Unused Perk Ideas revamped
Okay so my 4am brain thought some of these were okay, I didn't really think how some of these could be used with high tier killers. Anyways I changed some of these from the last post.
https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/98893/the-teacher-perks-ideas/p1 <
^ This one
Tough Runner: Survivor Perk
After cleansing a totem, gain a 7% increase in movement speed for 40/50/60 seconds.
(Read someone talking about this being crazy overpowered, however Hope gives the same movement speed for twice as long. Plus this perk can only be used 5 times. However, I lowered it from 90 to 60 to prevent totem surfing for permanent 7% increase.)
Last Standing: Survivor Perk
While injured, a window or pallet vault that connects with the killer will stun them. This causes the Exhaustion status for 80/70/60 seconds.
(Still love this one. Basically riskier discount Head On.)
Artifact Hunter: Survivor Perk
After looting a chest, you will be healed one health state in 30/25/20 seconds.
(This one is a-ok to me too.)
Underperform: Killer Perk
The perk takes 200 seconds to charge up. When fully charged, the Killer will be able to instantly put the survivor into the Dying State. The perk's charges are reset when a generator is complete.
(Probably my most controversial one, and I agree I wouldn't want to run into this from a Swing Chains Freddy or a Hostage Doc who can easily drag the game to extreme lengths. So I increased the time by 50 seconds and took out the mori part.)
Hex: In The Dark: Killer Perk
A trapped Hex totem. The survivor who breaks this totem will suffer from the Blindness effect for rest of the match and will become the killer's Obsession. Once this survivor dies, the totem relights somewhere else.
(I wanted to make a Hex totem that had an impact on the match. So I will stand by it being an irremovable effect. However, I will take out its spread.)
Overconfidence: Killer Perk
Every time you hook a survivor that was different than your last hook, you gain a token, up to 4. By pressing E, any survivor within 32m of you will have their aura revealed. By doing this action, you reveal your aura to all survivors. Lose a token every scan.
(This one was pretty boring, so I gave it a little revamp.)
Hope gives the same speed, but it only activates once, and that's when the gens are done. Could you imagine a version of Adrenaline that activated every time you cleansed a totem?
If you've gone 200 seconds without a Generator being done, you don't need Underperform.
Overconfidence can be activated after pretty much every hook if you just play normally and there's no way for the Survivors to reliably counter it. Also, how long does it last?
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For Tough Runner that's why I decreased its effective duration.
For Underperform, perks should enhance your abilities, not something that you really need.
For Overconfidence I was kinda going for a "benefit from not tunneling" deal, but I can change the token count to 3, also I think I might change it so it reveals the location like Infectious Fright while still revealing your aura. As for its duration, something simple like 5 seconds. Giving it the IF scream could give it some counters like Calm Spirit.