Drop 15 pallets in a chase

This wasn't very well thought out. 15 pallets is a lot and to get it done faster it kind of encourages wasting pallets. I'm not sure if there's a way to tweak a challenge like this to make it better but IMO it shouldn't have been added to the game is this state.
Sure, a challenge like searching chests or cleansing totems will mean survivors aren't doing objectives but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. Wasting pallets will absolutely shift the game deeply to the killer's favor, though.
I hope this challenge is avoided in the future.
i understand your point, but there is only so much to do in this game. like in very little.
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The thing is, you don't have to get it done in one match. You have a month and a half. Obviously there's going to be some temptation to use more pallets, but throwing the game just to get the next challenge done still doesn't make much sense. If you play normally, you'll complete it in no time.
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It makes sense if you want to get through the challenges ASAP. Is it an efficient way to play overall? No. But some people don't care about that.
Realistically you don't have a month and a half to do it because you can only select one challenge at a time and completing the rift requires some serious grinding.
How many pallets do you typically drop in a chase in one match? 2 or 3? Unless you're wasting them it shouldn't be many at all. It's not really a challenge I want to spend 5-7 games working on tbh. If it were fun, or if you could make progress toward 2 or more challenges at the same time then that would be a different story.
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I mean, people here complained about the long waittime between Level 1 and Level 2. This was, because they finished the Challenges fast (which was not their fault, they were easy). So I guess that people will take more time for Level 2, they have two weeks to complete the Challenges if they want to finish them before Level 3 comes out.
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Sir, you're implying people will stop playing normally just to get this challenge done ASAP even if they can do it by smart looping a killer 3 games playing as they should...
You are really wrong sir...
This isn't an egocentric based community that cares for ingame currency or content more than teamwork experience...
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I burn a Hawkins Offering and do it in one game.
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I agree when a challenge can be done in a single match like this I don't like how it can put others at a disadvantage. While some like myself will play normally and earn then as I go other a will no doubt rush through it.
Maybe there should be a cap with challenges like this on how many per match you earn which in this case could be 3. I don't see an issue with a challenge taking 5 games to do.
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I think you have an overly optimistic view of the world, sir.
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You do know I think the complete opposite of what I wrote right? Remember people running like fools scaring crows to get the challenge done in a single game? LMAO
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I think that's a case of sarcasm not translating well on a forum ?.
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How long was the chase and how many gens popped?
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Does anyone know if this challenge will work with dropping the dream pallets? Like will dream pallets count toward the total?
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I was 50/50 on whether you were being sarcastic or not haha
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I’m running OoO and WoO for this challenge and since it is rank reset, I’m kinda being wasteful.🤷🏼♂️
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just play on hawkins then drop every unsafe pallet the moment you get chased. EZ
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Definitely the perfect time to do it lol
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Yeah, just had a game then, with everyone trying to get into chase just to slam pallets. Welcome to the new game! :/
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That was fun actually. Lol.
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For that one Im bringing object of obsession windows of opportunity sprint burst and something else. WASTING PALLETS >:)
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well, first of all it's not drop 15 pallets, but drop 15 pallets in a chase. If you drop a pallet in a chase you are hardly wasting it - maybe you are not very efficient, but still, either the killer breaks them and waste time, or the pallets will still be there.
Second, even if you want to be super efficient and drop pallets only when injured you have to understand not all survivors watch streamers play and whine about wasting pallets, everyone has his play style.
Third, even if some kid with a lot of impatience will try to do every challenge in 24 hours, the worse that can happen for you is that a lot of pallets will be dropped in the next 24 hours :).
Then everything will come back to normal and people will take their time, you won't even notice it.
That's exactly what happened with chests by the way: a couple of days of chest search madness, then nothing.
EDIT: in other words, as much as the challenge is not a master challenge (meaning: do it in a single trial), virtually everything is ok, even the disturb 1000 crows :P.
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My killer sadly had pwyf when I used OoO D:
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Yes I said the full name of the challenge in my title so I'm aware of what it is. You very much can waste pallets in a chase, especially safe ones.
My whole point is I hope they don't include this type of challenge in future tomes and future rifts. It might be a couple days of madness and then it's mostly back to normal but that doesn't mean they shouldn't even consider tweaking the challenge.
Also looting chests is not the same as wasting pallets.
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Yep :D
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again, if you are in a chase and you drop a pallet, you are not wasting it. At worst you are not very efficient, but if you care so much about efficiency you are probably high rank, and if you are high rank, you'll be fine :).
There's nothing to tweak here, dropping a pallet in a chase is an essential mechanic in DbD that players need to learn ASAP, making a challenge for it is a good way to encourage new players into trying it out.
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Just use a Hawkins lab offering. Jump in and out of a locker until the killer comes and drop pallets, they are almost all unsafe so aren't wasted. Dropped 12 on first try.
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Lol ok that's enough of this conversation for me.
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OoO works better than rapidly jumping out of lockers.
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lmao sorry if you got matched with me
for 3 games i just instantly used pallets, didn't loop
escaped 2/3 times, because teammates were great and did gens while i was chased the whole time, and the killers were silly enough to break every pallet instead of realizing what i did and just plan to go around them
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At least it worked out for the most part lol
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Equip 'Windows Of Opportunity'. Got it done in two matches.
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I managed to make a killer dc while doing that lol
also in the beginning i thought i had to stun the killer lol
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Chill my friend, it’s only a game (1) and we’re just talking (2) :)
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What a surprise, a game won even with all those pallets wasted!