Nurse on console is so, so bad.

So I only used nurse a little bit prior to her nerf and she was very difficult to perform with on Xbox as she was.
Now with her nerf she’s a meme, she’s insanely difficult to get downs with, very clunky and unfun to use and has very little pay off for how difficult she is to use.
I get on PC she was a problem cause you could actually aim with her, but was it really necessary to nerf her on console aswell? Idk man, with spirit getting nerfed aswell console killers are limited to Freddy and maybe billy. Huntress has similar issues due to aiming.
Like am I just bad or are console killers just no fun now.
I don't know man...Trapp Daddy is pretty hot still...
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Would argue Spirit is still the best on console. However, yes, Nurse is ROUGH on console, mad respect to anyone who mains her.
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She is the least effective killer on any platform in low ranks on console; hopefully she gets some console specific changes.
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Trapper was my first P3, but I used him too much too soon I think, need a break from him..
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The top killers on pc are trash on console. The devs didnt redesign the powers well to be functional on twin joysticks and the turn sensitivity is at a snails pace on console. It has been an issue ever since 2017. Doubt itll ever be fixed lol
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I’ve tried using her to mix it up the last few days and it’s just flat out frustrating man, so many downsides to an ability that can’t be utilised on console properly.
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My man! ?
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?️ Fellow Big Brain!
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Same here, I actually didn't put much BPs into anything before Trapper P3...I got lucky stuff on the shrine so it was bearable.
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trapper is pretty fun to play obviously you have to suck up the games where you get demolished but it's satisfying when your traps work
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Yeah I definitely should’ve grinded out some better perks first, it was painful getting him to rank 1.
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You're having a hard time with her because you've barely played her. I use her on console and I can safely say that she is just as strong as on pc with enough practice. Plaid flannel makes learning her much easier, too. The rest is up to you and your prediction.
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Perhaps, but she’s really more effort then she’s worth, especially now. Such a steep learning curve with so many downsides.
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The only killers that are majorly different on console are huntress and nurse, both are still good on console though.
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I know several God tier Nurse mains on Xbox. If I were allowed I'd post their names here. They are unicorns though. Huntress also.
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I’d say they both have the potential to be good, but are just completely inferior to their PC counterparts. You’d need a lot of practice to use them against decent survivors, compared to Freddy or Ghostface etc.
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They’re definitely harder on console
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You can post names as long as you aren’t shaming them.
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Despite you having that "trusted" tag I'm just gonna play it safe LOL I'm in enough trouble around here as it is
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Fair enough ?
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That's the way the devs want it, all killers must be garbage so it's easier for survivors.
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🤷♀️My friend says he loves nurse and he thinks she’s better to use on console now. He said he’s thinking about main’n her now he loves her so much. We’re on ps4
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Honestly sensitivity is fine, they need to give us more options like aim acceleration and dead zones. You could have 1000 sensitivity but it won't make things better.
The other major issue with the game on console is performance. Sometimes the game barely runs at 30 FPS steadily. It seemed to have gotten worse in the last few updates. On PC it can run a smooth 60 FPS. Once they optimize the game better on console I bet you will see more Nurse/Huntress players.
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Ah I see you are as paranoid as me LOL I'm not too keen on getting perma'd either ?
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The game isn’t optimised for console, controls aside the performance issues are also problematic.
Cant wait until my PC is done ??♂️
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Right. That's why I said it's kinda important to improve the performance on console because that alone will make Nurse more viable. Half the time I have no trouble doing a 180 during a blink but it's so janky looking that it's hard to really tell what's going on.