Design your own killer!!

SanityNight Member Posts: 101
edited May 2022 in General Discussions

If you were randomly, and suddenly pick led today to create your own DBD killer, what would it be? How would it look? What power/special ability will it have? Any ideas what the add-ons would be?

Please remember to fairly powered, not too strong, but not strong enough. Thanks!

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • marvelmovie
    marvelmovie Member Posts: 195
  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I've designed a Victorian England style Mob enforcer character. The power needs changing since it is kinda weak at the moment. Having trouble trying to come up with a decent and thematic power that basically isn't ripping off another killer.

    Brass Knuckles as a weapon, pinstripe suit and a large physical appearance would make him very intimidating. Base stats for the most part, but with his weakened power, I did have a slightly shorter terror radius to compensate.

    Perks do seem kinda interesting though. Denying items, revealing auras for close survivors and a chance to destroy pallets while making a lunge attack.

    As for the add-ons, that'll have to be decided when I figure out a decent power for him and how to change it.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651
    edited November 2019

    Nordberg from the naked gun movies.

    Post edited by kcwolf1975 on
    SirHYBRID Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2022

    We've all been there, we've all had every survivor escape I'm sure the entity finds this displeasing as much as we do so after failure after failure it has chosen to manifest itself into a killer so say hello to the Entity.

    After countless failures from the killers, the Entity took them off the playing field and decided to take killing into its own hands. The Entity's first kill was the killer who failed it, now it could claim the forest trapping any poor soul within the walls of trees and itself with the power of the Entity "No escape" calling upon itself to place its flesh on the ground or any surface if placed on the ground if a survivor walks over top of a small spike it shall jump our from under the ground stabbing the survivor injuring them and giving a noise notification and making the survivors run marks stay longer for one second. If this spike is placed on a vault it shall also injure the survivor and give a noise notification while also blocking that same vault for 15 seconds.

    This can be broken in half if seen by a survivor (same time to break as trapper's trap)

    The Entity makes a clicking noise much like the Predator that can be heard at 8 meters of range

    The Entity is slim and tall being a quicker killer than others with short range. His attack is a claw, like the one on the hooks that pops out from the top of his wrist each time he hits a survivor the Entity will tear off this appendage and grow a new one.

    Add ons. Trapper mask: makes disarming your traps take longer

    Huntress mask: your terror radius is smaller

    (brain fart any ideas are welcome)


    Post edited by SirHYBRID on
  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    His power would be to make his hands bigger so the gloves he uses to Mori you with, won't fit during trial. Also, he should be able to drive his SUV really slow and follow all the traffic laws but never pull over for the cops.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I've posted it before but I'd love to see a Medusa whose ability set includes that survivors who look at her suffer increasingly negative conditions. Basically it would be a token counter, and as you have Medusa in view the counter grows and adds tokens and you suffer conditions based on how many tokens you've accumulated. So maybe 1 token is Blindness and Incapacitation, 2 tokens are Exhausted and Hindered, 3 tokens is Exposed, etc. (The exact effects and how long it takes for the tokens to build up are where the balancing would come in but that's the general idea.) I think a killer that survivors actually are actively trying to avoid looking at while running away from them or while doing gens could be kind of tense in a fun way. 🙂

    She'd also need an active ability of some sort, just to make playing her be a little be more active than just being a basic killer that passively hinders opponents in chase. It could be something like a venom attack somewhat skin to Plague's infections, or something where she can actively try and sense people affected by her gaze, or maybe she has an inherent bonus to breaking things. Or you could even go all in on the basic attack thing and make her the first 120% base movement speed killer, which by itself is probably a decent secondary ability!

    Her map could be a cave or garden maze littered with the stone statues of prior victims. And the survivor in her chapter would probably be Perseus.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,069
    edited May 2022

    Probably could use another update to it, or a "Final Version" including artwork and add-on possibilities, but I still feel the idea is viable and fun, as well as pretty balanced overall. Yeah I submitted it in 2018, and then updated/resubmitted it again in 2019, but honestly, most of the comments on it are positive. It's a Long post I put a lot of effort into so I hope you Give it a read if you have the time, if not I included a TL;DR at the bottom which skips the backstory and sums everything up nicely.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    I have several killer concepts but I still do like my darkness based killer a lot. I used Charlie from don’t starve but I guess an original with such a power would do too ;)

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  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,069
    edited May 2022

    This is a fun concept! You should really flesh it out a bit more, and do what you can to make it a bit more balanced (e.g. Fully Powered Generator lights basically zone her off) Basically, with her darkness power she has the ability to approach survivors fast in her "Shadow-Charlie" form which also makes visibility for survivors lower, and gives her all the advantages, so to compensate for her increased movement speed, ranged attack ability, and seeing in the dark while survivors can't, a fully powered gen should cut her off from damaging survivors within 16 meters of it at the minimum while she's in Shadow Charlie mode, meaning that the more gens the survivors do, the less power she has to use against them. Just an opinion on how to give her power and ability to really mess up survivors, a counter they can accomplish. Still, with how fast survivors do Gens these days, she'd probably be the only killer that is great in the early-mid game, but gets weakest by the late mid-endgame. Not actually a bad dynamic when you think about it though, just one that puts a bit more pressure on the killer player to get as many downs and hooks as possible before gen 3 pops if they want to stand a chance at winning.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,069
    edited May 2022

    just keeping the ball rolling until this post gets pushed into the oblivion which is Feedback and Suggestions, since I know there's bound to be many others out there in the General Community that have ideas, and I want to give them a chance in the lime light before it fizzles. I mean 1.2k views but only 15 comments? such a shame... Come one community, I believe in you!

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Always wanted a banshee killer so I decided to make an idea for one.

    The banshee starts the trial with 5 runes. She can place these runes any interactable object such as generators, totems or windows when within 32M and having line of sight on the object. If the rune is placed on an object a survivor who begins to use it will scream and reveal their location. Runes take 2 seconds to place and reduce the banshee’s movement speed to 105% when setting them down. These  will charge up the banshee’s main power

    The banshee’s main power has a cooldown of 180 seconds which begins as the trial starts. This cool downs goes down by 30 seconds every time a survivor interacts with an object cursed by a rune. When activated she will scream. This causes all survivors to scream out revealing their location. This also empowers the banshee.  During this time the banshee gets an action speed increase of 25%(vaulting, breaking pallets, picking up survivors) and becomes undetectable. In addition the banshee can also teleport to any runes she has placed. This takes 2 seconds to activate and will take her 5 seconds to be able to teleport again. After teleporting she moves at 176% for 1 second.

