Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Which Killer do you wager Players will complain about being "Unfun" next?



  • TheALIEN
    TheALIEN Member Posts: 327

    Hag, I betcha! 👿

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Probably Freddy. No one likes playing against him, and a lot of the survivors find him pretty annoying.

  • CrowFoxy
    CrowFoxy Member Posts: 1,310

    His lunge isn't insane why does anyone think that. It's the same as every killer.

  • THEghostface
    THEghostface Member Posts: 296

    Ghost Face for sure, but I hope not. He has a lot of counterplay to him, but people who sloppily attempt properly break his stealth or avoid revealing him if needed say otherwise.

    All these threads about nerfing spirit, and I'm still sitting here angry about how they nerfed Michael EW1 vs. Spine Chill. Still to this day the most bs change.

  • MiktheSpik
    MiktheSpik Member Posts: 75

    I have this really weird suspicion that this guy also believes that decisive strike is also broken. Youre pretty cringe as a killer main talking made ######### about unbalanced things. First of all. You think spirit is okay. At pallets, Spirits ability means that the survivor has to LITERALLY coinflip to get out of the tile successfully and into the next one. Hillbilly is a good killer. He has good mobility and a one shot ability that rewards the accuracy of killers for the most part. (Sometimes its them sick reads bro) now thr lack of turning capability and loud noise makes it outplayable. This makes it fun for both players. Saying spirit is unfun because you have to guess to get away from her isnt stupid or "unreasonable" its correct. Now there are players that say a bunch of stuff killers has is broken and say stuff like "OMG BASEMENT TRAPER IS BRKOEN OMG!!!!" But at some point you have to seriously listen to actual arguments being made. Someone saying something is unfun just because is okay to ignore but for you to have the audacity to ridicule people for saying actually correct thing. Then youre a victim of the same ignorance you preach about. And for the record, youre main complaint about legion. Let me address this. Lets put it on paper, for the cost of not seeing scratch marks and the some second exhaustion thing. You get increased movement speed the ability to not be slowed down by pallets or windows, seeing blood better, putting them injured state AND making them mend (which really isnt that strong but its still a nice part) and the ability to track anyone remotely close to you. Now i dont personally thing its super strong but id defintely say its not weak. And can see why some people would *say* its unfun, which in itself is just subjective. Take it how you want.

  • InfinyMage
    InfinyMage Member Posts: 236

    I am fearful for him being up under the scope next. I doubt that they could butcher him but i feel they might take away from what hes been since release. To me i see him as a anti stealth killer.

    I do love me some salt messages when playing as the doctor. Lol it can feel lackluster sometimes playing him for results but hes still fun.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Already so many nurse players whining about how unfun she is because you have to wait an extremely small amount of time between double blinks, so......nurse.

    And you've got a player saying he's won tournaments when the final match is bubba on Yamaoka getting a 4k against supposed great players, then looking down on other players as if this amazing tournament win gives his opinion more weight than other players. But that could be anyone.. The point is, there is unjustified whining on both sides.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
    edited November 2019

    Plague. We saw that huge shift in threads just before Nurse's 'small tweaks' were released in the PTB, and a few pop up here and there since then.

    Freddy is a strong possibility, at least his addons.

    Same with Huntress and her iri heads.

    Personally, I just see it as a bunch of crying survivors who can't think outside of looping. Anybody they see that can either mindgame them, or has an ability that requires non linear strategy, is up on the chopping block. I wouldn't be surprised if Tru3's anti heal Ghostface catches on and they start crying about that, or Otz's speedy Wraith.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Legion ignored all gameplay mechanics and literally had no counterplay. That's why they were annoying to go against. Your skill didn't matter at all, you couldn't do anything about them mindlessly stabbing you. If you can't see why he was changed, I don't know what to tell you.

    Spirit has the same issue, you are mostly doing guessing games as survivor, where your skill doesn't really matter much. There are of course some strats you can do but it mostly comes down to, I hope she makes a mistake or I guessed right.

