My Second Killer Tier List (3.3.2)

Just a few notes for each tier starting from S: (REMINDER!! This is an opinion! This is based off RED RANKS)
S: Spirit is now crowned the best killer in the game. Hag is so close... and might even be better than Spirit 👀. Nurse is still a god tier killer, but has dropped two spots due to lowered pressure overall which is now less than Spirit and Hag (not by a whole lot.)
A+: Billy and Huntress have the ability to destroy many teams. They can be ran around in some circumstances however, hence the potential tier.
A: Freddy is close to that “god tier potential”. Just doesn’t have that snowball effect as the others above. Ghostface has so much flexibility.
B+: Myers struggles early on in a lot of cases, but does have many strong builds and decent snowball effect in SOME cases. Don’t see him quite on the Great scale that Freddy and Ghostface are on.
B: Plague is now in her rightful place unlike last time (D tier). Demogorgon spot could change come next chapter, but I’m comfortable with this for now.
C+: I feel like this is too low for pig, but it’s so difficult to rank her!
C: I love these two with a passion!
D+: Please rework them!
D: Ugh. Kind of a chore to play these killers at times. Especially Leatherface (sorry LF mains) and Clown.
F: None.
Critique as you may!
I don't believe there is an S tier anymore. I'd put the highest as Spirit in A.
Hag is also extremely overrated.
On the right map Huntress can be godlike but she requires a ton of skill to get to that level and her bad maps are very numerous.
Just my opinions though.
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I'm more of a fan of condensed tier lists. S A B C D F is more or less the standard. Some tiers have SS for the characters that are absolutely broken overpowered, but that's about it. And a good tier list has most characters in the B/C tiers and the least in the S/F tiers. It should look like a bell curve if you turn your head. If it doesn't, that either means the person making the tier list made a mistake or the game is seriously unbalanced (which as bad as balance is in DBD I don't think this is the case).
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Hag will be the queen when Spireh gets messed with. I'm surprised I don't see more people complaining about her. "I shouldn't have to run urban evasion just to counter 1 killer!1!" I agree with your list but I'd bump Myers down and pig up. All those killers have a similar level of power. Demogorgon I don't know about since I don't have him. He seems like a weaker hillbilly but being with Myers and plague seems fair.
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I labeled S as Godtier for a reason. I believe those 3 can completely dominate.
Maybe the first time I’ve ever heard hag is overrated ?
I think we agree on Huntress.
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“A good tier list had more characters in the B and C tier”. Can you elaborate why you think that? And who would fall there in your opinion? Atm, there’s 6/7 in mine (counting legion). Freddy and GF could be the only ones close, and they are clearly better than the others below.
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That’s definitely fair!
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Legion above Bubba? How?
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Hag is B tier at red ranks. Very exploitable and tons of counterplay.
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Their ability to pressure all survivors essentially. Don’t get me wrong, they still aren’t very good, but their stalling is actually decent. The problem they possess can be to get that first survivor down. I believe bubba struggles in every facet other than his insta down. Which hurts if he doesn’t get his first down right away. Without that first down, LF has no pressure without it and I think a lot of times he struggles to get it if you find certain survivors in a good spot (which good survivors tend to be in). Legion can pretty much guarantee pressure at the start. Not to mention LF has to continue to do the same over and over without pressuring the other 2/3 survivors. (I’ve seen your posts, and yes in some rare circumstances LF can get multiple survivors down at once, but is it something a bubba can rely on a consistent basis? No). You probably have some counter points though and I’d love to hear them. :) Especially from a really good Bubba main like yourself!
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A tier list is basically a comparison of strength between characters. As such it makes sense that most characters would be "in the middle". An individual character's strength is relative to all other killers.
Like it should make sense that there are a few characters that are really good, some that are good, a bunch that are average, some that are below average, and a few that are bad.
When you have a top heavy or bottom heavy tier list, that means you are basing the character's strength on how well they perform independent of other characters. That's not a tier list. Tier list placement is always dependent on how well they do COMPARED TO everyone else.
Like for Spirit, she is a strong killer. You place her at the top, meaning that she is the strongest when compared to all other killers. You can't gauge her strength without such a comparison.
