Abuse of the rift system ruining qol and enjoyment of game
Ever since this rift launched, killers and survivors are literally just quing to do squat. People are intentionally throwing matches left right and center, standing there attacking the wall, chasing around crows etc. I want to feel that the one time I got to the hatch was not because the killer was just standing there and let me do it. I am personally not a fan of all these "Unachievements" DBD has always had achievements that are challenging , and not just "press A" "press b" , it's part of what sets it apart from other games. Also, if killers are intentionally throwing matches, rank will get inflated as survivors will rank up to ranks they cannot compete at. Developers have promised rank rewards are coming..intentionally doing stuff like this and risking a rank inflation could possibly delay said changes even further than they already have been delayed.
Please stop and think about all this. Thanks.
So, do you believe that this should be treated in the same manner as an achievement exploit.
Should people intentionally quing up as a killer to chase crows, and not take the game seriously be allowed to do so?
should survivors quing up not taking the game seriously chasing crows be allowed?
IMO this is ruining the game.
Abuse of the rift system ruining qol and enjoyment of game 48 votes
I can do whatever I want.
Dead by Daylight is a product. Once the product has been purchased customers are free to do whatever they want as long as it does not break the rules of the game or breach the contact they have with BHVR while using the service.
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that may be so. That is why I am asking this. there are tons of people who take this game seriously. How is it fair to them that they are quing up joining matches where the killer is just standing there doing nothing? maybe they paid for the product, but so did I. If we theoritically both have the right to enjoyment of said product, and one of us is not enjoying it due to griefing, constant dc and now this than that is an issue in my mind.
I don't want free pips. I don't want free achievements, free bloodpoints. to me, stuff like that is a disgrace. i want to play this game , enjoy it and be challenged, and I'm sure there are tons of people who agree.
for the record, you don't need to throw the whole match to chase 25 crows. YOu can play the game seriously and still accomplish this. The fact that they are doing this is plain silly and nothing but a confusion to the people taking the game seriously who are wondering where the killer went, did he dc? o there he is, why is he walking around the map. People are leaving games thinking the game is glitched. it is really causing nothing but issues, which is of concern since it hasn't even been 1 full day. like is this going to be an ongoing issue? are these rifts/tomes just going to cause people to endlessly que up for the sole purpose of chasing crows and throwing the match? If so, how long will this go on before it is recognized as a legitimate issue on par to achievement hacking/griefing.
This is a ranked game. It is basically solely a ranked game. Sad IMO people think stuff like this is acceptable, but if it's not in the contract we clicked "i agree" to then what can you do.
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All crime and drugs should be legalized.
Who cares honestly? At this point devs are throwing noodles at the wall seeing if they stick. I'll do whatever it takes to get those rifts done tho believe that.
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ya, i guess this is all an experiment towards some ranked reward system. good point.
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All crime and drugs should be legalized.
It could potentially turn into that which is nice and gives me a reason to actually care about ranking up. Till then tho I'mma just do the rift and get those rewards cause not a single one mention ranking up which is nice.
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I can do whatever I want.
I just wanna do my challenges.
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I can do whatever I want.
I sometimes do random ######### as Killer, extra BP or not, event or not, and challenges or not.
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instead of punishing the problem, instead fix the problem, make the rift objectives earn able threw regular play
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I can do whatever I want.
It's not the players fault the challenges are dumb. Disturb crows? Crows are only on the edges of the map sometimes. Futhermore as a killer if you are in chase the survivor is in front of you disturbing all the crows instead. Its a bad challenge with no foresight, and that's just one example. Its only going to get worse as the challenges get more dumb too, especially with this "in a single trial" bs.
If they were just achievements that's one thing. But the fact this is time limited and some people have paid actual money for the pass, they're going to want to do it as fast as possible. If the battlepass was just match xp or something it would be different, but its not.
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Yes, it should be allowed.
The devs put it in the game, they obviously expect people to focus on the challenges so if they didn't want people doing f*ck all 90% of the match to get a challenge then they shouldn't have made it that way. They should have made them all normal stuff you'd actually do and not something that you are required to throw the match and go out of your way to get the challenge done. Not to mention the ones that have "in one match" requirement means instead of throwing 1 or 2 games to get it, your progress resets every match so now you gotta mess up 10+ games before you finally manage to get it.
Anyone who doesn't care and wants to continue playing normally can forget it because even if they don't want to do that ######### it's likely that at least one other person in the match is going to so you're basically screwed
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I can do whatever I want.
You make some good points, but you're suggesting that people should be punished for focusing on completing their challenges, or simply for being nice in games. That's just silly.
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I can do whatever I want.
You don't enjoy non-games? /s They always seem to take one step forward and three steps back on this game. Rift gives you new stuff to do, yay awesome. Blight event isn't an added chore, just bonus on your already clear objective. Oh sweet awesome.
Quest is to chase crows. Uhhh, ok? You can get that done during a chase as a survivor, why not.
Quest is to use This Isn't Happening talent and get 3 great skill checks with it. Idk about you guys, but if I'm getting chased I'll get chased for at least 2 generators. Then downed and hooked, ok cool I'll have my talent. Another generator or two done before a save. Yikes, still possible if I land all skill checks on a solo generator. Hoping you don't get tunneled, since you can't heal for this. Cause this challenge is for fun. Except I'm not the best at hitting great skill checks. So should I just open the game by throwing myself on the killer to make sure I've got my talent all game? Then hope they don't chase or tunnel me?
Plunder King. Welp, guess we should add a SWF requirement and add a waste time quest via hunting for the boxes, not just opening what you happen by.
Such weird variance. Most of them are ok, then there are a few that just seem like they're there specifically to piss you off. And an angry player who just wants the "This Is Happening" quest done will go into a game, feed to get injured, then throw if they get tunneled. Enjoy your BHVR sponsored 3 man game.
"Dark Triumph" is another one where you can wait and hope it happens by chance one game (probably not, we can just 99 the door if someone is being camped while slugged) or just play like a jerk and get it for free eventually after ruining some peoples games.
With these weird ones, I'm not looking forward to page 2, 3, and 4 where they're probably just going to get more into forcing specific perks to work in a certain way. At least now people have a way to sell services on DBD though. Who wants to play through that, when you can give someone 15 bucks to do a few challenges for you. Bet you that happens (see WoW demonic green fire quest).
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I haven't come across a single challenge that has not been something that I would do normally or attempt to do normally, or that would just happen under normal circumstances.
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that i can understand.
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Other (ie trollish dumb comments that will probably just go ignored, or thoughful input)
you don't need to focus on doing the challenges+ throw the match and cause others grief though. All of the challenges can be easily completed through just playing normally. In all honesty, the biggest issue is the crows. The rest of the challenges don't really promote intentional throwing of matches and are just normal things you would normally do. So perhaps the solution would be to get rid of a challenge like that/not make them in the future.
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I can do whatever I want.
You don't have to throw the game, no, but people should also be allowed to not take the game seriously. Banning people for playing the game how they want to play it is how you end up with a boring game full of tryhards where no one is allowed to have fun on their own terms. It doesn't promote a healthy community dynamic. I'm not denying there are issues, but what you're proposing is not a solution, it's just a different problem.
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I can do whatever I want.
If the challenge require me to throw a game to beat it, then I'll do so.
The frustration that'll come from all of this is just another example of Behavior not having a clue.
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Yes, it should be allowed.
So you'd search 5 chests in one match under normal circumstances? The first tome/set of challenges may seem normal but some of the ones that are coming in the future are not so nice
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I mean, disturbing crows comes naturally. Sooner or later you do it, just play the game
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I can do whatever I want.
Its a game lol calm down.