Imagine using half of a killer's power because a streamer told you to do so
This anti-heal build, which Tru3 is spreading about, is getting out of hand and is a poor impression for any new Ghost Face players. Sure, the build is handy for a versatile stealth killer like him, but thinking that his stalk mechanic is useless is laughable. You may as well play as dead rabbit Myers if you're using this build. As Ghost Face, marking survivors at the right given opportunity, applies more pressure than going about loudly with nurses calling and sloppy butcher, really boring gameplay that plenty of killers use, but Ghost Face is an exception because he can have no terror radius. Stalking can lead to map pressure if you use it correctly, unlike Tru3, who proceeds to call it bad while displaying poor usage of the ability, hence the build he calls "optimal". From what I've seen from Ghost Face mains, no one really tries when they stalk survivors, and that's pretty disappointing (PS4). Ghost Face carries the potential to add pressure by gaining fast downs and hooks, but the ever growing conditioning of playing a simple m1 killer with no terror radius instead brings people away from that potential. Play how you want, but I really don't want to see players using this great killer as if he's another killer, and not his own.
What's the point of stalking someone and getting looped when you can pop in and out of stealth every 16 seconds? He's like Wraith on steroids.
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If you're getting looped after you stalked someone, you've made a mistake yourself on stealth advantage.
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If you think so. I mean i tried many GF builds myself many times, i'm tired of getting revealed through multiple walls, so i tried anti-heal too. It just has way less counterplay than all stalk builds. I like it and it's the most effective way of playing him FOR ME.
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I actually like playing with dead rabbit on Myers...
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And that's always fun.
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Like I said, play how you want, and you think like a smart GF player. Great potential seeps within well thought out approaches.
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I'd say consistency is the strong point of anti-heal build. Sometimes survs simply do not tunnel vision the gen and actively look for the killer if he's stealthy.
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I do agree that Tru3's opinion on Stalking is wrong but I do enjoy his playstyle.
Even though I play Ghostface like Tru3 does I still Stalk Survivors because it's super powerful. If I find two people at a Gen then I stalk them because I will hit one normally and let the other go, several matches I have done this and found that 2nd Survivor only to instantly down them as they try to flee.
Saying all that I am actually happy to see more people play Ghostface this way because most of the Ghosts I play against are just bad if they rely on the Stalk. As a Survivor I find Ghostface utterly terrifying, just as scary as Myers when they play him well, but that's the problem as not a lot do. Every Ghostface I have faced who play like Tru3 and use the Stealth to spread pressure and get downs have been the best games and have gotten more kills in those matches than other Ghosts who rely too much on Stalk.
Moderation and planning is key.
Stalk when you KNOW you can get the down, otherwise spread pressure and fear utilizing his stealth, that's how I play and that's how I win.
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Never used anti-heal on Ghost Face. Seemed like a waste of his stalk potential.
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Antiheal is not fun, where is the counterplay to it? Needs to be changed or i dc.
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Vs experienced survivors you probably will be able to stalk only 1 or 2 people in the beginning of the match before they realize it's a ghostface. After they just won't let you. There are not a lot of unexpected angles and getting that angles undetected takes tons of time
Scream is a comedy after all
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Ok, so I can sit in place wasting my time, risking that a survivor spots me and breaks me out of stalk and has a massive advantage in the chase, or I can get close and get a first hit, ENSURING the chase is only 1 hit no matter what. Why is the first better for me?
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They might run into you instantly ending the chase.
Also negates Dead Hard.
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that's why caught on tape is a extremely good add on
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Imagine if Ghostface was not super well designed and his power was better used in a different way than the one the devs intended.
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Imagine knocking someone's mothod of playing killer when he regularly slaughters teams with said method.
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Playing with that mentality means you'd always be too afraid to use it after those 1 or 2 times. Some players even after knowing who you are aren't always gonna catch you stalking.
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You realize Dead Rabbit Myers is slower than GhostFace, and much easier to see in the open. You see Myers once, you get in an area where you can see him coming and he's useless. GhostFace can sneak up on you even in a chase if the walls are high enough. He's also more difficult to see. Stalking survivors is fine and dandy, but I've always found his shroud to be his greatest asset.
