My Prediction for the Next Chapter - Anubis

AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
edited November 2019 in Off-topic

Anubis - The Protector of the dead

He is involved in Egyptian history but in the last 30+ years Anubis has been included quite massively all over pop culture.

There was a sound file leaked which sounded exactly like knocking followed by some looping breathing. The knocking being the knocking on the sacophogus (from inside?, Or possibly outside?)

My theory is that the presence of Survivors disturbed the sarcophagus of the dead and now the protector is here to bring them back to rest.

The next chapter doesn't come with a map however this Anubis geezer actually kinda fits the temple of purgation kinda well, especially the underground main building.

I think Anubis would be a great killer in dbd because he is bae and charms of him in game would look pretty.

Also there are tons of cosmetic variations that could be made with him.

I'm probably wrong but it's worth a guess.

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