No matter what i can't reach rank 15 it feels impossible.

No mattter how good i do i cannot reach rank 15 and i been trying since ghostface and it feels impossible, I read last night somewhere it has to do with premonition at level 16 or something, i can only get 1 pip and then other games it will barely level even if i don't die.
level 20, 19, 18 and 17 are easy to get out of why is 16 hard to get out of.
I don't think you should be worrying about rank if you're that new dude sorry to say. It's pretty easy but for a new player it can be rough. Perhaps you are having such trouble at 16 because you start facing players that aren't new who knows? But like I said you shouldn't be worrying about rank if you are actually that new at the game. Plus rank doesn't really do anything special anyways other than make you go against harder opponents which would make your experience even rougher.
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Rank is important below 15 because of match making. Finding games before 15 takes soooooo long.
My advice is to try a more powerful killer. Hag is a great starter if you ask me because you can proxy camp. Spirit and Billy are also good choices.
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If you want to know why you aren't pipping check the after game screen. there you should see what was missing. (or share the screen here so somebody can explain to you what it means).
What is your playstyle? Stealth? Do you unhook others and heal them? how many gens do you typically repair?
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Also play survivor to build up bloodpoints so you can level up your killer. When I start a new killer, I don't even bother using them until I've unlocked all the perk slots at level 15
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Some tutorials to get you faster in the game:
- Learn how to map pressure
- Then learn when to break a pallet or continue a chase
- Structures
- Chase strategies
- Running generic tiles
- Macmillian map guide
- Ironworks map guide
- Suffocation pit guide
- Lastly
I recommend you to learn how to play survivor properly at red ranks, because knowing your enemy is the best way to counterplay them.
If you are new to the game, you should not be worried about your rank. Take your time to learn and experiment, go to Youtube and watch Twitch streams. You will then pip naturally. I strongly recommend ZubatLEL's Rank 20-1 without perks playlist (for many the best killer in the game - survivor too for me), and tru3talent's channel .
Try not to be toxic or be affected by toxicity.
And lastly, do not expect to pip every killer game. This game is survivor sided and even good killers are completely destroyed and bullied by Save-Your-Friends survivors (friends who play together and communicate through Discord or voice channel, informing each other the killer's position, totem's spawning, and being able to do coordinate movements).
And the most important tip: do not take this game too seriously. Mainly because playing killer is very stressful.
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I think they are talking about playing survivor. If that is the case there are plenty tutorials on youtube that can help you out in chases and stuff.
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It's fine anyway. Understanding what the killer can do against you makes you counterplay them also, and most of theses tutorials are useful for both.
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Are you trying to rank up with survivor or killer? Survivor at those ranks is fairly easy. As long as you finish a gen and get a safe hook save you should pip. Killer is a bit harder. I've seen several different YouTube and streamers suggested. I'd add Puppers and Ardetha to the list. They give nice little tips. Ardetha also was doing a series critiquing people on there killer game play. That's a good watch as well. Lastly, as others have said. Don't stress about rank. Just enjoy the game and try to improve as you go.
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Yeah I just thought maybe learning how to loop and what pallets are safe would be a better starting point. Get the basics down then learn the more advanced counterplay sort of thing.
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Check out the streamers on twitch and just do what they do..and btw Spine chill is better than premonition
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Just have Hex: Ruin carry you
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Yeah i play as a survivor mainly but why was getting outta rank 20, 19, 18 and 17 easy yet getting out of rank 16 is difficult?
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Seriously watch YouTubers and Twitch Streamers. I watch videos on DBD around as much as I play and have definitely learned tips/secrets that are not apparent. I am a pretty good survivor because of that, and I'm getting better with certain killers. I will say, because of how much this game can change update to update, that you really may want to focus most of your watching to current videos to understand current meta, etc.
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No it's not a stealth playstyle I usually will go into lockers and i unhook survivors each time even if it's not safe usually a killer will be camping them sometimes.
a generator i usually work on with another person.
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2 gens + 2 totems + 1 chest and then do other things (don't fool around), that gives me at least 1 pip per game.
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at level 16 I've done that and it literally didn't do anything to make me pip at all.
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The answer to your topic question is most likely "because the emblem system works in some pretty weird ways."
You get silently penalized, emblem-wise, for a lot of stuff. Losing at chases, unsafe unhooks, letting a teammate die on the hook (the whole team gets punished for this).
You want to be doing stuff that gives you steady emblem progress in all four categories. A rule of thumb I once read somewhere is "fully repair 2 gens, safely unhook 2 survivors, get chased for 2 minutes, don't die for at least 9 minutes."
You should read up on emblem math here:
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Between rank 20 and 16 you don't lose pips so it seems easier as you only move forward.
My advice is to not worry about piping at all and learn the game and maps better. Being new you don't want to rank up too fast as you will end up reaching an area where you gain less bloodpoints.