  • JJORDO13
    JJORDO13 Member Posts: 3

    Name: Wendigo

    Gender: N/A

    Origin: Native American

    Realm: Frozen woodlands

    Power Attack Type: Basic Attack

    Weapon: Razor Claw

    Base Movement Speed: 115% or 4.6m/s

    Terror Radius: 30 Meters

    Height: Average

    Power: Prey Stalk

    When in power you lose your terror radius and gain predator vision, survivors also hear faint screams and echo’s coming from all directions, once chase is started with a survivor the Wendigo is pulled out of power and gains a 10% haste for 10 seconds. Power then goes on cooldown for 40 seconds.

    Predator Vision: All survivors emit thermal heat, showing up to the Wendigo as yellow/red heat signatures, the environment also loses all vibrant coloring.



    Sharpened Senses: All noises emitted from a survivor are increased by 15/25/35%.

    Hex: Wendigo Psychosis: Once a survivor is injured, they experience visions of the entity moving towards them causing them to scream and become oblivious for 5/10/15 seconds, this affect continues until healed, or hex is cleansed.

    Hex: Wendigo Psychosis can only affect a survivor every 60 seconds.

    Frozen Chill: When a survivor is downed, any survivor inside the killer’s terror radius is affected by the exposed status effect for 6/8/10 seconds.


    Add-ons (Need Idea’s)

    Deadly Hunter (Iridescent): When the Wendigo is within 2 meters and has LOS of the survivor for 5 seconds then the survivor is affected by the exposed status effect for 2 seconds.

    Stalk your prey (Iridescent): Start the trial in power, but cannot be removed from power for the duration of the trial.

    Purple: Survivors you hit coming out of power have their auras revealed to you for 8 seconds



    Green: Increase Power Recharge rate by 20%

    Green: Haste during after coming out of power increased by an additional 2 seconds.

    Green: Survivors you hit coming out of power suffer from the mangled status effect



    Yellow: Increase Power Recharge rate by 10%









  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347
    edited November 2023

    Killer: The Mannequin

    Power: A number of mannequins are placed around the map and the killer takes the role of one of them. The killer can teleport and control the other mannequins, or do an instant switch to view through the eyes of a mannequin (teleporting to it takes time, like Dredge). Both actions have cooldowns. Each move, successful hit or hook powers the mannequin up. There are 2 events

    Special Event 1: At this event, all mannequins start moving. They move randomly, but if a survivor gets too close they'll target the survivor and chase at "zombie" pace. Once Event 1 has finished, the power resets.

    Special Event 2: All mannequins become animated, but walk faster. However, they will not attack. Instead, all survivors take the form of the mannequin. Survivors cannot emote, crouch or do any action which makes them different to the killer. When doing an action in this form, they still do the action but just look as if they are standing there. The power then resets and it goes back to setting up for Event 1 and continues the cycle.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,928

    I’ve made my fair share of killer concepts both original and licensed, but, currently I’m working on one for Malzeno

    Is it a massive pipe dream that single-handedly gave me a massive Copium addiction? Sure, but I still fully see something Monster Hunter related not only fitting into DBD, but fitting in spectacularly

  • Sonicexe666rocks
    Sonicexe666rocks Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2023

    Hide and Seek Chapter (insert number)

    New Map: Green Hell

    Once a peaceful, vibrant plain rich with life, it has now been corrupted by the Glitch, leaving nothing but black grass, raging fires, and the corpses of the animals that once called this place home.

    New Killer The Gitch (Sonic.exe)

    The Glitch is a sadistic killer able to use his power to deceive Survivors with illusory fake Sonic. exes and deadly Claw Slice

    Gender Male 

    A sadistic, incomprehensible monster taking the form of a beloved video game character, the Glitch desires nothing more than to cause fear and suffering in humans, so when He caught wind of the Entity's game, they made a deal so terrible Heaven and Hell quaked in fear.

    His personal Perks Gotta go fast Twisted attachment Hex: So many souls allowing him to catch up with survivors during a chase relentlessly control his Obsession, and use them to his advantage make people unaware until they are exposed from your heartless slaughter and grant invincibility to all stun and blind effects

    Backstory: Sonic lived on the South Island and loved his life despite his super speed he'd either relax or foal the schemes of Dr.Eggman life was good for Sonic but that peace soon shattered one day when he was eating a chill dog spotted a flock of black crows he was tempted to follow them and his temptation got the best of him it also didn't help since they arrived he'd had nightmares almost every night only to wake up in different spots at green hills one day after he had a horrifying nightmare a thick cloud of blackish grey fog grabbed sonic he tried ran away with his super speed but the fog grabbed him and went in his a day after the fog went in his mouth for 3 weeks he begin not to feel like himself one day his body begin to change than his fur his skin his eyes Tails his buddy flashed before his eyes one min he's fine the next he is headless that goes with knuckles he see his heart in his bloody hands names came In sonic's head none which he knew there was one he knew a native boy with short brown hair and blue eyes sonic.exe faded in the fog waiting over in the entiy's realm is all new fun and games

    Difficulty Rating: Hard

    (These Killers use mechanics that are specific to them and require more practice to be effective)

    Height: Short 3 feet

    Weapon Sharp Black Claws (Can sometimes change color to light purple)

    Movement 130% (145 Exe Frenzy)

    Terror radius 32 meters

    New Power Dimension merge

    Press the power for a few seconds and he'll let out a horrifying map-wide laugh any survivor within his terror radius will be infected with a status effect that is special to this killer called the X Effect once infected the survivor will be transported to the exe world where everything excluding survivors is red dement looking fake versions of exe will emit a fake 32-meter terror radius the survivor has have to guess which one is the real one if they do so the X effect is removed if they fail they scream and reveal their location inflicting the Hindered Incapacitated Exhausted Madness And Exposed If a survivor is repairing gen while this they must face tough skill check and they have the Hindered status effect once hit they will suffer a deep wound and bleeding to get rid of the X effect they must enter one of the four portals they will enter it and then they will back in the real world However they will be marked with a killer instinct for 6 seconds

    Secondary power Sonic speed press the secondary ability button to speed up the survivor if he does this on a survivor who does not have the X he will run at full speed and hit them downing them insanity if they are the X effect he teleports in front of them if he activates this while going through a pallet he will instantly vault it

    New Mode Exe Frenzy Activate dimension merge after this is active press the power button again to go on a bloody frenzy

    New Attack Claw Slice While in Frenzy mode Attacks have a short cooldown Press the lung attack to unleash a deadly dash at terrifying speed if you hit a survivor they are infected with a deep wound if not then it goes in a cooldown of 10 seconds

    Perks Gotta go fast for every injured survivor You gain 10% during chases (You are too slow want to try again?)