    Nobody wants her to be trash, the devs are the ones making unnecessary changes most of the time.

    These sorts of threads are useless and they are only fueling the constant hate between survivors and killers

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768


    "Slowdown freddy so unfun can't run around pallets he can ignore all survivor defenses soooooo unfun."

    No idea why people are jumping on balanced killers they can't play against everytime. Not actual game problems like some extreme maps like hawkins or thompsons house.

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Freddy's probably next on their radar. Can't have a killer that can slow the game down to his advantage, nonononono, that's just boring.

    Now excuse me while I play hide and seek with survivors on Rotten Fields.

  • GamerBoiHours
    GamerBoiHours Member Posts: 6

    When I saw this, I immediately thought leatherface because he can hit multiple people with his chainsaw and barbecue and chili and him being the killer most related to insidous camping. But to be honest, the community will always complain about something, any killer. If they wanna complain, it's gonna be Legion, not legion, it's the spirit, not the spirit, it's nurse. But my bet on the next killer the community deems unfun will be leatherface

  • Jacoby2041
    Jacoby2041 Member Posts: 843

    Plague because (just for the record I like Plague, one of my favorite killers actually) people don't cleanse. The infection spreads and then people stay broken all game and nothing interesting happens and everybody's coughing puking one shot but she's just m1 besides that. If they do cleanse she basically gets a machine gun and kills everybody unless they have plenty of cover or hide until it's over. I wish there was some more interesting dynamics with sickness and cleansing or not cleansing instead of it just being a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation

  • ChilledOcean
    ChilledOcean Member Posts: 31

    Then increase the base effectiveness of her puke. Something needs to be done with her kit. Not saying a full Freddy rework but man her kit sucks in my opinion.

  • Endstille
    Endstille Member Posts: 2,246
    edited November 2019

    You literally have 0 clue what you do talk about, old legion was very strong with the right addons and was seen alot at red ranks. They on one hand fixed the possible exploiting of game mechanics with him while nerfing him to a point that made him utter garbage which is a reason why you barely see anyone playing him at red ranks.

    Old nurse (talking about basekit) was completely fine and had probably the best balance for both killer and survivor with mindgames across the entire map and not just around a specific tile or obstacle.

    I have a very easy solution for scott's need to see skilled counterplay, he should join the next tournament hosted by marth, he than only has to 4k all the time. EZ PZ right? I mean there have been lots of spirits as killer so he can deliver proof that all those killers were garbage and that there literally is no counterplay. Since he is unable to watch those videos, he can rather participate and dominate everyone.

  • Bleediss
    Bleediss Member Posts: 134

    Freddy and Plague, easily.

    I have to admit, though, I hate the concept of Forever Freddy and think mostly bad players use it because they can't apply enough pressure without all of the slowdown perks, but I don't think it deserves a nerf or anything.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,741

    That would suck... I enjoy both playing as her and against her. Shes got room for skillful play, as well as counters.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,741

    Could just mean a rework rather than a nerf. Plague is only unfun because survivors tend to never GIVE her her power. If they could give her something consistent thats not overly OP...

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Unpopular opinion here but I'd be interested in some number tweaks. Similar to how survivors have a maximum healing speed, I feel there should be a maximum slowdown speed. You'd still have Pop, etc to put ontop of it but the ott slowdown would be lessened.

  • AIG1992
    AIG1992 Member Posts: 98

    Probably innocent Fredward. If there's enough crying, the nerfs will come.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    What I find surprising is that even though Freddy has the highest kill rate currently, more survivors are looking for Spirit to be adjusted over any other killer. Which says a lot if you think about it...

  • Bleediss
    Bleediss Member Posts: 134

    I'd rather just the actual game be addressed if this much slowdown is needed to play the game for some people.

    Also, Freddy slowdown add-ons make me think add-ons in general need to be looked at.

    I say this because the best add-ons to me are ones like Scratched Mirror, where it completely changes the killer in such a way you feel like you're getting another killer out of using the add-on as it opens up using different builds and playstyles just to compliment the add-on.

