Cosmetics are given out for free do you like it?

JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329

After Chapter 14 will release you'll find some new cosmetics in your inventory without paying for them. How do you feel about that?

Cosmetics are given out for free do you like it? 103 votes

I earned them with grinding, let them do the same
DaddyTrappersGirlWickedMilk03FengInAThongPluTimerksoTheLegendDyl4n1LadyKandomereDolphin9192KenshinDr_LoomisCarlosyluHanDemonHunter5836 13 votes
Free stuff is always good
WeederickPuggyMohawkBossKalec84CamoRangerInji[Deleted User]0h_DoctorMiriamGRing_Ringgrayon444DeadbyDeathGardenanarchy753KillmasterKeo2018ElkMiss_BritanniaAven_FallenToppingPanicHoodied 59 votes
I would buy them if they gave me the chance
FallenRanger0FactureDrillerofSinsTaigaNyaren_ChanJonathanTF2Hex_BoopTheSnoot 7 votes
I couldn't care less
FoggyDownpourDipTapeKnotShirokuroJoker_777brokedownpalaceJacoby2041se05239Micheal_MyersTheRockstarKnightOMagic_ManOKrallexEaBoosted_Dwight[Deleted User]ElusivePukkaErsh1Juri_Han1 18 votes
ValkariGibberishAtchooYaiPadfrenchieeRezblaze 6 votes


  • dfrenchiee
    dfrenchiee Member Posts: 334

    I'm a bit upset since I paid for some of these, but I understand why they're doing it. At least the bloodletting shirt will remain exclusive

    Im excited to get the Kate event shirt though, I was really busy around the time this event happened so I didn't get all the gens done that I needed.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171
    I couldn't care less

    The Huntress Hound mask looks lame IMO and I don't play the other characters involved enough to really care.

    I'm glad for people that did want these, but for me personally it's whatevs.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,047

    I think that the event cosmetics are really only being given out because BHVR can't properly resolve the issue where they keep disappearing from players' inventories. This is a pretty bizarre solution to that.

    But as far as the code exclusives, it's about time they were made available again. I have a couple of them, some earned, some given to me, but they've been around long enough.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    I couldn't care less

    As I said elsewhere, I already have most of the cosmetics getting released, and I'm not going to complain about other people getting to enjoy them. I don't hook my self-worth on validating myself though shinies in a game, and frankly it's insulting to a reasonable person to try to foist that mindset as something worth having. I got what I did through work and investment, and I feel good about that. Just because other people won't have to do the same doesn't invalidate or diminish my experience - it's just petty to think that way.

  • QsKaa
    QsKaa Member Posts: 57

    I just want those (Hound, Untamed Donkey Jacket, Pro-Pain Hammer, Free Song Bird Slip Dress) back thanks bhvr and please make them cloud / not steam baased

    For the event ones... NO. it has to be ultra rare and i dont want those into my dbd inventory

    just imagine trip to shanghai for golden feng gosh. Yea some of em are "cracked" versions but not all of em

  • hematophagy
    hematophagy Member Posts: 105
    Free stuff is always good

    I'm happy for this cause people in general have been asking for free cosmetics and console players have been neglected in terms of exclusives. So in my opinion they killed two birds with one stone with this

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    I mean it’s coherent with their “no more exclusive policy”, but i found it outrageous to give free event cosmetic (and i’m a david main, not survivor main, without the jacket, since i couldnt play survivor throughout the entire event). But the thing that left me really astonished is that they’re gifting even the tournament exclusive (like ace hats), but for some reasons, not brazilian claudette or dwight golden tee, well that’s a fat L for whoever bought the codes.

  • CJsDBD
    CJsDBD Member Posts: 85
    Free stuff is always good

    Free stuff is definitely good but I do think previous owners of these cosmetics should receive bloodpoints and auric cells to compensate

  • DrillerofSins
    DrillerofSins Member Posts: 2
    I would buy them if they gave me the chance

    I am so happy that I can finally play science fair Claudette but also mad because those cosmetics were earned by other players and now they have to deal with everyone having what was supposed to be "Exclusive".

  • UrbanEvading
    UrbanEvading Member Posts: 35
    Free stuff is always good

    Bloodpoints and auric cells for what? They didn’t pay for those cosmetics.

    They were initially given away for free or earned through events. If they bought the outfits from a third party, that’s their own agenda and not BHVR’s issue to compensate them for.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329
    Free stuff is always good

    Yes!!! HELL YES! People who already own the cosmetics should get something in return. Not everyone bought them, some actually went to conventions or got them gifted and i think thats definitely worth some appreciation

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329
    Free stuff is always good

    Yes!!! HELL YES! People who already own the cosmetics should get something in return. Not everyone bought them, some actually went to conventions or got them gifted and i think thats definitely worth some appreciation

  • Spartagone45
    Spartagone45 Member Posts: 122

    The only thing I don't like about it is the Event Cosmetics being given out for free

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    I couldn't care less

    I honestly don't care. I play default Dwight for crying out loud. More skins or less skins don't matter.

  • JiggleWiggle
    JiggleWiggle Member Posts: 329
    Free stuff is always good

    I've participated in both events and actually I don't like the cosmetics I never wear them. Are you wearing them?

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,071

    There shouldnt have been exclusives in the first place, but its good that they are finally releasing them.

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843

    I paid for various skins.  Two years they've had aggressive micro transactions for each killer, but now they decide to throw in free stuff?

    I feel cheated out of my money for the mere fact of getting it too early.

    Never seems to be a middle ground with BHVR; they either monetize or make you grind for hours for one skin, or they just start throwing free stuff at us.

    I hope I get something in return because they're erasing potentially thousands of dollars in value for the whole playerbase who purchased various skins.  All the money I spent on skins, just disappearing.

  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674
    edited November 2019
    Free stuff is always good

    I am glad they are releasing them.

    To get Science Fair Claudette and Street Meg i have participated in giveaways and a 1v1v1v1 (at least thats what i think they are called) tournament without success. I was close to paying for a code but glad i didn't do it.

    I know that others probably feel the same with some other exclusives so i'm happy they'll get to enjoy them too.

  • TheLegendDyl4n1
    TheLegendDyl4n1 Member Posts: 1,493
    I earned them with grinding, let them do the same

    the other cosmetics fine, but people who can provide proof that they earned the last 4 exclusive event items like me, should get something special like 250k BP per earned item up to 1 mil, i earned all 4 of these exclusive items and have the proof, i feel like its unfair just to give them for free because the devs made mistakes and cant tell who earned them or not because they were getting lost in peoples inventory.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    I earned them with grinding, let them do the same

    If, for example, it was announced that the Hallowed 2018 skins (which I grinded hard for) were to be given away free to all players, I would not be very impressed.

    And yes, exclusive should mean exclusive. See Friday 13th and the Savini Jason.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    Free stuff is always good

    I'm glad the selfish little people who hoarde these things are losing the exclusivity.

  • Spartagone45
    Spartagone45 Member Posts: 122

    I wear the Hound mask I'd say about 80% of the time & The Pro-Pain Hammer is my main cos. for Hillbilly

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035
    Free stuff is always good

    So you are an epic gamer?

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
  • Micheal_Myers
    Micheal_Myers Member Posts: 1,147
    edited November 2019
    I couldn't care less

    IMO, I wouldn't care either way.

    The only reason why I like what they are doing is so No one gets scammed.

    And no one tries to sue BHVR for them losing an item they earned in by a bug.