Somehow I'm not surprised. We go from almost nobody uses Wake Up to nobody uses Wake Up.
Perks is not a solution, I only have 4 perks. Besides, I've had unbreakable before and guess what, it's only 1 time. Killer slugs again and now I have a dead perk. Meanwhile, killer can slug indefinitely. See the problem yet?
That is all fine if survivors can counter it. They can't.
Killers at this point feel like they control the game because they can dictate everything and it happens, which is every nerf survivor received whether it was balance or not. Killer streamers win all the time, take shortcuts with broken killers and builds, shortcuts such as tunneling at 5 gens, slugging, etc, and still…
Many complain but like you said, after a couple years you simply don't complain every time. You just accept the game is very forgiving for killers. It happens with pallets too. It's why you have to predrop and basically never go for the stun. Why? Because you'll usually take the hit and stun too which shows killer is…
Pay 2 Win
Haha. It's an experiment. Instead of making survivor more appealing by introducing content for survivors to test out, this is the result. Mark my words, bots will eventually be added to the live queue to "help out" with killer queue frustrations.
This is exactly what killers wanted and BHVR bent over backwards to give what they wanted. It is only common practical sense nobody wants to play survivor when the game is so unbalanced against them.
Not with determined killers or if they know how to abuse the power in the game.
Thats what happens when you make one person a power role in a video game rather than giving both sides the skill and opportunities to be able to win.
BHVR doesn't care about the survivor experience. As long as killers are happy and winning all their games, everything is hunky dory according to them.
BHVR is never receiving feedback over the years from solo Q casual survivors. They listen and worship feedback from overplaying killer main streamers that don't play survivor outside their comfort zone. I won't name any names but one streamer cried continuously that medkits are overpowered and guess what? BHVR in usual…
Most intelligent reply. BHVR has fostered this with how they've balanced the game as well. Killers are really the only people enjoying the game from both entertainment and winning standpoint. Bots was never added to support survivors because there was actually a dev patch note where they nerfed them. It was to directly to…
To preserve how broken the game is for killer. The fact someone can win a thousand in a row and nothing is done about it speaks a lot of information. BHVR and overplayers don't want a fair game, but a win simulator for one side.
Survivors quitting has always been a thing but it's only getting worse as times go by. Killers have power creep while survivors are continuously nerfed. Maps reduced to be auto wins for killer. I could go on but I think I made the point.
If the game was fixed both issues would go away. Yes, that is the devs fault.
That's a bad comparison. People letting go is a representative of how terrible survivor gameplay has become from terrible balance. Killers are preventing survivors from playing the game which is griefing. It's essentially cyber bullying.
BHVR dismisses killer behavior, simple as that.
Its a vicious cycle. SWF will troll killers and make them mean. Killers will abuse innocent survivors and causes them to do the same. I don't see a way to fix that unfortunately unless you remove strong things from survivors such flashlights or perks that synergizes with coordination. Survivors being able to stand up will…
I don't think it works that way. No perk or even combo should be so powerful that the opponent must run X to counter. Perks should help you but not game break.
I think that is very overdramatic. Entitled streamers shouldn't set the precedence for balance. It's a new killer therefore they need practice.
That seems to be more of blaming BHVR for the killer not being easy. There is probably bugs but nothing that serious. It's ok to lose when learning a killer. It's not a coding issue.
They were too worried about the anti-tunneling perk being too strong to think about this one being useless.
I am not surprised at all. Survivor is always analyzed with a microscope and if it seems inconvenient at all for killers then it gets nerfed.
If you need a perfect team, using discord call outs then the game has serious problems. It's actually an exaggeration to say that is fine.
That is what happens in a horribly balanced game. Survivor is not playable in 1v4 unless you are a 4 man with no life. This is all thanks to killer mains and the devs following dictation.
You can dismiss all you want but even when 2v8 is not out, survivors have the bonus for incentives to play mostly all the time.
They can't hand cuff people to play survivor, they need to seriously think about making survivor fun and skillful so people are rewarded for their skill. Survivor feels like a waste of time and nobody enjoys it, at least not as much as killer.
