I Unhook You With Babysitter. What's More Understandable?

Forceful_Spork Member Posts: 87

I'm going to point somewhere to give you some information, based on my Aura-reading of the Killer. Should I point in the direction the Killer is in, or the direction you should run? This is so I know what information the general player wants, so I don't give people the wrong information when using this perk.

I Unhook You With Babysitter. What's More Understandable? 30 votes

Point Toward The Killer
White_OwlCamoRangerPandomFibijeanNos37TheLegendDyl4n1HoodiedAzurlynxNikotiiniAhoyWolfpichumudkip 11 votes
Point Where You Should Run
StevoRattmanJnnsMuMiriamGMicheal_MyersAven_FallenOMagic_ManOKillermainBTWm8Boosted_DwightRocketlauncher22Kees_TClocksoAwakeyDr_LoomisCreepingcam1070anonymous31337[Deleted User]NoOneEscapesNancyDeKillerKiller 19 votes


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,584
    Point Where You Should Run

    From both options, this one is better, because the Survivor might not know that you have Babysitter. And when the Survivor does not see the Killer at all, they might think you are pointing in a safe direction.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    Point Toward The Killer

    I would say point toward the killer.

    If you don't have Distortion equipped and the killer can see your aura, then pointing in a safe direction for the unhooked survivor is also telling the killer which direction the unhooked survivor was told to run.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212
    Point Where You Should Run

    It's really hard to tell when someone is using babysitter perk so they may think you're telling them by pointing at the killer that they should go that direction.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    Point Toward The Killer

    In my experience people will understand the opposite of what you mean anyway.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,032
    Point Toward The Killer

    So I can run AT the killer!

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Neither, keep in mind that you also give the killer information.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059
    Point Where You Should Run

    I'd rather show them the exit than show them where the fire is. :l

  • hinoutoumei
    hinoutoumei Member Posts: 294
    edited November 2019

    in low ranks i have found that 9/10 matches survivors will

    only unhook you if the exit gates are opened, because they want the achievement.

    not unhook you at all.

    purposefully die on hook while a team mate is on the way to rescue them, wasting valuable time and often resulting in that team mate being hooked.

    whine at killer post game for "camping" because he sees scratch marks going towards the hooked survivor and needs to sacrifice them, or teleports to hook to stop unhooking

    use the free self command to try and communicate the killer is nearby, but team mate shows up anyway and dies

    run the killer to every hooked survivor

    wakes themselves up before unhooking the survivor, then yells at freddy for camping even though they have no way of knowing anymore where he is located.

    stand at hook pointing at team mate not doing anything so they can either grab hatch or item (again for dumb achievement)

    fully repair generators well all 3 of their other team mates are either bleeding out or on hooks

    disconnect as soon as being hooked

    disconnect as soon as 1 person is hooked

    disconnect as soon as picked up and carried to hook.

    attempt to sabotage hook that killer is walking towards carrying survivor, despite obviously not having enough time to do so...

    obviously this is just a trollish way of saying it's highly irrelevant. Unless you are quing with a full team, chances are one or more of these things are going to happen once , twice or more in a match.

    hopefully this "altruism experiment" helps to change a lot of these things. I think dead by daylight is too much of a co-operative game for some. PUGS throughout the history of MMO have never been known for proper communication , taking away any sort of in game chat or ability to communicate during the match is definitely making this worse IMO. also, too many people just want to play the game to get achievements or do their own thing..which is fine..except that there should be a casual mode for that. The casual mode that exists isn't really cutting it since you have to form a team. It's mainly just used to make competitive teams , inheirently so. they need an actual casual public que badly for daily quests and achievements so that this garbage doesn't go on anymore.