In theory if we had a game where every killer was overpowered and could get 4k's 90% of the time, you wouldn't place them all in S tier, because some killers will still be stronger comparatively. So even in this case, there would be mid tier and bottom tier killers, even if they are all OP it's relative.
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I highly disagree with the placements. Nurse is still the best killer in terms of potential, she just requires a lot more of skill now. Freddy definitely is better than huntress, since you have maps like coldwind, hawkins and the game
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Highly disagree. Only “counterplay” are flashlights. Flashlights are very overrated for Hags traps as she can adjust to them. Typically, flashlights are used at hooks and loops. Hooks are the easy one, and can waste a lot of time and create pressure. Placing a trap next to hook (Essentially bait), then proceeding to trap their plan of attack (where they will walk/run to) will almost always guarantee pressure or stalling. Traps at loops and be guided through if you decide to complete a chase. You gotta make sure that it’s placed to where the survivor doesn’t have the time or view to destroy it. At that point, you get the down in most cases unless they run. And hey, this all plays in to her AOC. With her AOC, you’re most likely already to have a well placed trap at the loops or the next one to it. All part of intuition and experience.
There is crouching over traps... but that just wastes a bunch of time if they’re going to do it all game and it eventually leads to a win. And rarely do you see urban evasion. Especially more than one. Even with Urban, you aren’t going to find much success in a Hags AOC.
You could say OoO, but IMO that hurts all detectable killers.
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Good tier list, but I think Huntress is way too high and Plague way too low.
Tomorrow I might tell you why I think Huntress is so overrated and Plague so underrated.
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I mean in theory, the top three don’t really have much separation at all. If a nurse lands ALL of almost all of her hits throughout the game against competent survivors on a consistent basis stretch of games, then sure, she’s the best. But hell not sure that’s human really, as I haven’t seen it like an old nurse. I still consider her being able to dominate. Her still being the best in others opinion is fair though.
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Doc is not worse than legion hag ain't better than Freddy swap demo and mike
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I’d love to know your thoughts for sure! :)
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My current tier list
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That’s fair other than Freddy better than Hag in IMO. But I’ve already talked about Hag a million times. So if you want, you can check out one of my older posts about her. Or just read the reply above as to why I think she can counter her counters.
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I like it!
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I use her frequently. Flashlights are just one of many counterplays. I typically just run to the next loop when a Hag loop traps, and then disarm every trap she set in chase after she teleports away. Stepping on her traps intentionally is a counterplay in and of itself. Coordinated squads just have someone run outside of your AOC, rotate trap disarmers, and set off as many as possible when you pick someone up. Her traps can only be in so many places before they won't be stepped in.
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I'm not going to try and convince you that you're wrong because you obviously aren't for the most part.
Bubba does struggle against strong survivors as he can't efficiently "play around" vaults or pallet loops as opposed to stronger killers. It certainly does make Bubba a highly map and rng dependant killer.
I often manage to pull off some "chainsaw stunts" here and there as seen in most of my clips even against red/purple rank survivors but it's often or mostly the result of survivor mistakes rather than Bubba's potential. I want to be completely honest there.
Also finding and downing someone quickly at the start of the game is (or at least feels) crucial since Bubba has -basekit wise- nothing to slow down gen progression. No map pressure, no tracking, no stealth.
However over the course of the years I've noticed he's one of "very few killers" who can make insane comebacks late-game due to his built in "real" instadown. Once the strongest pallets are out of the way you can -given enough practice- often steamroll survivors at the last 1 or 2 gens (if the survivors are strong enough to get to the late game that is) as survivors will be closer together with less pallets to defend themselves.
That's why I personally don't see Legion above Bubba. They do have some tracking and can somewhat play around vaults and pallets and stall the game by handing out free Borrowed Time but they lack lethality and every Frenzy run allows people to get to initiate a time-wasting chase thus resulting in very little "comback potential" if that makes sense.
LONG STORY SHORT: If people don't play optimally my instadown will make short work of them and if they're strong/smart enough to make it to the late game or even end-game they naturally increase their risk of getting steamrolled due to the decrease of one of their main defenses (pallets).
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Hag isn’t as optimal against a coordinated SWF group or OoO. OoO is great against all killers except Nurse and Spirit.
However, I rarely run into OoO and she can still win against a good group. A majority of SWF groups aren’t great anyways in my own experience.