That sounds more like a single player game.
It makes sense when look how BHVR balances the game, not only do they want killers to be a power role over other players but there is two standards to balancing dead by daylight. One is survivor is designed around all four being experienced and skilled and making no mistakes. On the other hand, killers are balanced…
They failed in making survivor fun. Killers are too unbalanced strong and more fun to play and so the devs failed.
Maybe I'm just a terrible survivor with no skill, but hoping a window vault or a pallet is right beside you when he uncloaks doesn't sound like fair counterplay to me. Either he needs a terror radius while cloaked or his lunge needs reduced. I mean, solo Q is a game mode that should be balanced properly and not dismissed.
Especially in the 2v8 mode, they buffed his movement or uncloak speed. Unless it is server lag, he has managed to hit me every time through sprint burst. Explain why a killer should be able to silently approach a survivor and if injured get an easy down? You don't balance games with high MMR survivors while also dismissing…
He is overturned. You realize quickly something is wrong when he can start uncloaking and he can still manage to hit you through sprint burst. Unless there is a pallet within 6 meters, he will hit you every time. Nobody defends him unless they are killer mains that enjoy free hits all the time.
They won't, killer is the easy role but they want to win 100% of the time. Its much easier to complain to the devs than playing survivor so they'll continue to buff killer and nerf survivors. It has always worked as BHVR is servants to them so it's like a cycle of gratification.
Its because the devs are extremely bias towards the killer role. Another example is why are survivors punished for finishing or doing their objective? Killers are rewarded for doing theirs.
Why would anyone play survivor to crawl on the ground for minutes after a Huntress used an aura and sniped the survivor? They didn't do much to improve survivor gameplay.
Easy solution is to allow survivors to have quick recovery and basekit unbreakable. But, this is DBD where survivors are not supposed to not have anything. Apparently BHVR still hasn't figured out how to make survivor fun and interactive.
They won't. Its fun for the power role to perform a flashy kill animation. This is more important than survivor quality of life.
I think most people missed the point and immediately engaged defense mode for their power role fantasy role. OP is stating survivor role is unplayable and unfun in a hostile manner. Its understandable.
Solo Q is bad because people play it. BHVR does not care how unbalanced the game is and will continue to punish survivors and reward killers. Stop supporting a game that is extremely unbalanced where the developers have no interest in it except pay 2 win killers.
Killer mains demanded to be power role in a video game and the devs have been catering to this overtime which is why you see an onslaught of killers playing to cause as much misery as possible because they have that ability in a very unbalanced game that BHVR seems to be proud of. Its very irresponsible to embrace such…
Theyll never nerf tunneling because it's a game design decision for killers to have a fail safe. Bad killers use tunneling as a way to win. The minute a match seems hard killers will switch to tunneling to win.
Its BHVR's intention for killer to be elementary level. That's why they buffed aura reading but nerfed the counterplay to it.
Killers are always high MMR, survivors are always low MMR. So no debate is ever accomplished because BHVR has protected killers in thinking they are always high MMR to maintain power role status in a video game. MMR cannot function without fair balance. MMR killed the game and ruined discussions too.
Its been like this a long time and I don't see it changing. The game caters to killers to an unfathomable imagination so it's only to be expected that events are unfairly balanced as well.
Not to recommend as survivor but as killer. None of my friends play anymore due to it being too killer sided. I feel like the game has lost most survivor players and the only survivors that play are actually killer mains and are acceptance of losing their matches beyond control. I know this from the conversations I always…
Both sides actually having equal chances of winning, skill matters for actually both sides? Considering you dismissed claiming as an outlier, which is easily obtainable by anyone signifies you have no serious genuine interest in a fair game. The reason MMR doesn't work because skill is not important. Survivors don't raise…
I would never play survivor until the balance is changed. You are nothing more than a punching bag to a power role character in a video game.
The difference is that there is plenty of evidence that killer is baby mode easy, almost every killer that streams wins on a very consistent basis with the try hards practically undefeated, notably the Blight mains that can't lose, in a game with MMR. My claim is proven. You simply are ignoring it because you don't want to…