    Twstied attachment after every survivor is hooked at least once this perk is active press the power button once, and then you take control of the obsession for 45 seconds you can attack other survivors and gain an 8% haste (Hello do you want to play a game)

    Hex so many souls When a survivor is hooked, sacrificed, or mori'd, gain a token for a maximum of 5 tokens. If you have 5 tokens, your next attack will instantly down the survivor. This causes you to lose all your tokens plus you gain invincibility to all blind and stun effects if a survivor cleanses a hex totem their aura is revealed (I am

    New Survivor: Tom An ordinary man who lived an ordinary life, Tom was a big fan of Sonic the Hedgehog, a video game icon. However, his life was forever changed when he received a strange package. It contained a disc with "Sonic.EXE" written on it in permanent marker and a letter from his best friend Kyle warning him not to play the game. Unfortunately, Tom was none the wiser and put the disc in his computer, and several horrible events took place. Eventually, Tom managed to best that horrid creature, and he has never been the same since. He did not respond much to fear and had terrible nightmares. Now forced to be hunted down over and over again for the sick pleasure of others, Tom is more than ready for the next game with his tormentor.

    Survivor Perks:

    Quick Thinking: Your reaction times have been sharpened thoroughly through your hobbies. When injured, your vault and pallet animations are 3 percent faster.

    Nightmares: The trauma you've endured in the past has dulled your sense of fear. When you get in a chase, gain a token. If you have 5 tokens, you can wriggle free of the killer 3 percent faster. If you have 10 tokens, your chance of freeing yourself from a hook is increased by 5 percent. Either of these actions will cause you to lose all your tokens.

    Under Pressure: Not even the thought of Death reaching his cold hand out to you does not stifle your nerves. When afflicted by a negative status effect, you fix generators at 103 percent of their base speed, which increases by 3 percent for every negative status effect you endure.

    Mori : First sonic.exe slashes their throat then rips their eyes out then rips their insides and finally rips their head off then puts it on a stick and lets out that sick and twisted laugh he makes in the games

    I may not be a member of this nor chosen to do this but I just want to do some concept ideas that's all hope you all have a nice day

    (Note: Just keep in mind that this is a licensed chapter)

    Post edited by Sonicexe666rocks on
  • Sonicexe666rocks
    Sonicexe666rocks Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Five Nights at Freedy's Chapter

    New realm: Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria

    New map Fazbear's Fright: After the fall of Freddy Fazbears, some took to the rumor of its bloody past and made a new idea of it. Fazbears Fright now resigns in the entity's realm, with the burning flames of a mysterious fire burning within forever. The outside is a normal residence, with a small pond nearby, however, the blue cozy tone is amiss with the horror attraction in flames and its sickly green interior starts to pour out of the building and flooding the area with dread

    New Killer: The Attraction: The Attraction is a Twisted Killer, able to use lockers on the map to spot survivors from afar or summon those whom he once feared to do his dirty work.

    His personnel perks Beyond Death, Twisted Agony, and True Intent paint a path of fear as survivors believe you to be dead only to be found out wrong, take the generators in the trail and turn them into sources of torment, and make people unaware until they are exposed from your heartless slaughter.

    Backstory: William Afton is a serial killer who primarily abducts and kills children. Early in his murderous career, one of his victims included Garrett Schmidt, the younger brother of Mike Schmidt, who would be haunted by the memory for several years. All that Mike could remember was that Garrett’s kidnapper was driving a black sedan with no license plate and wearing a black hoodie. At some point during the late 1970s- early 1980s, he would establish Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place, and use it as a front to murder five more children while wearing a yellow rabbit suit, stuffing their corpses inside the restaurant's animatronic mascots to avoid further detection. His daughter, Vanessa, would become traumatized by her father's actions, and eventually, the incident caused Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place to be shut down. The current movie does not reveal his motives for doing so, and will likely explain this in potential sequels. William is not the one who raised Mike, as Mike is seen with a different father at the same time that William abducts his brother. Instead of Elizabeth, William's daughter is Vanessa.

    William would have to have known the name of the boy he abducted to recognize that Mike was his brother just by seeing the surname. How William learned the name and whether or not he had any prior interaction with the family is not expanded upon in the film.

    Going into hiding, Afton took up the alias of Steve Raglan, a career counselor based in Minnesota. Curiously, Afton can exert a degree of control over the lost souls of his five victims, making them blind to the truth of their deaths and manipulating their vengeance against others. As Raglan, he meets with Mike in his office to offer him a security guard position at the worn-down pizza place, and recognizes him for sharing Garrett's last name, though he maintains his friendly demeanor and gives Mike advice on the ins and outs of the restaurant.

    William Afton reappears during the film's climax after Mike survives four nights with the aid of Vanessa and his sister Abby. On the fifth night, Mike and Vanessa manage to rescue Abby from the animatronics by disabling them with taser equipment, but Afton, who has donned the Yellow Rabbit suit, prevents them from leaving. Mike attempts to tase him, but the weapon has no effect as he brutally beats Mike and orders the animatronics to rise again to do his bidding. Vanessa holds Afton at gunpoint, at which he takes off the suit's head to reveal himself as having posed as Raglan.

    He easily tanks a gunshot from Vanessa and staves her off, ranting about how she and Mike couldn't have just stayed quiet about the horrors within the restaurant, but while he is distracted, Mike recognizes that Afton is somehow in control of the animatronics, and - knowing Abby also made friends with them - implores Abby to make a drawing that will reveal the truth to them and turn them against Afton. Though he moves to stop her, Afton's arm is grabbed by Vanessa, who tearfully declares that she won't let her father make sport of another child. Afton stabs her in return, slightly shocked at his own actions before turning back to Abby. However, he is too late - Abby rips off the drawing on the wall depicting the yellow rabbit being friends with the five children and replaces it with her drawing of the yellow rabbit killing them with a bloodstained knife.

    The movie follows the same lore as the book "The Silver Eyes" in that the children possessing the animatronics are unaware that William, while wearing the Yellow Rabbit, murdered them. This is shown by how they obey and help him until Abby shows them with a drawing the truth about their demise, causing them to turn on William. The truth finally revealed, Afton's control over the animatronics shatters completely, and Freddy and the others turn towards the madman with clear expressions of rage. Afton moves to kill Abby in retaliation, but his path is blocked by Foxy. Afton screams at Foxy to move, but the restaurant spotlights activate and blind him, dramatically exposing him as the animatronics' source of agony. As the animatronics surround him, Afton goes on another rant, deriding the children as little more than rotten beasts, but Chica cuts him off when she throws her robotic cupcake at him and it bites into Afton's suit, causing the springlocks within to malfunction and fatally pierce into his sides. Afton groans in pain before falling to his knees as the spring locks break his legs

    In his desperation, Afton declares that he always comes back and re-dons the rabbit suit's head before collapsing from his injuries. As Mike and Abby haul the unconscious Vanessa out of the restaurant, the gathered animatronics' eyes turn red and Foxy hooks Afton's shoulder, dragging him into a backroom to die. In the final scene of the movie, Afton is last seen after Freddy's has broken down to ruins in the storage room. Still twitching and whining in pain even in death. He reaches out to the ghost of Golden Freddy to help him, only for Golden Freddy to close the door on him, leaving Afton to live forever in pain inside of the animatronic suit just like his victims. 

