Killer Emblem system adjustment to reduce slugging

To Preface: I play both sides and it is the most non enjoyable part of the game (on both sides) to me of late. Being in the final two survivors and heal rescue/dodging the slug and also as killer forced to slug at higher ranks to ensure the emblem system does not punish me for not killing all four. (the risk of hatch escape costing me on a 4-5 gen slaughter)

@Peanits are the devs looking into how we can fix this mechanic. As killer I miss the days where after a well played game I could give the hatch or exit at high ranks or out of pitty and not have it cost me.

As it stands, often at Purple and almost always at Red. The slug has to happen to make sure you PIP or at least safety. This also becomes a bigger issue with some killers that have 1 shot downs where they are not rewarded for the hits (even if they have to build up to get to that point (Myers or Vommy Mommy).

So in conclusion, can we just make the emblem/piping mechanic less reliant on a 4k and more balanced to other categories so that slugging is reduced to the truly tryhardest of us.

Thanks :)


  • MasterUff
    MasterUff Member Posts: 78

    Slugging is fine. I think they should get rid of hooks and make it so that survivor will only die with mori or bleeding out.