Rift Fragments on Daily Rituals?

I know that the Rift is supposed to make people spend more time grinding in game but it's unfair for people who doesn't have enough time to play. I just want to suggest that should the daily daily rituals reward player 3-5 Rift fragments upon completion? That should be a little bit more fair for everyone.


  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,827

    That would be pretty cool and would further incentivize players to branch out into characters that they normally would ignore. Personally, I get enough BPs from my matches, so the BPs alone dont really matter much to me. I typically only do my dailys by accident, picking to use a killer and at the end seeing I just happened to have a daily that I didnt notice for them. If they gave out rift fragments...I might just keep up with them, lol.