bad behaviour. Now the raider start to rage quit the base as soon as they have 2 die, even if the base doesn't use bad mechanics. It forces everyone to become 'cost-effective' at the price of fun.
  • Brutal outposts are no fun to play. He generally uses all mechanisms that are considered to be unfair : Killboxe, Seconde wave cube, Kill the collector for make one HUG labyrinthe. Out of 10 brutals, if 1 is really funny it's a miracle. If with the boost, I see that your 2 most used traps are: corrosive cube, plasma tower/…
  • Hello, I'm going to speak from my experiance I don't consider myself an excellent builder but just think I'm ok. I have several normal outposts that have achieved prestige 10 with average of 4 kills. The visual plays a big part in attracting people, then you'll have to understand how the players think. There is no real…
  • The problem with this game is that nobody knows what it is designed for. -> For hardcore players? No,the traps are so slow to spring and you can literally walk into most bases if is not one killbox zone. -> For competitive players ? No, The advantage to raider is way too big, making a base is too punishing if you don't…
  • The 'danger' system of the outpost is very opaque and messy. From what I have noticed, the traps have a level of danger that depends on the distance of the trap from the path the collector is taking. The closer the trap is to the path, the higher the 'danger' level it gains. It works the same way with the guards.
  • Bonjour, Les gens on tendance a rage quit les avant postes si celui si semble peu fun/original. Typiquement, un avant poste 'meta' avec une pièce, et 25 cubes corrosifs + pièges lance flamme/piston fera fuir bon nombre de joueurs. Sois original et normalement les gens tenterons de finir ton avant poste sans problème. Bonne…