Catagory Novice Intermediate & expert


i think the constant buffing and nerfing of killers and survivors is getting old killers say survivors are OP and survivors say killers are OP i think there needs to be a change to the match making relating to not just rank but hours played and W/L Ratio.
i keep seeing groups getting a killer way out of the league in lobby's or survivors out of the killers league before and after Rank reset.
Make set catagorys for groups of people.


  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited May 2018

    According to some people no one cares about Ranking up. Others like myself believe most Survivors for instance, haven't adapted to the new system yet.

    As a result, Killers opt to stay lower ranked to avoid high wait times at high rank. On the same token, Survivors end up doing the same thing.

    The end result is a congested low rank consisting of everyone, and a nearly deserted high rank.

    There definitely needs to be overall stat tracking, but stats can always be skewed, and in DbD I imagine it'd be pretty easy to do.

  • ZeracXTv
    ZeracXTv Member Posts: 4

    i agree completely thats why im basing it off a few variables play time being just as important as W/L and Rank