    Weapon: Rotten Axe

    Height: Tall

    DLC FNAF (Five nights at Freddy's)

    Movement Speed: 115% 4.6 m/s


    Power: Specters of Agony

    William Afton always lurked in the shadows, watching for his moment to find isolated targets and lead them away with the thought of gifts and fun. And even now, after he spent years rotting away, he still knows how to find backdoors to slip through to catch his victims.

    Passive Ability: Cameras

    On 8 random LockersCameras are placed on top of them. By holding the power buttonThe Attraction see's the aura of all Lockers with a Camera attached to it. Holding the Power Button and press the Ability Button while facing a Locker with a Camera attached will transfer the Attractions consciousness to it. While looking though a camera, The Attraction is able to tag survivors with Hyperventilation by looking at them for a short period of time. Survivor's can break cameras and cause them to have to respawn after a while and will appear on a different lockerThe Attraction is able to transfer his consciousness back to his body by tapping the attack button

    Special Ability: Haunting Lockers

    While looking through a Camera or while standing near any Locker, Pressing the ability button will mark a locker and it will become HauntedHaunted Lockers emit a Green Smog from it. Their can only be 7 Haunted Lockers at a Time. 

    Haunted Lockers will inflict nearby survivors with Hyperventilation, and act as a backdoor for the Attraction. When charging Specters of Agony, The Aura of Haunted Lockers are revealed to the Attraction in green. Holding the ability button while facing a Haunted Locker will have the Attraction enter it from any distance on the map instantly, doing this will remove the Haunted effect from the locker and Specters of Agony will go on Cooldown. 

    Special Mode: Phantom Rush

    While charging Specters of Agony, looking at a Haunted Locker, and holding the Attack Button, it will cause that Locker to slam its doors wide open. Once its doors have been opened, A Phantom Rush starts. 

    During a Phantom RushPhantom Animatronics will poor from out of it and will start to move around the map towards all Haunted Lockers or Lockers with a Camera attached to them. If there are no Cameras or Haunted LockersPhantom Animatronics will patrol near generators. 

    If a Phantom Animatronic sees a survivor from any distance, it will jumpscare them. Survivors who are jumpscared will be given the Hyperventilation Status Effect. When a survivor gets jumpscared, the Phantom Rush duration is increased by 5 seconds. Survivors can end a Phantom Rush early by closing the doors of the Haunted Locker, but doing so will reveal them by Killer Instinct for 10 seconds. Upon a Phantom Rush ending, Specters of Agony goes on Cooldown. (Jumpscare Duration - 1) (Locker Close Time - 4)

    Special Effect: Hyperventilation

    Survivors who suffer from Hyperventilation will have their vision intermittently fade to black and then back to normal for their duration. Hyperventilation will be reset if a survivor is within range of a Haunted Locker, or is jumpscared by a Phantom Animatronic.

     Perks Beyond Death

    Whenever others thought you were dead, you end up returning to torment them, never letting them forget you.

     If you were to be stunned by a pallet 4/3/2 times, Beyond Death activates.

     While Beyond Death is active you are Undetectable and gain a 25% bonus to all breaking and damaging actions. When you are to be stunned, break a pallet, breakable wall, or generator, Beyond Death deactivates.

    Twisted Agony

    You're body has been horribly mangled by metal and moving around causes intense pain. But you are even more dangerous as you attack with the force of a machine. So in the end, the pain is worth it.

    After damaging a Generator, Twisted Agony activates for 20 seconds.

    While activated, you are immune to being stunned by pallets. If a survivor tries to stun you with a pallet, the following effects happen:

    True Intent

    As you lure your victims, they have no idea of the terrifying truth until it's too late.

    When you sacrifice or kill a survivor, you see the aura of the survivor who is closest to being sacrificed for 4/5/6 seconds.

    After sacrificing or killing a survivor, after 4 seconds, you gain a 7% Haste effect for 7/8/9 seconds


    The Attraction slams his axe into the ground and walks over to the survivors. He then picks them up and places their head in his mouth. The Attraction then slams his animatronic jaws on the survivor, breaking their skull and instantly killing them. The Attraction then opens his mouth and drops the survivor before picking up his axe again.

  • Ginnypig
    Ginnypig Member Posts: 159
    edited December 2023

    A mechanical killer that throws 2 kinds of bombs. One bomb that triggers and destroys pallets and generator, 1 bomb that generate a magnetic field that pushes survivor backl. Can be delayed by addon etc.

    Bombs look like small iron sphere that changes color depending on the usage of type of bomb.

    He can also crawl into a big giant iron Ball that can travel across the map.


    2 perks:

    Killer- Kabooom= Generators do not regress anymore by any means. But every time you kick a generator or there is a way that the generator would regress, you gain 1 stack. After 9 stacks, your 10th regress will instantly turn the affected generator back to 0 procent.

    Survivor: Almost done= after repairing any generator for a total amount of 90 procent of any generator, almost done activates. While activating Almost Done, it completes 10 procent of a generator by itself.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,410
    edited December 2023

    Killer: the tracker

    Backstory: i will try to make a back story later

    Power: the tracker summons his dog to find the farthest survivor leaving behind her pawprints on her way then revealing the survivors aura


    1. I see you- when you enter a locker the killer will see your location for 5/7/10 seconds
    2. hex: dog food- when the killer uses their power one survivor is revealed for 5/6/7 seconds
    3. deer pheromones- once every 60/50/40 seconds shift your terror radius within 5/10/15 meters of your location


    iri- empty dog bowl- the dog no longer shows the aura of the survivor or leave paw prints and is 5% faster and damages the survivor if healthy and gives them deep wound if injured

    iri- dog collars- there are now 3 dogs that go out but it now stops you for 5 seconds after using it


















    move speed


    "not to fast or too slow"-the tracker

    thats all i got for now i will keep revising this tho

  • Sonicexe666
    Sonicexe666 Applicant Posts: 1

    Chapter 31 and 31.5 (concept The Springtrap part is chapter 31)

    New killer The ghost child

    Height Short

    Speed 7.0

    Terror radius 4 meters (TR for short)

    Backstory While not much is known about this incident, it is said that a group of five children was lured to a back area by William Afton while wearing the Spring Bonnie suit. He then murdered them and stuffed their bodies inside the five animatronics, allowing them to possess the robotic suits and roam around the establishment. Their bodies are never found and the restaurant is closed sometime after this incident.

    Abby Schmidt.

