
Would it be possible to be able to access archives while in a SWF party and not get kicked out of the party for trying to select a new tome challenge.
I play ps4 so no ESC for me :(
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Well the back button is O but that is on the bottom right so they’re the same thing. You can’t scroll to the bottom right to click anything.
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It may be a bug, or it may be intentional. If you for example open the store, you get kicked out of being ready in a party. I assume this has to be because if you're in the store you don't really have time in a lobby. I assume if it does the same for the Archives. It'd be hard to maneuver around in there while in a match as well. Either they just made it kick you out because the Archives is more complex than the store potentially, or it's bugged and it's only supposed to force you to be unready.
That said, I wish there was like a "fast selection" type screen when choosing a new challenge in the survivor/killer menu, instead of having to go through the whole thing. Like perhaps allowing you to choose one of the connected nodes while in lobby waiting, and giving you the option to go to the rift and select a different node if you want to instead choose something away from the last node you were on.