Freddy is a beast

I only have like 100 hours as killer and recently started playing Freddy and I love it. I started off as survivor but now im taking more of a liking to killers. This was like my fourth match ever with Fredboi and i'm still figuring him out and the whole dream snares thing. So in this match, it seemed like it was a SWF but it ended up not being SWF once i looked (or im wrong idk) So I played normaly and hooked people, all fine, ruin wasn't touched until late game EVEN THOUGH it was out in the open.
So this Claudette starts looping me and she's apparently awake so my snares do squat. All fine, till she starts clicking at me and teabagging me. I already hooked her once and she didnt behave so stupid before. I was COMMITTED. The others were doing feckall suddenly going in between so i stop chasing her. Eventually I downed her near the basement and semi facecamped her, nodding (It is satisfying, isnt it?) Turning my face to the camera once she was killed.
I got an almost perfect game 31600 points.
Double Pipped.
I usualy do never facecamp cuz it is just boring, but if you annoy me you will die, and if i have to let you bleed out on the floor. I didn't even care if the others escaped 😂
So that was my little rant, Killer in training over and out