    And then there's Freddy's slowdown add-ons, woah, so interesting, I slow down the game passively with nothing else changed, very inspired.

    Really, though, I'd love for Freddy to have slowdown add-ons that slow down the game in a unique way because they throw something different into his kit for him to use.

  • Kycer
    Kycer Member Posts: 337

    Definitely Freddo.

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  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547
    edited November 2019

    I mean you're only slowed if you're in his Dream World. You don't want to be in his Dream World. The longer you're in there the more you're penalized. That's why you need to wake up. To negate 2/3rds of his power.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    A lot of big survivor main streamers are already complaining about freddy, not going to name them but you should be able to figure out who, Because streamers have such a following they encourage the players who follow them to act/think the same through their influence.I've had a couple of survivors in my lobbys call me out for playing Freddy with No perks or Add-ons and say he's pay to win just because I've 4k with him. I'm tired of this mob mentality people have towards killers doing well in all ranks.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    And that's time the killer needs to use effectively. Playing killer, especially in high ranks is a game of seconds. You can't afford to make that many mistakes. One critical mistake can cause you to lose all of your pressure in one go.

    Plus it's not really that much wasting time. If the killer doesn't have Red Paintbrush, just fail a skillcheck like old Freddy. If they do, then go find an alarm clock to wake up.

    Are you telling me he is unfair and unbalanced and "unfun" when you have a lot of ways to turn him into a complete M1 killer with no powers during a chase?

  • Bleediss
    Bleediss Member Posts: 134

    Walking across the entire map to the alarm clock isn't wasting that much time? Not sure how you can reach that conclusion.

    Failing a skill check still means a generator getting regressed and also alerting him about where you are.

    Also I didn't even say he was unfair, or unbalanced, like if you actually read you would see me say "but I don't think it deserves a nerf or anything." but hey putting words in my mouth and talking about "but killer is hard!!" is easier than understanding that I just find the add-ons and build in general very boring and uninspired.

  • Eihposta
    Eihposta Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2019

    I personally find every killer as fun to go against :D (yes I'm strange)

    What I find unfun is situational problems but I never rage quit/DC xD

    The way I see it, you win some you loose some 🤷 collect your blood points and move on xP

    I always see posts that killers are unfair and unfun but I don't think it's fun for a killer to be bullied by survivors because we can be toxic af! XD

    Edit: I used to love playing against the old nurse :'( it was a 50/50 chance they were awesome or rubbish and I loved that :D

  • Alonzo
    Alonzo Member Posts: 151

    My money is that after they change The Spirit and rework The Doctor they will change Freddy. So my money is on Freddy. I haven't got many games vs Freddy tbh so I guess not many people play him as much as they do original killers...maybe because he is a licensed killer and you have to buy him with money and not shards. But yeah...I bet its Freddy.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Mark my words, they're coming for Stalkless Ghostface for being extremely effective in an unintended way, under the guise of "Abusing" his undetectability for unexpected rewards.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    Sorry, but thanks to this forum my brain now thinks "Boring and Uninspired" is synonym for Unbalanced and Unfair.

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    Ohohoh, I know this one! "All of them" right? Coincidentally the same answer as asking killer mains the question "what survivor mechanic is broken?"

  • Bleediss
    Bleediss Member Posts: 134

    Understandable. Most boring and uninspired things I want changed are because I feel it would just provide a better experience for both sides by having something more interesting in the game to shake up gameplay.

    This can of course be done with the base concept still there, like Freddy's being that his add-ons slow the game down.

  • DeKillerKiller
    DeKillerKiller Member Posts: 547

    I will admit there are times when I feel like I am forced to bring ruin on other killers other than Freddy. Freddy just has more flexibility because he comes with a built in ruin with his Dream World. Meaning I can be more flexible with his build.

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    Pig needs more nerfs, too OP.

    I think billy, freddy or ghostface

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    I still think Billy is messed up. He needs to have real addons made for him, instead of his generic nonsense right now. Instasaw makes me sad.

