How come whenever I try to go in with a mindset to be a nice killer

Here I am just trying to have a chill match, let people get away with pressuring me by intentionally letting them heal on the hook or whatever and maybe let some poor bloke get away with hatch. Then every match is just riddled with someone a Flashlight trying to be Ochido with Objective of obsession then they'll start regretting that they have that perk because I'm practicing with Spirit so they're boned. I mean it's Red ranks but still.
Half of red rank survivors will take a mile when given an inch. They will never recripocate. Nothing wrong with being a nice killer, but never expect kindness in return. There's a bully mentality that certain people adopt when it's 4v1.
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Whenever I extend any kind of nice behavior -- letting someone escape, leading them to the hatch, farming etc. -- half the time I still get the super toxic YOU'RE TRASH GG EZ garbage in chat. You just can't make some people happy.
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Rank doesn't matter. Been playing no blink nurse in yellow ranks for daily and memes. I was a "friendly killer" and still got called a trash noob and I should kill myself and all that stuff lmao. They said that I don't know how to play and I pretend being friendly to avoid humiliation XDDD
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I get this too and ask if they are joking when I'm right ontop on hatch or watching the heal happen, they go lol k den, I offer a rematch, funny when they cry after calling me a noob for using the exact same ######### and instead of being nice I dismantle them all, if they win I accept the abuse and move on, even though it was still a near perfect destruction, Freddy is brilliant for baiting a rematch with anyone having anything, the typical I see is key, 3 purple toolbox with new part and something else, lol well easy fix, swing chain and jump rope or red paint, ruin, dying light, thanatophobia, STBFL, lol and I'm the noob for trashing the gen rush
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They are salty 98% of the time, if i get a 4k there is never a "gg" in chat, it's always either all leave asap in shame or they call me tunneler/camper/why so sweaty for the 4k, but if they all escape i am called a baby killer and that i should uninstall as i reached red rank as killer for first time after 1.5 months playing both sides.
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Im always nice and I rarely recieve hate messages .
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Just play the game and stop being "nice".
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The same reason me and my friend meme with no mither slug build and get tunneled off right of the bat. It’s easy pickins
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A competitive game is the wrong place to try to make other people happy.
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Love him or hate him...
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People are poor sports and/or they so insecure about their own lives they have to bully and tear people down to make them feel superior.
I got called a piece of trash tunneler yesterday by a survivor who escaped the match. Really? It's hard to understand people who's rudeness follows no logic.
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This game is competitive?
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When I say competitive, I mean PvP. Not the new eSports trend.
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I thought I was playing against or with bots the whole time.
God I'm so stupid.