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You mean, vanity mirror? I wasn't referring to that add-on at all. V. Mirror sucks lol
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Totally agree, I dont get where he and his viewer get that from that this build is STRONG and is maybe A Tier, that is not true at all, when I play survivor, I always laugh about this and mostly the ghostfaces that use this build, even good killers, only gets 1K when they are lucky.
I found once a really good ghostface main that was playing him how he is SUPPOST to played, with stalking etc and he got all of us in 4min, we couldnt even finish 1 gen. He had to much pressure and always someone ready to stalk up. He was coming from complete unpredictable ways and was stalking through objects that I never knew from. He was a true ghostface main and I repsect that guy for that.
Its sad that ppl are to lazy to learn a well designed Killer and take the next easiest thing. Truetalent is a nice guy and cool streamer, but he is definatly not a GOOD Killer, he is just decent and knows all of those basics. This ghostface build is just fine, its not op or the new meta, smart survivors can easily counter that.
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No I meant Dead Rabbit, that's the one that increases lunge of Tier 1 right? If you stay in tier 1 then you're 105% move speed.
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Tell me a counter in solo q please. Except certain perks.
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You can tell this to every Killer, where is the counterplay to spirit, billy, myers etc?
Dont be to altuistric, learn how to loop and save spots to heal with ppl, learn how the killer thinks and where he would go, and you have to be lucky to have good teammates at solo play, if you get complete under potatos then you are pretty rip.
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Billy and Myers? Pallets.
Spirit is all about mindgames. You need a brain, that's why i can't play agInst her i guess lol.
A killer with 115% that sees while you are healing and while you look at him with zero TR and no red stain. And there's no indicator to know if he's nearby or not, if he's still chasing you or not. The only real counters are "Spine Chill" and "Premonition". And the advantage of the anti-heal method is, that it's not important if you get broken out or not and you don't have to watch your stalk at all. All disadvantages GF got are turned into advantages for him. I don't get how people are still thinking stalking is better than that.
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If you say so, I have my own statistic that every single ghostface with that build got always only 1k or no kills.^^ If its your opinion then stay with that, I dont mind
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No dead rabbit reduces the terror radius in tier 2 and increases it in tier 3
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Honestly if you want to play Ghostface you just have to keep adapting in the middle of the game. Tru3 is correct in saying that his stalk isn't the best thing he has (it is with addons) but then you can make up for it with the anti-heal peekaboo build, however what he fails to tell you is that you're supposed to be using both stalk and peekaboo at the same time.
Meaning if you can sneak up on someone and they don't see you, STALK THEM. There is not a lot of point just mindlessly running up to the gen to get a free hit when you could of potentially used his power to get a free down, leaning from cover to stalk can mark survivors extremely fast if they didn't happen to be looking there.
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Ghostface stalk got a hotfix/nerf and if you use him as instant down killer, he's probably worst instant down killer in the entire game, probably worse then bubba against good players. That anti-heal build is best way to play all stealth killers, not just Ghostface. It's more of play-style rather than the build, but the perks maximize the play style. Ghostface when used this way uses his power as an information tool. He's 115% ms killer that can attack instantly out of stealth. The only drawback to the power is cooldown. Other stealth killers have too many drawbacks to be effective at stealth. Wraith needs silent bell and all-seeing blood to be as good as Ghostface, however he still needs to channel the bell to m1. you can use add-on to speed the bell but then you have no information tool. Myers has dead rabbit and Vanity mirror but vanity reduces your movement speed to 110% so nobody uses it. Pig has Amanda letter but her crouching is like really bad movement speed and it cripples her other power so it's pointless.
I've been playing ghostface like that since day 1 because I find almost all of his stalking add-on to be mostly garbage and I've always hated how hitting a survivor resets stalk meter. you can use his stalk against bad survivors, but if they're bad, you would won without using his power in the first place. Tru3 just looks for results and that play style/build is what gives him most results.
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Not to derail the thread, but this is the kind of thinking I just can't understand. Fun and balance are super-subjective concepts; one person might be unfazed by something that is another person's line in the sand.
