Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

What would you like to change about the game?

Since I always write post where I complain and I always ask nerf. Today I wanted to know what are the updates that could improve the game FOR YOU?


  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    Solo queue.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I think what they mean is matchmaking for solo players. It's pretty bad ^^;

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    Would love to somehow make swf only be able to have voice com when within 5-10 meters of each other.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    A bit of a long list :)

    Spirit power rework - e.g. increased recovery rate, but you can't see/hear loud noise notifications (window vaults/pallet drops, etc)

    Key rework - e.g. instead of opening hatch, they allow you to open 10% of the exit gates when there is only 1 gen left.. or hatch can only be opened after it's been kicked by the killer. Anything that prevents opening hatch mid-game/before you're the last survivor in the trial.

    Ebony mori - survivors can be moried after they've been hooked twice.

    Devotion - make it so that there is a way to reveal your devotion level in-game (e.g. via a cosmetic or a charm specific to each level) - I'm thinking something similar to how OG players can equip legacy

    Performance on console - find a fix for how choppy the game currently feels ; improve killer camera sensitivity and responsiveness;

    Ping on console: I don't know if it's just me, but I've never found a game with ping under 100ms. Maybe 1 in 10 games dips below 150, but most of the time it's between 230 and 280. With all the complaints people are having with dedicated servers, Even in their current state I'm pretty confident they're still going to be an improvement to how the game currently feels

    Fix the "disconnected from host" error that causes the game to freezefor over 60 seconds on console

    Queue times - Provide incentives for playing the role that's currently underrepresented to balance lobbies. E.g. 1.10x BP gain for playing killer if there are too many survivors

    Implement more minigames (such as the lanterns for the lunar event - those were such a cool extra objective for both survivors and killers)

    BP categories - make your strongest BP category award extra BP if you passed the cap. For example, if you earned 10k/11k/3k/2k BP in a trial make it so that you can retain some %age of the excess in your best category. i.e. you get to keep 15% of the 3k excess in the second category

  • XxkuroxshiroxX
    XxkuroxshiroxX Member Posts: 76


  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765


  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    Setting custom Aura colors.

  • heri86
    heri86 Member Posts: 5

    As a killer its way too easy to make 25-30k bloodpoints per game but as a survivor you need to work your ass off to make such amount of bloodpoints. If the killer facecamps or tunnels, killer makes easy 25k+ everytime.

    What i like to change is killers score mechanics. If killer hooks same survivor second time in a row. killer wont get as much points nor any.

    i dont have any good idea how to negate facecamping killer but if the killer is not leaving the hook in x seconds killer is not able to hit any survivor for some time. yeah its sounds bad but those killers are ruining the game experience so badly. After that its impossible to get any of your friends back in the game!

    These are just my thoughts how to counter these killers but im sure there is lot of ways to work around it.

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    A killer that face camps or tunnels will not get an easy 25k bloodpoints but I do agree that bloodpoints are much harder to get as a survivor. I am all for boosting their points but don't start finding ways to negate killer points. A lot of times i dont get very far from the hook and someone is dive bombing it for the rescue. Does that mean I was camping??

  • heri86
    heri86 Member Posts: 5

    Facecamper is a killer that just stands in 5-10 meters away from the hook and waits someone to rescue him/her. When that happens killer knocks same survivor down yet again and hooks him. I have been playing this game for some time now and its getting more and more common. Even killers rank 1-5 does that really often nowadays.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    I agree with you. Camping is highly punishable and in the games where i see it, the killer rarely gets more than 17-18k BP. Furthermore, all it takes is 1 survivor with BT to run for the save a few moments before the hooked person goes into the next hook stage, considerably increasing the amount of time it will take the killer to kill off that first survivor, allowing the other survivors more than enough time to finish the game.

    Regarding the BP gain issue, I tend to agree - it's more difficult to grind as survivor. A change to WGLF and giving it an effect like poised or distortion would be cool.

  • heri86
    heri86 Member Posts: 5

    past last week i have played like 5-10 games per day and in every game killer made over 25k+ by just hooking every survivor one time and last one twice. I have played killer lot less then as a survivor and i make 30k almost every time. I dont really understand how you dont get over 20k BP as a killer. *confuced*

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    I know what you mean by face camping, I am just saying that it would be hard to introduce a mechanic that can tell if someone is face camping. It would most likely be if you are in a certain range of the hook, but if bad survivors are rescuing before you can leave that range then why should the killer be penalized? Or if you are chasing someone that runs right to the hook with you following, are you just supposed to let them have a free unhook because you don't want a penalty for camping?