Dont worry about dying or escaping just try to maximise bloodpoints in game. Do any totem you see, work on gens, save only when the killer isn't camping, open chest and learn the maps along the way. Learn safe and unsafe gens to work on (safe gens ones have a clear place to run if the killer comes which can waste more time for them)
Also try out killer as knowing how they play, weaknesses and the fps view can be a big help. Know your enemy 😉.
Saving while someone is camping won't always help you if they down that person quickly as you get no emblem points as they only count with a safe save. If camping is happening it's better just leave them if there are gens to do as you will end up rewarding that killer making it a viable strat.
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Do you make unsafe unhooks? Because that destroys one of the easiest emblems of all. Also stay alive for more than 9 minutes.
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WHAT?! Then your game is glitched dude, I'm a red rank and I pip doing that specific count.
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I would recommend seeking out a teaching twitch streamer who plays DbD. Several streamers focus on showing how they make their decisions, and you can learn a lot from them.
I'm not mentioning any specific ones in the interest of being fair to the various streamers who do this.
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This content has been removed.
I don't want to give unfair preferential treatment to one streamer or another in a post marked as from BHVR. :)
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Huge tip that holds most lower ranks back.
Don't waste time. At ALL times you should either be on a gen or making a save. If you aren't doing one or the other you are wasting time (IE points for pipping). Generally just get on a gen though as most lower ranks everyone is rushing for saves and no one's doing gens. Survivors waste so, so much time at lower ranks creeping around the map or hiding even when the killer is no where near them and wasting time.
Have your escape route planned before the killer even shows up at your gen.
I'd highly recommend Fungoose on twitch/youtube. Extremely good player on both sides that is highly educational and you will learn a lot.
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At rank 15 the survivors are bad. they just drop pallets then run in a straight line.
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That's something I do too
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Git gud
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Are you on PC or ps4? If so I can help you some.
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Same. I never SWF but I'll make an exception here if you're on PC.
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I can do both it will prolly take me awhile to dl the update since I have been playing on ps4 since dedicated servers came out.
Just message my profile and leave your steam ID.
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eff you honestly nobody invited you here so get out with your rude self
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As killer, I've always found it easy to rank up. As long as you're getting hooks, breaking pallets and gens, etc., you be able to get to 15 fairly quickly.
As a survivor, if you're new, you need to get out of stealth mode. Ive watched new survivors scared to death to unhook me, even though the killer is not even proxi camping. Then they end up going down as well. If you can't learn how to loop a killer and learn to be more aggressive in unhooking other survivors instead of crouching around the perimeter of the map the entire game, you'll stay in the 15+ ranks.
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How long exactly have you been playing? If you've been playing for less than 20 hours it's normal. I am not sure when I got out of Rank 16 but I think it took at least 15 hours in the Steam count. This game has a steep learning curve and unless you are amazing player with good ping and did your proper research to learn the game, it is not easy to get up into the yellow and green ranks.
Do not unhook unsafely. That loses you points in the Altruism category. You will never pip if you keep doing that. Each unsafe unhook penalizes you greatly.
Worse, it affects everyone on the Survivor team so if you do this you are dragging everyone else down as well.
To combat this, get Borrowed Time from Bill (free survivor).
Not necessarily. If everyone is doing unsafe unhooks it might be enough to crash everyone's Altruism emblem into oblivion.
That said, I sort of call BS on the post. If he's dong that much per game there's no way he isn't pipping.
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Alot of solid guides have already been linked so no point for me to link them again so all I can say is focus on improving your play and stop focusing on rank.
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Just do two gens a round and unhook and heal teammates. You'll get a pip or two, depending on the length of the game.
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Yes I see you have observed that toxicity exists on the forums too. Fortunately the majority here are supportive.
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Except those times we talk about her
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The trick to getting better is to play both sides. Play a while as killer, and you will see how to play. You'll start to understand how the killer thinks, so you can predict what they might do when you're the survivor, and you can keep an eye out for things survivors do that hurt you as a killer, and copy some of the things they do. If you want to get better at the game, stop worrying about ranks, just throw yourself at the killer, and try to get better at chases. Chases give the most points for pipping if you are good and have at least a decent team, since gens they do count for you if you're in a chase. Once you're decent at chases, just play normally again, and it'll help alot.
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I been playing since June which is 5 months so you can't do 2 generators alone it has to be with teammates? Someone said in this thread to me
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Care to help this obviously new player or are you just not going to contribute?
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If you’re playing survivor, easiest way to pip is to remember to do these things:
- complete at least 1 gen and 1 totem, or two gens
- rescue and heal a survivor, heal two survivor, or rescue a survivor twice from hook
- survive for at least 9 minutes, or escape without ever being hooked
- be chased for at least 5 minutes total (always the hardest part, which is why doing 1-3 is an absolute must)
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to be fair at red rank it seems impossible to pip up to rank 1 like come on game what do I have to do to get the pip
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I suggest playing with no perks for a while and learning to do everything without. You will fail for a while but after a week you put the perks on you feel much more confident