Disconnecting because there is a mechanic you personally dislike is a battle you can't win, because there's always going to be something you have a hard time grappling with. But that's the game. The killer's job is to hassle the survivors, and vice versa. You know, when you sit down to play, that anti-heal builds exist, and you may run into one. By choosing to play the game, you are saying "I accept this, and I stand ready to work out a competitive solution for whatever I encounter," because that literally is the game, Dead by Daylight. I just don't understand why, if someone is so deeply unhappy that they resign themselves to disconnecting, they choose to continue to play at all.
I personally dislike Moris, and I find them to essentially be authorized griefing items, because they break the intended game flow so severely. But I also know that those exist, and that players are free to buy them in their Bloodwebs, and they sometimes have daily rituals that involve killing a survivor with a Mori. I don't particularly like the mechanic, but I'm still going to do my best against it when it comes up. At worst, it's only one match, and it's over in like 15 minutes anyway. There are also maps I don't like, and some add-ons, and so on. But I still try to deal with them, and sometimes I even succeed. To throw your hands up and leave the game is to close yourself off from that possibility, while also making it that much more frustrating for the other three people whose match you have now compromised.
As far as your question goes: The anti-heal counterplay is to do gens. If healing is a ridiculously uphill battle because of Sloppy Butcher, Thanatophobia, etc., then try to make your precious time count toward getting the heck out of there. It's not much different than, say, facing Plague and not cleansing.
Also, on topic -- yeah, Tru3 has some weird ideas sometimes. Ghostface's stalk is awesome.
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Oh, hah I didn't know you were joking. Sorry, sarcasm is sometimes hard to read on the Internet. 😃
In any case, what I posted is my genuine feeling toward people who actually do have this sort of "I hate this thing so I dc" mentality.
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So that's why I've seen weak as hell ghost faces everywhere, lol, this guy played ghost face users like a fiddle
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What is the Anti Heal build anyway? All I know is Nurse's Calling is very good on Ghostface since you often have no terror radius, making it very hard for survivors to do the "Don't heal in the TR" tactic to counter it.
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Sloppy Butcher
Nurse's Calling
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People can play a certain killer any way that one would like. Oh wait, that’s illegal! - Survivors
wouldn’t be surprised if you get mad at people who use Billy who only M1.
big KEK
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It never has to be all the time. When you have no opportunity to stalk, just go for a silent attack. If you have one, take advantage of a survivor's lack of awareness. What tru3 tells people though is that you should never stalk, although you're missing out on some easy downs.
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Too many people idolize streamers. That's what's wrong with the gaming crowd these days.
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Yeesh, tell me about it. I mean, I love the guy, but influences from them can tend to mess up what originally was. It's just like how everyone uses Claudette and Nea from watching No0b3 or Ochido, resulting in killer mains being afraid of players using those survivors.
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Stalking just isn't worth it. Too many safe pallets for stalk to be worth it, getting a free hit is better.
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With stalking in mind in the right situation, sometimes a free down is better.
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Tru3 is objectively correct. PRAISE SHALUUB.
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Sometimes, yes. However, it is usually better to get a free hit. Especially with the new prevalence of Spine Chill.
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I'd like to see your video example of 15 matches in a row (not cherry picked) at red ranks to see how effective the Ghost can be by using his ability to its fullest potential.
Until you provide proof as the subject of your ire has done, you only have words and anecdotal evidence.
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This is what he's referring to. Trues twitch vods
True played ghost for a stream live back to back and never lost. Its the one with ghost face in the title it won't let me link the specific one ?♀️
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This playstyle is so braindead and tedious to play against.
Really hoping for some devastating nerfs to dissuade people from playing like this.
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Just nerf anything you don’t like aye? Sounds like a solid foundation for balancing.
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I'm not sure how you were responding to me, but I was talking about the OP's lack of evidence for the strength of stalking Ghost vs Tru3's evidence for the strength of anti-heal Ghost.
I think we agree lol
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Personally when I stalk survivors I don't plan on chasing them but coming back to them later after I've 99'd the meter on them. I usually go for other people if it's an option because I can quickly build up momentum that way.
I can understand not wanting to stalk because honestly the lean mechanic is really finicky and sometimes doesn't work. Really frustrating to use on some maps as well. Especially against certain shrubs and bushes where you seemingly cannot lean over at all.
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If the build he recommends is horrible the fans will try it once and stop, if you keep seeing play that means he is onto something. Besides let people play how they want, if someone wants to run bamboozle Nurse, go for it.