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    He was talking about a camper, they usually don't get over 20k. There are penalties in place for camping, but it still can't stop it.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    It sounds like you were playing with people who are new-ish to the game.The only way a camping killer can get more thank 17-18k BPs is if there are constantly people around the hooked guy. By being there, you constantly put him in and out of chase, maybe awarding him hits as well. When you do this you: 1. Award them a bunch of BPs and 2. Allow them tho get a second and maybe even a third kill by not doing your objective and ending the game. That's entirely your fault though. If i'm correct in my assumption, then you're the ones awarding those killers the bloodpoints (and kills).

    I suggest thinking about doing the following (if you're in solo q, that is. Dealing with campers in SWF is much easier). When somebody gets hooked, don't prepare for the safe right off the bat. Try to calculate how much time you'll need to get to the hook and only leave your gen if the killer comes to you (i.e. he wasn't camping) or if the survivor hasn't been saved by the time when in your estimations you'll reach the hooked guy about 10 seconds before they reach the next hook stage. Once you get there you'll have roughly 10 seconds to decide whether it's possible to make a safe unhook or a trade (go on the hook for them). If you have BT you can just unhook them in front of the killer's face and you'll earn time for your team regardless of whether the killer decides to trade or tunnel down the other guy. Regardless of what decision you make, don't hesitate - go in and make the save, or just go back to your gen. NEVER hang around the hook observing for more than a few seconds.

    In summary... just play smart...

  • Member Posts: 1,398
    edited November 2019

    Proximity chat for solo survivors and balance the game around that.

    Post edited by on
  • OmegaXII
    OmegaXII Member Posts: 2,221

    Buff solo to SWF level, and buff all killers

  • Mc_Harty
    Mc_Harty Member Posts: 3,293

    Map redesign.

  • xRupp
    xRupp Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Mix up/balance the meta, balance the maps and gimme a theatre mode feature :)

    but the first 2 things first -_-

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,342

    This and more harmless clientside customization in general. I'd like to change aura colours, progress bar colours (swap the existing red, grey and yellow/gold colours to whatever you want), maybe even the colours for item/perk tiers.

    For me it's just for aesthetics, but for people with colour blindness and such it'd be a very useful feature, especially the auras.

  • heri86
    heri86 Member Posts: 5

    You dont do nothing with BT when killer just waits you to make your move and graps you when trying and drops you to the ground and waits next survivor to make same mistake. Almost 99 % of the time survivors DC's or suicides themselfs when killer decides to facecamp. But this isnt my point. My point is that killers arent getting penalty that is really hurting killers points. To balance killers vs survivor bloodpoint gains.

    Giving less bloodpoints for tunneling or facecamping killer couse its not hurting em enough. That way new players will have lot better gaming experience.

  • Accullla
    Accullla Member Posts: 984

    Once again, your problem boils down to your and other survivors' inexperience.

    1. Your teammate shouldn't DC or suicide on hook, unless they don't mind rewarding the killer for camping
    2. You shouldn't allow the killer to grab you. There are several ways to counter this - here's one: Attempt to place yourself between the hooked person and the killer. Start the unhook animation for a brief moment and let go immediately. That will bait the killer to try to grab you. As you release them, the hooked person looses collision, so you can walk through them. This now places them between you and the killer. Most of the time the killer has already committed to the grab, which will cause them to swing and smack the hooked person. As that happens, unhook and give them BT.
    3. Even if you mess up and the killer manages to slug you, just crawl away from the hook, break line of sight and recover. If that happens the killer will either have to leave the hooked guy, or let your teammates pick you up
    4. DO GENS!

    In summary, Killers ARE getting penalised for camping. It's survivors that award them the bloodpoints and that's what wins games for them. If a killer camps, that means that they completely give up control of the game and what happens is purely in the survivor's hands.

    I think this debate has gone way off topic and diverting attention from actual interesting ideas about potential changes in the game. If you want to continue the discussion, just drop me a message outside of this thread. I'm happy to give you some tips if you want.

  • heri86
    heri86 Member Posts: 5

    I know how you can try to mind game killer while trying to safe another survivor but its not something that works against top rank killers. Then if you succeed doing it. Killer just hooks you and starts same facecamp again and enjoys for easy points ?