J'ai bien aimé le style des outposts (genre ils ont l'air facile au premier abord mais on est vite surpris après avoir pris le matgen). Capitanejo: ultra bien pensé j ai kiffé je me suis fait complètement avoir en croyant qu'il était simple :D Vallée: je l'ai trouvé un peu moins bien réussi, c'est pas assez dur de sortir…
Yo - TheSeraphor - XxDarkyannxX - Momolepro48 Y a que des masterclass
Dude you are a genius!! All your map are candy :D good work 👍💪
Few really good builders: - TheSeraphor - XxDarkyannxX
Hi :) what is the name of this discord serveur? I dont find it
Before the update only the casual "afk" players dosent got a lot of attack but now everybody have 2 3 attack per level its a shame!! How to destroy a ######### good game in 1 update
Oh if its for achevement i Can help you i am on Xbox msg me on "Momolepro48" if you want duo i am here this evening
The coop on Xbox is buged. Only the Host of the party take xp/rank for raids. So its useless for now...
Thx dude :) you miss all the secrets on the 2st starship (normal outpost) but ty for playing :)
Am i the only one who make Amazing outposts? :(
THE GAME IS DEAD!! Since last update nobody attack my outposts... I try to put a normal, dangerous, and brutal with a nice picture click bait and i have 2 attack each in 24h... Before last update i have no problem with that.. + the new ranking system the game is dead !!!
Sry my english is Bad hard to truely explain but i agree 100% off MadMoeZel <3
The mute players dont cry because they are bad and have no idea how to counter a "impossible" glitch... Only the cryer talk i represent the mute comu who enjoy the game before the casu update
Guys put your best outposts here i want try it!
Yes its better death rooms.... This game is made by comu! If the comu find a new feature let them enjoy it !!
The "crying" is not specialy for you but for peoples who think its benefic for the game to make build more hard to do so raiders is really ez comparate. Its a sad update for the game and people are happy with that...
Pffff so we need ban fire launcher cose we cant use melee weapon ?! What u say is no sense... Stop crying all the times and enjoy the game
Maybe we can put our best outposts here. For me i have 2 masterclass outposts In social write "Momolepro48" and enjoy :) 1st outpost lvl 5 : 35 funny 47 artistic 2st outpost lvl 4 : 26 funny 38 artistic
Dude i think i am a fcking good builder i have 2 outposts with 35 artistic and fun so i know what i Say... But more option u have more creativity u Can do
Bug or not its good for creativity and diversité in outposts
Juste make a nice artistic picture garantee raids... For brutal too
Its easy to beat that when u know play to mym...
Its not ranked anymore its juste xp
I am not agree with you who buy dlc or skins? Who play the game all the days? the casu or the players who love the game? I am agree deathrooms is not bad but if all the outposts is deathrooms its not fun... And for ranking dont need rewards for have fun with the challenge but now we have no challenge so its useless
If you want edit the gameplay pls add new traps not delete interesting mecanics..
Its a bad update !!! The ranked is now really easy 90% of players will be master just for playing... The "exploit bug" of the magma make deversity in outpost and its easy to counter when you know the game. But now all the outpost will be a death room... Why developers casu the game? The communauty is the hardcore gamers…