    Power animatronic Power Animatronic Corruption When the children first found out their best friend (William Afton) killed them they were furious that they were stuffed into suits but they found out that could use this to their advantage each one of them having their own unique powers but there are some conditions despite having to be a ghost they can't attack in ghost form unless they are in a suit to possess a suit as the killer you can see the suit's aura for the start of the trial for survivors they have to find the suit and dismantle the suit this is a 90-second process if fail a skill check they will be infected with the Exposed status effect for the remainder of the trial

    New power Freddy Lure: You transform into a child with a top hat then you use your power you lure survivors into the basement if they listen to you they are on the hook if they don't they are infected with the mangled and Exposed status effect

    New power: Bonnie's Night Stalk When the Power gauge is full, press the Power button to activate Night Stalk.

    While Night Stalk is active, Bonnie is granted the Undetectable Status Effect. Performing a Basic Attack automatically deactivates Night Stalk and depletes the Power gauge for 24 seconds.

    SPECIAL MOBILITY: CROUCH Press the Active Ability button to crouch at any time. Press it again to stand back up.While crouched, Bonnie moves at a slower speed (3.8 m/s) but is more difficult to reveal and harder to spot by Survivors in general.


    While Night Stalk is active, press and hold the Power button at any time to stalk Survivors. Standing behind the cover will show the LEAN prompt, allowing Bonnie to lean around structures and stalk Survivors at twice the rate (x2) while keeping most of his body hidden, making it harder to reveal him.


    Fully stalked Survivors become Marked and suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 60 seconds. While Exposed, they are unable to reveal Bonnie.

    SPECIAL INTERACTION: REVEAL: While Night Stalk is active, Survivors can attempt to reveal Bonnie by looking at him. If they see enough of his body for at least 1.5 secondsNight Stalk automatically deactivates and depletes the Power gauge.

    While revealing Bonnie, markers point towards the direction Bonnie is being revealed from, informing him of that Survivor's general location and allowing him to attempt to hide his body from view before he is fully revealed. If a Survivor manages to reveal Bonnie, their exact location will be betrayed for 2 seconds by Killer Instinct.

    New Power  CLOAK/UNCLOAK 

    Bonnie starts the Trial Cloaked, which has the following effects: Bonnie is partially invisible as a shimmering form to Survivors who are within 20 meters of him and fully invisible to Survivors who are farther away. 

    Bonnie becomes fully invisible when standing still for a second, including for himself, and for as long as he remains stationary.

    Bonnie can attack Survivors or interact with them, and also can interact with environmental objects.

    Press and hold the Power button at any time to play the flying v shape guitar to Cloak and Uncloak, leaving the Spirit World.

    Bonnie can Cloak and re-enter the Spirit World at any time by pressing and holding the Power button again to ring the Flying v shaped guitar.

    New Power Mr Cupcake As Chica, press and hold the Power button to unleash Cupcake.

    SPECIAL STATE: DORMANT STATE While controlling Mr Cupcake , Chica falls into a Dormant State.

    SPECIAL ABILITY: Mr cupcake  MR Cupcake can scour the environment at great speed in search of Survivors.

    While controlling Chica, Cupcake will trigger Killer Instinct on any walking or running Survivors within his Shriek range, revealing their outlines to Chica.

    SPECIAL VICTOR INTERACTION: CRUSH When Cupcake is idle, Survivors can perform the Crush action on him, crushing him in the process and forcing him to  Chica's plate after 6 seconds.

    SPECIAL VICTOR ATTACK: POUNCE While controlling Cupcake, press and hold the Ability button to charge a Pounce and press the Attack button to unleash it .

    Pouncing at a Survivor will damage them.

    Pounce without latching on will leave Cupcake vulnerable for a short time, in which nearby Survivors can crush him.If a Pounce lands him on top of an obstacle taller than himself, Cupcake will automatically melt and go back on Chica's plate.

    SPECIAL VICTOR INTERACTION: LATCHED-ON:When latched onto a Survivor, they suffer from various afflictions:

    The afflicted Survivor can remove and crush Cupcake by performing the Remove action for 8 seconds.The Exit-Gate-Blocker lingers for 5 seconds after Cupcake is removed.

    New Power Sudden sprint Foxy starts the Trial with 5 Tokens.

    SPECIAL ABILITY: RUSH When sudden sprint is fully charged, press the Power button to initiate a Rush, allowing Foxy to dash forwards at great speed, consuming 1 Token in the process.

    SPECIAL INTERACTION: SLAMSlam is performed by rushing Foxy into obstacles or walls, which opens the Chain Rush Window.

    SPECIAL ATTACK: LETHAL RUSHDuring the Chain Rush Window, press the Power button again to initiate a Lethal Rush, consuming 1 Token in the process.

    Fatigue: When either the Chain Rush Window closes or the final Lethal Rush with all Tokens are consumed, The Blight enters Fatigue and begins recharging the Tokens.

    New perks perk 1 Security measures: When working with machines, you are always on a time crunch. When outside of the killer’s terror radius, generator repair speed is slightly decreased, and the chance of skill checks appearing is greatly increased. The effect is nullified when repairing inside the killer’s terror radius.

    “Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza, has even tighter security than before!” - Phone Guy

    Blood Rage  The increased pressure of losing your preys fills you with anger and gives you unsuspected motivation.

    Each time a Generator is completed, Fire Up grows in power and gains 1 Token, up to a maximum of 5 Tokens.Each Token applies a stack-able buff of 3/3.5/4 % per Token, up to a maximum of 15/17.5/20 %, to the following Action speeds: picking up and dropping surivors

    Breaking walls and pallets

    vaulting windows

    Just ######### die!-Bonnie

    Hex Hatred Fury A Hex that ensures those lesser than you are properly herded.

    Each time a Survivor is rescued from a Hook And you down a Survivor  Hex: Hatred Fury gains a token up to max of 5 tokens

    1 token Gain 20% haste

    2 tokens: Your obsession's aura is shown

    3 tokens: All survivors suffer from mangled and exposed

    4 tokens 2 surivors become mangled broken and the next time you injure one of them they will suffer from the deep wound and the obsession is exposed

    5 tokens all exit gates are blocked for the reminder of the trial

    The next time you injure the obsession all your tokens are consumed

    I always have plan and you will never find out until its too late-Willaim Afton.

    New survivor Mike

    Backstory Mike Schmidt had a younger brother named Garret, he was taken when Mike was only 12 and he saw it all unfold. He keeps dreaming the moment to try and figure out who took Garret. Fast forward years later, his mother has died and it's said that his father couldn't handle it, implying that he either left or committed suicide, resulting in Mike looking after his younger sister, Abby, all on his own. He gets kicked from his old security job working as a security guard in the local mall after beating down a man in public after he thought the man was trying to abduct a child.

