Why am I getting punished for players abandoning my outpost for no reason?
Hello! I spent a long time building a difficult brutal outpost, nothing impossible or lazy about it. Gen mat from it ran out too fast - players just did not have time to play it, and those who did - gave up after 1-2 deaths. I even got a couple accolades, yet still my outpost just runs out of gen mat and I don't have…
Issues with economy and capacity
Hello! I've played this game since open beta, now at level 50+, and here are the problems I've noticed with the current economy and capacity systems 1) Players with lower level than your account give no resources when they die in your outpost. I really like the idea that a higher rated/level player gives you more resources…
Couple problems with otherwise great changes in this midchapter
1. Logically, healing yourself should always take longer than another person healing you. By nerfing ALL healing speeds and not just medkit heals, nothing changes in terms of players approach - killer just gets more time overall. A coordinated team is still better off running 4 medkits rather than bringing a healing build.…