It's the first time I don't really care about the ongoing event

I remember I would be thrilled to play events before, planning weekends with friends, even taking days off... but now I honestly don't care anymore.
I've bought the game on Switch. My boyfriend and I now have 5 accounts, 2 on PC, 2 on Switch, 1 on PS4. Playing on NSwitch can be a pain, you hardly ever get a lobby going on heh... And we don't even have the latest update. Playing on PS4 tends to be better but we have so many connection issues it ends up pissing you off and you turn it off. Playing on PC is more decent, you get games on a more regular basis, but that's it. We have lost the will to try, or keep trying. We love the game but we almost get nothing in return from it... it's always one problem after the other. And if you find a lobby and the killer doesn't ditch, then your survivor fella will dc or be toxic or the killer will camp you to death or tunnel you.
Someone yesterday said that not every game is supposed to be fun and he compared fun to "winning". If I had to go by his standards, I would probably be super frustrated because to have an attempt at winning you first need to be able to play... we sometimes don't even accomplish that.
Hopefully they can make the game engaging again. Now they will release a new killer and everyone will be thrilled for a week and when the new killer hits the game after the PTB no one will care about it anymore, again. Haven't you noticed that? The PTB/New killer hype lasts shorter than it used to... people already get tired/bored of it before it's released and then it will die and sink in the killer pool along other killers people barely use but that sometimes get some new fancy cosmetics set...