    Mike goes to a career counsellor, Steve Raglan, to search for a job. Steve offers Mike a nightly guard shift at Freddy Fazbear's. Although originally refusing to go there because he couldn't work nightshifts due to having to take care of Abby, he decides to go there because he thinks having a job would make him look better if Jane attempted to gain custody of Abby. Mike goes to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, exploring the old pizzeria before he goes to his office and tries to do what he always does, figure out who took Garret. Mike sleeps on the desk of the office and dreams as usual. His dream is now different though, with five children appearing before him.

    He attempted to ask them if they knew who took Garret but they run off into the trees in Mike's dream. Mike runs after one with blonde hair, but after tripping on a rock on his dream, he falls on the floor in real life. He wakes up to see a police officer at the door of the pizzeria through the cameras. Mike opens the door to Vanessa and lets her in. She tells Mike all about the history of the place and shows him the animatronics. Mike and Vanessa go home, with Vanessa warning Mike not to let Freddy's get to his head. A gang of delinquents orchestrated by Jane in an attempt to get Mike fired so she could take custody of Abby more easily. The gang go to Freddy's and decide to thrash the place and rob it.

    They wreck the entire place but the animatronics turn on and kill each one of them one by one including Abby's babysitter. Vanessa goes to Mike’s house and tells him that the place was trashed. After trying to call Max to look after Abby he decides to bring Abby along to his next shift. He tells her to stay out in the office and sleep while he works. When they get there Mike sees the full extent of the break-in. Mike puts Abby in the office and starts cleaning up the pizzeria while she sleeps.

    After he cleans the place up he goes back to the office to attempt and dream again. In this dream however there was only one child. Mike spoke to the child asking who took his brother. The child asked him "What will you give us in return?" Mike replied with "Anything" and he woke up to Abby screaming. He runs over on the direction of Abby's screaming and see the animatronics swarming her. He picks up a chair to try to defend himself against Freddy as he walks towards Mike but backs up when he realises how big they are.

    Abby then tells Mike to "meet her friends". The animatronics weren't actually attacking her, they were playing with her. Freddy backs down and Mike is in a state of confusion as he didn't believe that the animatronics could move on their own. He thinks someone is playing a practical joke but quickly finds out it's not. The next day he realises Abby can talk to the animatronics and tells her to speak to them about Garrett, since the children told Abby about Garrett's kidnapping, something neither Mike or their parents told her.

    He drives there the next day to see Vanessa is already there. Abby greets Vanessa and Mike has a quick talk with her to see if she knew about the children. She did know about them. Abby suggests to make a big fort so they and the animatronics can lay down, with Vanessa goes to the storage room to get table cloths to make a roof. Mike follows her and he tries asking her how she knows all about this. She clearly ignores him until Mike sees a springlock suit and tries to touch it. Vanessa stops him and hits the springlocks with a broom, causing the springlocks to go off and snap a piece of the broom with ease.

    They go back and see Abby standing on the stage reaching to touch Bonnie's guitar. They yell at her to stop but she touches it and gets electrocuted. She wakes up and coughs, though she ends up okay, with Vanessa looking very distraught and hugging Abby to comfort her. They finish for the night but Vanessa tells Mike that "You can do whatever you want with your life but if you bring Abby here again, I will shoot you." Mike is worried and goes back to his car and stays there with Abby to sleep. The next morning Mikes and Abby's aunt comes over to look after her. Abby lashes out, believing him to be giving custody to Jane. She tells Mike that she hates him and scribbles his face out of all her drawings. Mike tells his aunt to tell Abby that he’ll be home soon and that he is sorry. Mike goes to Freddy's, taking his pills, using his headphones and sleeping to draw out more information of Garrett's kidnapping.

    He wakes up in his dream as usual except it's different. He sees his whole family there including Garret smiling happily and his mother telling him to sit. Mike notices that his dream changed drastically. He says this isn't what he wants, but a child with blonde hair says that he knows that's what Mike wants, to be with Garrett again. The child proposes to Mike that he can make his dream a reality, and Mike agrees. He realizes the children want Abby in exchange for Garrett, and Mike quickly tries to go back on rejecting the offer. The kids run around him stabbing him as they run by and Mike wakes up in a torture room with a Freddy Mask about to rip his face off with spinnning saws. He unscrews the screws holding his arms together and lands on the bodies of the gang of delinquents stuffed into hollow animatronic suits.

    Once Mike realises what happened to the gang in this place he runs to the exit but the door wouldn't open. He hears Foxy singing and panics, trying hard ot open the door but Foxy jumps to attack him. Suddenly then the door opens and Mike wakes up in a police outpost with Vanessa treating his wounds he sustained from the dream. Vanessa tells Mike that the owner of Freddy's, William Afton, the killer of the children that went missing at Freddy's was her dad and she shows a photo of her and William, donning a Spring Bonnie suit. In the photo Vanessa was holding an orange toy plane, the same one that Mike last saw Garret with.

    He confronts Vanessa to see if she knew about Garrett's death, she says she knew that a child died but not until recently did she know it was Mike's brother. Vanessa gives Mike a taser and refuses to come to the pizzeria along, unwilling to come to meet her father again. Mike goes to the pizzeria and sneaks in through the ventilation system. He comes out of a vent on the main dining are anad spills water under Freddy's and Bonnie's feet and electrocutes the water with the taser. They fall to the ground, temporarily disabled as the glow fades from their eyes. Being lured into the pizzeria by Golden Freddy, Abby is lured once again by Chica, who the child follows to one of the backrooms containing the springlock suit Mike saw the other night. Chica attempts to grab Abby and shove her into the suit's torso, but Abby's screams attract Mike, who arrives to save his sister. Mike points the taser at Chica and the animatronic lets Abby go and starts walking towards Mike, but Mike easily eletrocutes Chica down. Mike and Abby share a hug, with Mike apologizing for not being better and the two flee into a hall.

    Mike suddenly starts getting attacked by Mr. Cupcake while he and Abby are escaping, with Mike telling Abby to flee. Abby runs away to the main playroom but Foxy walks out of Pirate's Cove and starts chasing after her. Mike fights off the cupcake by eletrocuting it and searches for Abby, but he hears a loud bang and sees Spring Bonnie coming out of the shadows and walking towards him. Mike uses the taser on him, but it didn't affect the Yellow Rabbit. Spring Bonnie rips the taser prongs off him and rugby tackles Mike. Then he walks over to Mike and goes onto say with a robotic voice: "First I killed your brother, now I kill you. Symmetry, my friend." Mike replies with a "Go to hell." before Spring Bonnie knocks him out with a kick.