I typically won’t even play Hag if I see flashlights.
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I know I put Freddy a little low but I believe Demogorgon is the best licensed killer.
Also now he can’t cheese his traps and keep his bloodlust he isn’t catching up as fast.
Still don’t see how people put Billy above Hag and ESPECIALLY Spirit.
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Not sure why you have a problem with it then? My grading is based of their viability against high rank survivors, COMPARING the killers in who can do it at high level, a low level and everything in between. Which is indeed a tier list. What would be the point of basing a characters power independently? That doesn’t even make any sense. Nothing is top or bottom heavy at all. I added more tiers to give people a better understanding on where I think a killer is in their current state compared to the rest. I mean.. no tier has more than three killers.. lol. If this list was shrunk (like my last one was) it would look the same as that one lol.
For example:
S: 3
A: 4
B: 3
C: 5 (including Pig & Legion)
D: 3
Not sure how you get I’m ranking them independently from one another in terms of how well they do.
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Yeah Freddy could be a little higher in the A, but I wouldn’t sweat it as B is definitely reasonable. I still have to learn a lot more about Demo, but he definitely has potential.
And yeah it amazes me people have Billy above Hag and Spirit lol. Some want Billy nerfed as well xD
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I didn't say you were ranking them independently, I made the point that you should stick to more traditional tier formats like S A B C D F. You don't need a +/- tier, you just sort the characters in order within a tier. The only time this is necessary is when you have a LOT of characters, such as MvC2 or Smash Ult. Those games have like 60+ characters so it's a bit more necessary for those extra tiers.
You asked why a tier list should be formatted that way and I explained why. I wasn't saying you did that though.
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If you’re running outside of your area and don’t commit to a trap that’s been triggered inside of it or just leave your area in general.... then that’s already a mistake from the killer and obvious bait. A really dumb one lol. If you have your chain of traps already set out of your area close by, you get a down and have the choice to slug or hook. By then, that’s plenty of time to react to your area and probably get another down or at least a hit. This is a good point though and why I love sloppy on her. People aren’t going to want to heal because of time they already have wasted or are going to waste. If they’re are triggering her traps injured they’re making a mistake right there lol. Counter to that though is if the survivors just heal instead. Well, then that’s them wasting time on that instead lol. I have faced very coordinated teams like this. It isn’t easy, but it’s very doable. Though since you seem to have experience, I now respect your opinion.
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"I don't believe there is an S tier anymore. I'd put the highest as Spirit in A."
See this is what I mean. There is ALWAYS an S tier, because there will always be at least 1 character that is superior to all others. That character is the S tier. You compare all other characters to this character to rank them in the other tiers.
S tier doesn't mean over powered or unbeatable, and F tier does not be completely worthless. It's all relative, and you need at least 1 anchor point in order to sort a tier list. Even if the S tier killer is not that good they are still S tier by comparison to everyone else. That's how a tier list works.
Even in games with superb balance will still have an S tier and F tier. The difference here is that the threshold for comparative strength will be much lower than a game with poor balance. So in a very balanced game, both S and F tiers are viable at high metas, just one is MORE viable than the other.
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Oh, sorry my bad. I was just reading very fast and took what brain had processed. You’re not wrong for saying traditional is better, because it is. Just trying something different, to where I can express their ranking further. Thank you for your feedback.
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"pig rank"
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I just think what you did kind of over complicates the process is all. Do whatever you want, but it's easier to comprehend a tier list with fewer tiers where each character is sorted according to relative strength within a tier. There's nothing wrong with putting 4 characters in a single tier so long as it makes sense. Not to mention, when you do what you did you make the statement "this character is clearly 100% better than this character" which might not be entirely true. It could be more fluid than that, so putting them in the same tier and just sorting them leaves open the idea "these characters are roughly equal but this character tends to be stronger than this character". It's less concrete that way.
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I’ll play Hag unless I see more than two. Two isn’t that bad honestly. Three/four is something I haven’t even seen lol. So maybe I’ll try versing it one of these days.
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Buff Clown !!!
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When I talk about a certain killer being better than another, I always make sure to state it as an opinion. Just like I did the Original post. But yeah, that’s why I usually do SABCDF. It’s more smooth and flows better. You can check out my killer perk one if you want, I’d love to know your thoughts about it.
