Looks like issue may be resolved. Last few levels offered have been 5 skull ones. Yet to see any raids on my own outposts all day though.
I disabled all bar one of my bases. The one I left went an entire 24 hours with zero raids.
I've just noticed in social that it says harvester path is broken for all of them. Could this be the cause?
Still down 😭
I closed the game and console and it seems to have works now. Sorry to bother you.
Has this been accepted as an issue? I'm still having the problem. Even if the player destroys the holocube with a shot first, they can often walk under the bomb without it triggering. I've seen players jump underneath the trap and have it trigger.
I end up having to grind for synthite. I have over 100k parts etc. It means I tend to avoid maps that don't give out synthite. It would be better if every map rewarded synthite as well as parts etc. Or to get parts from destroying traps and synthite for completing the level maybe?
what kind of rewards are on this sliding scale? The parts, synthite etc. given for completing the level. At present all brutal bases give 100, this could be the minimum that would be given for anything classified as brutal with greater rewards depending on the average number of deaths. how does the scale affect those…
That's it yes. And D'oh
This bug has reappeared
I can't I'm afraid. Try this: Place lava cube above you Place normal cube to the right Put a self destructing spike trap on the side of the cube next to you, under the lava. Put another self destructing spike trap on top of the cube. Exploding the first should trigger the second. It doesn't.
Also, not hugely social. Written words are better, I think more considered.
I always feel too old for that (43) haha
My guess is they started the raid, left but didn't abandon it from their list, then revisited later.
Nice idea. It adds longevity too