    Mike wakes up from Abby shaking him, he stands up and sees William Afton inside the suit confronting Vanessa, whom Afton remorselessly stabs in the stomach and throws her to the floor. Mike creates a plan with Abby to draw a new image to show the animatronics who killed them and that the Yellow Rabbit isn't their friend to help them all kill William. Abby drew the photo of William killing all of them and Mike turned on the pizzeria's electricity and allowing the lights of the dining room to shine onto Abby's drawing, making the children finally realize their killer. They corner Afton, with Chica's Cupcake jumping and biting at Afton's suit, activating the springlocks and killing him in a gruesome and slow way. Mike runs back to take Abby and pick up Vanessa, dragging her out of the pizeeria as it was starting to fall apart. A couple days later Mike asks Abby what she wants to eat but says that he has to make a quick stop before they go home to have dinner. He enters the hospital where Vanessa is in a hospital bed unconscious. Mike talks to her, and holds her hand before leaving. Abby asks if Mike said hi from her and he says yes. But the house is gone and so is Willaim Afton

    New item Camera 

    There are 19 Cameras around the map you can place it anywhere if the killer see a camera their aura is revealed for a short duration 

    New Perks 

    Protecter You think being a saver is not fun but you use it to your advantage For every survivor you heal save and mend you gain 10% haste while do these actions

    That's Two Things: For every Debuff you gain you get a token consume a token and you will gain 30% Haste in chase 

    witness of truth  for every survivor that the killer has attacked (basic or special) you see the killer's aura you also gain a token consume a token to open exit gates instantly but you lose all your tokens when you are downed but the killer's aura is shown to all teammates

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    I’d make a sorcerer that can be any gender (you select what you want like with Legion).

    Their movement animation is them floating like Nurse but more elegantly.

    Their power would be the ability to pallet stun and blind survivors. They’re also be able to teleport by placing down teleportation circles like Demo.

    Mori would be them summoning a lightning strike that strikes the survivor and summoning undead hands that pull the survivor into the ground.

    Their character models will be modeled after Henry Cavill and Mika Kunis.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963

    Ahahahaha, that's naughty man... for shame..... SHAAAAAAME! xD

  • PhotonUwU
    PhotonUwU Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2024

    The Noir

    (Stereotypical trench coat Noir spy look)

    Height: Tall

    Terror Radius: 24m

    Move speed: 4.4m/s

    Alternate Speeds: 3.08m/s (Charging Cursed Stream), 5.7m/s (Chasing Curse II Survivor)


    Interloper's Curse

    At the start of the game, 4 generators are Cursed, their auras are revealed in white for The Noir, the survivors have no way of telling which generators are cursed until The Noir approaches. If The Noir gets within terror radius of a survivor repairing a Cursed generator, he will play unique layer of his terror radius music, and the generator will begin to pour out a lot of smoke.

    If a survivor completes a Cursed generator, they are Cursed. Cursed survivors can remove Cursed by completing a Non-Cursed generator, or healing a Non-Cursed survivor. If a survivor heals a Cursed Survivor, they will also be Cursed. The Cursed effect has an auditory and visual cue, healing a Cursed survivor will cause a unique music layer to play, and the survivor's vision will slowly desaturate and dim.

    The Noir can see levels of Curse on the HUD, similar to The Doctor's Madness. (I imagine the effect would be making their portrait B&W and a little brightened for Curse I and heavily posterizing it in Curse II)

    Survivors can have up to 2 layers of Curse. The Noir can see the Aura of Curse II survivors within 5m.

    Cursed Stream:

    Hold the power button to charge up Cursed Stream, for at least 1 second and up to 3 seconds, the longer you charge it the longer its range, from 6m to 16m. Survivors hit with Cursed Stream gain a level of Cursed. If the survivor is already at Curse II they are Injured.

    Target In Sight:

    When chasing a survivor with Curse II, The Noir's movement speed is increased to 5.9 m/s (147.5%). This persists for 1 second after the chase ends.


    Hex: I see you

    Survivors are Exposed for 5/7/10 seconds when their Aura is revealed to you.

    Scourge Hook: Interrogation

    When you hook a survivor on a Scourge Hook, the Auras of all survivors working on generators are revealed to you for 5/7/10 seconds.

    Stay Out Of Sight

    You become Undetectable when you are carrying a survivor, damaging a generator, or searching a locker.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Personally, I want a giant spider. What screams 'horror' and 'killer' more than a spider? But this time, a BIG spider? Let it crawl on walls/ceiling as its power, and bam, you win.

  • Sngfun
    Sngfun Member Posts: 461

    Gravital from All Tomorrows

    4.6 m/s 40m TR

    Power: Latest stage of evolution

    Increase or Decrease gravity around yourself while pressing right click. (16m around it, 3 m/s speed while doing so)

    Lower Gravity: Pallets drop slower and break slower, Vaults are slower and falling is slower.

    Higher Gravity: Pallets drop faster and break faster, vaults are faster and falling is faster, losing a health state if staggering.

    Press CTRL to change the axis of your gravity, floating over at 2.70 m/s to the direction you are looking at.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,449

    Shadow Cat

    Just a smol void kitty that launches itself onto survivors and claws their faces.

    It has a special mobility feature that allows it to transform into a shadowy crow in order to move across the map quickly. In this form it can poop on Survivors and cause them to be blind and hindered for 60 seconds.

    It comes with a purr and hiss emote. The purr emote is interactive and prompts Survivors to pet the kitty.

  • The_Lazymation
    The_Lazymation Member Posts: 1

    I love this idea I've made 3 killer concepts but this is my favourite one ^-^

    The Cultist



    Dark protector

    (You will stop at nothing to protect your ruin)

    When a survivor cleanses or purifies a totem all generators within a 5/10/20 meters of an ingured survivor will be blocked by the entity for 15 seconds

    Dark Protector has a cooldown of 80 seconds

    "feel his glory inside stopping you"

    -The Cultist

    Corrupted: Dark watcher

    (Whatch them without them knowing)

    (When near a Dull or Boon an option apears called "corrupt" when you corrupt a totem all Corrupted perks activate)

    When a survivor enters a 3/5/10 meters of a

    generator/generator or gate/generator or gate or Totem will be revealed to you until they exit the radius

    "Do you feel him watching you"

    -The Cultist

    Sacred Hook: His gift

    (Show them)

    (4 random hooks become sacred hooks and are highlighted in white)

    A survivor that is hooked on a sacred hook will see hallucinations of a glowing yellow being and will also suffer the oblivious status until healed these hallucinations appear 1/3/5 times during the affects of sacred hook

    "Do you see him take his gift"

    -The Cultist



    Power: Tendrils of the Gods

    Power info: press the power button to activate Tendrils and in this stage felshy tenticles burst out your back and aim where your facing press the primary attack button to send the tenticles forward in a 5 meter distance of you and if a survivor is hit they will suffer from the broken status for 60 seconds after being hit, if there hit again they are put into the dying state

