Toggle guard aggro
Just a quality of life suggestion for building. A few times recently I've been testing out patrol routes and wished that I could watch the guards without them seeing me and breaking off from their routes. I'd really like the ability to disable guard aggro while testing so that they act like they can't see me.
Assassin first impressions
I haven't done much building with the assassin yet but having seen them in a few raids I feel like they're much too loud to work as intended. It's fine for it to make noise when it's about to attack, but I shouldn't know it's there before it knows I'm there just from the idle sounds.
new gametype: Contested Territory
This is a rough idea I had for a sort of persistent metagame between builders and raiders. Basically, in addition to the existing outpost system, builders would be able to claim burial sites in "contested territory". Compared to standard outposts, "contested" outposts would be cheaper to claim, have a higher prestige…