    Personally I think only bubba should even hard-down people with his chainsaw, Billy should splatter them with:






    But he should also be able to chainsaw gens to damage them too, for like an extra 5% regression or something. I just want him to be interesting and different from bubba

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited November 2019

    I know Legion was broken, and unfun to play against. They had 0 counterplay. However, this does not mean that it was right to promote and support changes that would remove their identity and to DC against them as a sort of protest until changes were made.

    And my point, again, is that no one complained about the Spirit, or considered her unfun, until quite recently, based on, it seems, nothing more than the fact that they need a Killer to widely label as unfun.

    She has not changed at all since the Legion changes and she does not use any of the perks released since then. She was considered, for the most part, high tier and, usually, quite balanced. Hell, a few months before that people were still arguing she was weak.

    Except Prayer Beads. F Prayer Beads.

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    Well, I always found her annoying to go against since her launch but it wasn't much of a problem for me because people didn't play her that much and those who did weren't really that good. I guess it was the same for other people as well.

    I genuinely dislike going against her and this is coming from someone who loves going against nurse (and I really don't like the basekit changes) so it's not because she isn't loopable or anything. Constantly going against spirit makes me want to stop playing the game. I don't have this problem with any other killer.

    Also, the devs said that she was overperforming and if that's true, she probably has a very high kill ratio and that has nothing do with her being unfun to go against.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    I dunno, but leave my Hag alone!

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    But Freddy has the highest Kill Rate right now. Does this mean she is expected to get less kills and they have a bar set for each Killer that is different and when one beats it they are now "overperforming"? Would this explain why weaker killers are ignored for the most part, because they are working as intended with a lower Killer rate than the average?

    Hmmm. ?

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 712

    Freddy most likely, which is funny because he was changed solely because he "wasn't fun" originally

  • arslaN
    arslaN Member Posts: 1,936

    I have no idea. Maybe freddy has the highest kill rate on all ranks overall? They said they were going to release some stats again and I guess we'll see then. I hope they have some stats for kill rates on red ranks and not just all ranks overall.

  • Hudson
    Hudson Member Posts: 93

    Well ... these are two different problems.

    Disconnectiong should be adressed at it's own. It doesn't matter for what reason, it's bad anyways. I don't know why Devs don't adress this problem. For example Rocket League gives you a 15 minutes cooldown when you intendedly disconnect from a match, since it ruins the match for all the other players.

    I also would stack the cooldown. You disconnect again in a row, 30 minutes cooldown. You log out for the day, 'cause you don't wanna wait 30 minutes, log in the next day and dc already again => 45 minutes cooldown. Until you start playing your games.

    It doesn't fix the suicide-problem, but it fixes a lot of other problems like dc on first down, dc because of killer, and dc to instantly open the hatch.

    To the "complaining" problem. Legion was unfun, because Legion players started to chase you backwards. And that was just bullshit. But I also didn't see the need to nerf (or "rework") him to a piece of trash. He now is still unfun to play, but for the killer player.

    Sorry, but the Dbd Forum and community is just a big bunch of crying lil sausages, that complain about everything. Maybe some ppl should write what they like from time to time. And instead of a discussion, I would start a poll where everybody can give their opinion if Spirit is fun or OP or unfun, or what ever.

    I basically think survivors start complaining, when they don't want to adapt to new killers.

  • merle_dixon777
    merle_dixon777 Member Posts: 2

    In my experience I enjoy killer much better I have 7 killers ranked out prestige 3 level 50 and 3 survivors. No matter what killer I use 97% cry about it, it goes from blocking messages to actually having these crybabies friend request you with a message. It's just always gonna be here waaa waaa waaa! P.s. I knew something was different about my legion since when I 1st bought her and ranked her out.

  • pichumudkip
    pichumudkip Member Posts: 155

    I'm gonna say Hag purely because of Ruin. Other than that, honestly could be anyone, including Leatherface/Bubba, but odds are, most likely Spirit. Honestly just prepare for any killer to be "unfun" to play against.