Killer Idea: The Catalyst

Height: Tall
Terror Radius: 32 meters
Speed: 115%
Power: Selective
Holding m2 for 1 second will shoot a tendril straight forward for 24 meters. If a Survivor is hit by this, they are set to the Injured state and will have 1 effect applied to them.
The first/third Survivor hit: This Survivor will glow red on the screen on the bottom left, and will have a thin red line around them. This Survivor has a 10% increase in repair speeds, but 50% slower healing speeds and 200% slower unhook speeds.
The second/fourth Survivor hit: This Survivor will glow blue on the screen on the bottom left, and will have a thin blue line around them. This Survivor has a 20% increase in healing speeds, and 50% faster unhook speeds, but 20% slower repair speeds.
If an afflicted Survivor does an action they were not assigned to do for 5 seconds (the timer is paused for 1 second after the action stops), see their aura until they are no longer doing that action. For unhooking, see their aura for 5 seconds instead.
Secondary Power:
Holding space for 3 seconds will launch 2 tendrils forward (up to a max of 16 meters.) If they hit a Survivor, the Survivor is injured for 1 health state and the Catalyst is drawn to them (to 8 meters away.) This can only be used once every 30 seconds. After using this, the Catalyst moves at 105% movement speed for 3 seconds.
Perks -
Biological Coil: Injuring a Survivor that has not been hooked within 100 seconds of hooking a Survivor will afflict Deep Wounds, after 30/24/18 seconds the Survivor will be downed (this does not go down while in a chase.)
Survivors who have been hooked have 12% slower altruistic action speeds.
Spiral Barricade: After breaking a pallet, where the pallet was will be blocked by the entity for 40/50/60 seconds. The Killer can walk through the blocked area.
Lock and Key: Closing the hatch will close each exit gate. Them closing takes 20/16/12 seconds.
If there are generators remaining on the map when the hatch is closed, both exit gates will be blocked for 30 seconds.
End Game Collapse lasts 30 seconds less time.
Thank you for reading through this! Feedback is appreciated!
I like to think this guy's theme is DNA.
Really cool, I love the idea that you have to more or less choose what the survivor's effectiveness is.
Although I kinda the status effects were swapped, but that's my preference on how i play.
For the perks Lock and Key seems powerful for occasionally blocking the exit gates for 30 seconds, I assume at max level. But considering how often you're gonna close them, who knows.
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Overall I like it. I do have a couple of reservations though. I'm not a fan of a killer's ability providing survivor buffs. I just have a hard time accepting that even if there is some kind of drawback. Giving a survivor a 20% increase in gen repair speed in particular is bad. I do like the idea of a killer's attack doing either a rotating or random debuff though.
The charge attack seems difficult to balance. Conceptually it is really cool though. For League of Legends players it reminds me of Nautilus. Maybe that would actually be a good source of inspiration. For instance, if The Catalyst were to hit an environmental object it could pull itself to that object. The idea of being able to pull yourself up to a second floor of a house or whatever or creatively use it to shorten a chase seems fun.
As far as perks go, I really like the idea of "Spiral Barricade". It even seems perfectly balanced to me. The idea of pairing it with bamboozle and blocking someone in a shack seems like a lot of fun. The other two perks I'm less enthusiastic about.
I think there is potential with "Biological Coil". I think it is an interesting concept to have a split effect on survivors based on whether they have been hooked or not. But the effects themselves seem kind of lackluster. Deep wounding survivors with basic attacks feels like it is treading awfully close to The Legion's identity as a killer. The altruistic penalty feels almost unfair to both the killer and survivors. For the killer, it doesn't seem like it would actually have too much of an effect on the outcome of the game and this is the effect that would be around the most. For survivors, it seems unfair to have a penalty that they can't do anything about even if it isn't that big of a deal.
The last perk "Lock and Key" is just too narrow. There are too many situations where the killer would get 0 value out of it.
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Lock and Key is meant to be an all or nothing sort of thing, so it has a good effect that won't be pulled off too often.Sorta like an endgame perk I guess, not always needed but really good when used.
I could always decrease the buff in gen speeds to 5% or something if that'd be better. The goal was to make it so Survivors had to do one specific thing at all times or be punished. Making them into an enzyme type of thing, only works well with one thing.
I was originally going to make it so the dragging thing could also work on walls, I could include that if you think it should be there.
I don't really know what to change the effects of Biological Coil, if I could have suggestions that would be really helpful.
Thank you for the responses!
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I can't imagine it....
Can you explain what are these tendrils?
Are they like vines or ivy?
Does the killer throw them like a spaghetti or spear?
Explain How can they buff or debuff the survivor?
How does this killer looks like?
Where is the background story of the killer?
Im really curious
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The tendrils are like black vines I guess.
The Catalyst debuffs the Survivor by changing chemicals in them, changing focus since the tendrils would go into the Survivor.
The Killer's left arm is all black vines, with clothes that cover most everything else. The weapon is a sharpened plank of wood (unless you have any better ideas.)
I have no damn clue about the backstories of any of the killers I have made besides the first 5 (not including the licensed ones.) Even then I rarely if ever list the backstory of a Killer. Writing those don't interest me as much as the power itself.
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What kind of chemicals? Alcohol debuff? Energy drink buff?
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Idk- I didn't do my research with this one.
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This concept sounds like Alex Mercer from Prototype. Cool concept tho
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I had a similar concept for a killer a year ago. The idea being once you downed a survivor you can choose to inject a toxin into their system with there being 2 different types of toxins. 1 focused on gens, the other focused on chases.
Your ability will cause a lot of disconnects. I think the one that decrease healing wouldn't bother me personally but the other would be extremely annoying and unfun to play against. 50% decrease repair speed when we know they'll probably bring pop, thanatraphobia and ruin. You try to balance this by having the other one increase gen repair but that doesn't help. Your running into a similar problem that I had where the killer will just tunnel the survivors who have increased gen repairs and leave the other 2. The ability is really really strong and extremely unfun to play against.
The secondary ability is ok. I'm finding it hard to imagine if its balanced or not but it sounds ok.
Biological Coil: I like the idea but if the killer slugs instead of hooking then this will be really annoying. Maybe the first survivor hit after another survivor has been hooked gets the deep wound status.
Spiral Barricade: I like the idea but I don't think it will actually be very good in chases. Not too many survivors run through these areas again after they just used the pallet.
Lock And Key: I need to know if the door is already closed when the hatch is closed what happens? During endgame collapse this is good for speeding up the collapse but unless someone uses a key, the hatch part doesn't do much in endgame collapse.
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Thanks for the critiques!
I could decrease the effects on gen speeds, or think of a different effect to replace the gen changes.
Thank you for the new idea for Biological Coil, I really needed one.
Spiral Barricade is meant to be situational, but powerful in the scenarios it's meant for. It could instantly stop a fair few amount of loops in the right scenarios. I could make it last longer, though.
Lock and Key is just as situational as Spiral Barricade with it's first effect (which doesn't activate unless an exit gate is open), while the second effect is to get Survivors to make impulsive decisions.
Thank you for the feedback!
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What I did with my killer who had a similar theme I just made doing gens harder. But the healing one will really annoy certain survivors who love perks like self care.
Maybe make both actions harder but not near impossible to do.
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The point is to make Survivors only able to do one thing and be bad at doing another, like an enzyme (where the name of "The Catalyst" came from). I will think about that though.