    Side info: Tendrils of the Gods has 3 tokens each token takes 30 seconds to recharge if you use more than one token this will increase the range by 2.5 metres

    (equaling a bonus 5 metres)

    Side info 2: if a survivor is put into the dying state from tendrils of the gods you may preform a ritural on the by pressing the secondary ability button

    (Only works on survivors on the second trial)

    (Ritual can be preformed once a match)

  • Bigwooda
    Bigwooda Member Posts: 1
    edited October 2024

    This is something I made myself, I’m sorry if it’s hard to read but my handwriting suck so yknow, also if this does get picked which idk if it will ever happen but if it does then the people who create it can change the abilities slightly if they are too powerful or not powerful enough the only thing I want is for the appearance and names of the powers/abilities to be the same/similar and for me to get it for free since I came up with it, the addons and perks can be made by the experts since idk how to do those exactly and the biography I will make and if the dbd devs/character makers choose this then I can send them it via email if they email me

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 115

    I would love a big 1V16 mod with a killer bot ARTHAS for warcraft.
    A basic M1 killer, but when he kills someone, the player is transformed into a zombie that can chase survivor.

    You have one life basically like in the mood "my little oni".

    As a zombie you have the same speed than nemesis zombie but you can une power to have move speed.

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 2,024
    edited October 2024

    The Dread Duckies from Dark Deception.

    Movement speed: 110% or 4,4 m/s
    Terror radius: 24 meters
    Height: Medium
    Weapon: Extendable Inner Jaw

    Killer Power: Deadly Deception

    "Born from the souls of liars, the Dread Duckies now serve as protectors of one of the Ring Pieces, using deception to toy with their victims as they did while alive."

    Special Locomotion: Body Switch

    Along with you, 7 Inactive Dread Duckies spawn in the Trial. Using the Control button, you can initiate the Body Switch.
    Initiating Body Switch will cause the Ducky you are currently controlling to stop and sit down, making you Undetectable. You can now choose which Ducky you will inhabit next. You can change the Ducky with the Q and E keys, finally selecting with the Control button.
    While choosing a Ducky, you can't see Survivors, Auras or Scratch Marks. You can still see pools of blood and hear normally.
    Selecting a Ducky will cause you to inhabit it,  making the ability to go on a 30 second cooldown. When inhabiting a new Ducky, you will appear inactive and Undetectable until moving. Moving will cause the Ducky to spring to life and ends the Undetectable. Moving your camera will not cause this.

    Special Attack: Inner Jaw

    The Dread Ducky has access to the Inner Jaw attack. This is a mid-ranged attack which stuns the survivors on impact, causing them to stop moving.
    To recover, the stunned survivor must repeatedly press the F button.
    The attack takes a bit of time to wind up and your speed decreases slightly while aiming.
    The hit and miss cooldowns are identical to the ones of a basic attack.

    Special Event: Frenzy

    60 Soul Shards and a Ring Altar spawn at the start of a Trial. Survivors can collect them by touching them or repairing a generator in a 24 meter radius of them. Hooking a survivor takes 25% of all their shards and puts them back to their positions.
    If the survivors collect all Soul Shards, they become able to interact with the Ring Altar, taking the Ring Piece. This will prevent the Frenzy from happening.
    Once all Generators are powered, the Dread Ducky will unlock Frenzy:
    • The movement speed of the Dread Ducky is increased to 115%
    • The Doom Ducky becomes accessible.
    • The cooldown of Body Switch is halved.

    Special Enemy: Doom Ducky

    Using Body Switch while Frenzy is active lets you become the Doom Ducky. You can select one of two spots for it, with both of them being near Exit Gates.
    You can preform Body Switch while using the Doom Ducky, changing spots or becoming the Dread Ducky again.
    While playing as the Doom Ducky, you can use two attacks:
    Extendable Head (M1): A ranged attack that upon being charged lets you extend your head forward quickly, instantly downing survivors upon hitting them.
    Dull Duckies (M2): A stun attack which will let you throw a lifeless Dread Ducky, which will stun survivors on impact. To recover, they will have to mash the F button repeatedly.

    Add-ons for Deadly Deception:

    Iridescent Ring Piece (Iridescent):
    • Adds 20 more Soul Shards into the Trial.
    • Increases the amount of Shards that survivors lose when hooked to 35%

    Mysterious Relic (Iridescent):
    • While using the Doom Ducky, you can also preform a surprise attack in the Exit Gate Area. If it manages to hit a survivor, they are immediatelly downed and the Exit Gate is blocked for 15 seconds.
    • A Dread Ducky spawns in each Exit Gate area when all generators are powered.

    "E" Note (Very Rare):
    • When activating an idle Ducky, all vaults and pallets in a 12 meter radius of it become blocked for 10 seconds.

    Bierce's Tablet (Very Rare):
    • Upon collecting the Ring Piece, all survivors scream and reveal their locations.
    • You become able to kill the survivor who retrieved the Ring Piece by your own hand after hooking them at least once.

    Soul Shard (Very Rare):
    • Adds 15 more Soul Shards into the Trial.
    • When all generators are powered and the Ring Altar still untouched, 20% of all collected Shards return back to their spawning places.

    Police Report (Very Rare):
    • Increases the effectiveness of stuns caused by the Dread Ducky by 30%.

    Traffic Sign (Rare):
    • Decreases the charge time of all special attacks by 20%.

    Sewer Water (Rare):
    • When activating a idle Ducky, all survivors in a 32 meter radius preforming a healing or repairing action get a difficult skill check.

    Bloody Remains (Rare):
    • Survivors hit shortly after getting stunned become Broken for 30 seconds.

    Dysfuntional Spring (Rare):
    • Decreases the Body Switch cooldown by 10%.
    • Increases the duration of lunges by 25% for 7 seconds after preforming a Body Switch.

    Pressure Valve (Rare):
    • Adds 10 Soul Shards into the Trial.
    • Downing a survivor takes 5 Soul Shards from them.

    Police Tape Scrap (Uncommon):
    • Increases the effectiveness of stuns caused by the Dread Ducky by 15%.

    Replacement Beak (Uncommon):
    • Decreases the Body Switch cooldown by 30%.

    Circus Ticket (Uncommon):
    • Adds 2 Dread Duckies into the Trial.

    Child's Drawing (Uncommon):
    • Causes the Undetectable status effect to linger for 5 seconds.

    Torn Tie (Uncommon):
    • Survivors hit shortly after getting stunned become affected by Mangled and Hemorrhage for 60 seconds.

    Hotel Flyer:
    • Adds 1 Dread Ducky into the Trial.

    Traffic Cone:
    • Decreases the Body Switch cooldown by 20%.

    Medicine Bottle:
    • Decreases the charge time of all special attacks by 10%.

    Broken Plank:
    • Increases the speed at which Duckies activate by 50%