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That’s definitely fair. I mean bubba isn’t completely useless you know? He has his positives. Like how you mentioned his comeback ability, I totally agree with this. It’s not over until the fat bubba sings. But if a killer mostly relies of mistakes of survivors and/or is RNG / map dependent, I can’t rank that killer above another who can do decent on most maps and has more pressure overall personally. Honestly though, I think we can agree they both just need reworks/buffs.
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lol. It’s tough to rank her!
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Too many tiers, not really a good list either
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What are your thoughts on demogorgon? Because for me personally he’s an A tier (maybe even A+😏)
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You’re more than welcome to explain why you disagree if you want. And yes next time, I plan on going back to the traditional SABCDF.
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He’s got a lot of potential. He creates so much pressure throughout the game and seems to have some small amount of snowball effect. I need to play like 20 straight games with him to get an even better understanding. But yeah, I like him.
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I consider C as average.
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Take it with a grain a salt if you will. It’s more just to give a better understanding other than a literal average.
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While I agree that some people miss Hag at their higher Tiers, I would not compare her to Nurse or Spirit. She is amazing, but gets ######### by a few things:
Flashlights-->Yes, those might not be the most effective thing, but they can be annoying.
Urban Evasion-->Not run that much, but still.
Big Maps-->If the Map is too big, she might not even be able to teleport, lowering her Map Pressure because she will either have to focus on one area (which can work or not, depending on Survivors competence and their Spawn) or she will not be able to cover parts of the Map at all
Competent Survivors-->I think once you played a lot of DBD, you know things like crouching near Hooks, not running into the Basement when someone is hooked there, triggering her Traps when she is carrying someone, etc.
So while I agree that she is one of the Strongest Killers (at least Top 4 for me), I dont think that she can be compared to Nurse or Spirit.
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I touched on flashlights, Urban, and competent survivors (how a god hag can still compete with them and such).
Big maps can be annoying, but never detrimental if you play your area right. The hope is gen spawn honestly. Because at times it forces you to let go at least 2 gens.
I mean most people don’t have hag at Spirit and Nurse level. It’s fair to think she’s isn’t. I personally just see her as god tier killer at her highest level. I’ve explained a million times why, so I won’t spend years on it. (You can check my previous posts on her if you already haven’t and want to).
Thanks for your feedback! You seem very experienced from what I’ve seem on these forums, which I love to see!
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100% you can really slow the game down if you know how to use him correctly. I’m a demo main and I get 20k every time so that’s probably why I like him so much
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"See this is what I mean. There is ALWAYS an S tier, because there will always be at least 1 character that is superior to all others. That character is the S tier. You compare all other characters to this character to rank them in the other tiers."
You are using a different basis for a tier list than I am. Just because one killer is better than the others does not make them inherently S tier. I do not build tier lists around the best killer in the game.
"S tier doesn't mean over powered or unbeatable, and F tier does not be completely worthless"
I don't think it does either.
"It's all relative, and you need at least 1 anchor point in order to sort a tier list."
There are different ways to build a tier list and that is yours.
"Even if the S tier killer is not that good they are still S tier by comparison to everyone else."
See this is the thing, I am not labeling my ranks based on the other killers, I am basing mine on their individual ability to perform.
"That's how a tier list works."
No, it is not. That is how your tier list is built.
"Even in games with superb balance will still have an S tier and F tier."
No, this is completely dependent on how the tier list is being built.
"So in a very balanced game, both S and F tiers are viable at high metas, just one is MORE viable than the other."
This is all under the assumption of the tier list being built by your criteria above, of which mine is not.
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Sucks to see people sleeping on good ol' zappy boi. He's easily a B or C Killer once you get his shock timing down.
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He can’t really compare with the killers in B tier (Plague, Myers, Ghostface, Demogorgon). He doesn’t really have much going for him :/
I am however very excited to see what changes they make to Doctor to make him better than he currently is.
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I'd have to put Freddy on top, I'm yet to lose with him, red ranks are gen rushers, Freddy is anti gen rush, people actually has to play against the killer, Freddy is the only killer not at survivor mercy, at the moment, and that's bad, survivors should be at killers mercy