There is no Diversity in DBD now, here's how we fix it



  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,234

    But once money was on the line, everyone went nurse. (Official tournament)

    This says a lot.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    If there is money on the line than you'd bet all the Killers would be Nurse or Spirit...

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Honestly, if we improve maps, a lot of the problems will be solved.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    I doubt they'll scrap the buff..its their whole balance strat

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    You severely underestimate how powerful information dbd especially

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I don't about playing high tier powerful Killers, I always play for enjoyment and this is why I don't play certain Killers, not because they're low tier but because their base-kit isn't powerful enough to be fun and enjoyable.

    I desperately want to play Trapper so I'm unlocking all the necessary perks to even play the dude and even then he is still disadvantaged because of his archaic design, the game was never designed around him even upon conception; it's ridiculous. Back in the Beta you cannot say Trapper was EVER designed to be a threat in this game when they launched the game with a loop that had 3 windows, they expected Trapper to trap all 3 with his slow speed and carrying a single trap and expected him to be powerful; never designed to be good.

    We need all Killers to be powerful and fun in their own way, top tier doesn't matter and to be frank won't even EXIST if all Killers got changed to be fierce and fair. That will bring diversity and be healthy for the game. I like that the Devs are changing Killers but those changes need to be smart, hopefully the Spirit changes they chose are all she needs and the Doctor changes turn out to be amazing.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    This conversation isn't really going anywhere.

    We're basically saying "no u" to each other until the last person is saying "no u" at the end.

    We'll just agree to disagree and move on from this.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    I think when it comes to inherently weak Killers, they deserve a rework or buff. Kind of like how Freddy deserved his rework after being considered the worst Killer for 2 years.

    I suppose we don't really need to even the plain field with every Killer to destroy the unique concepts they hold, but most if not all Killers should be at least buffed or reworked if they're stuck at low tier to make them more viable for Red Ranks and just in-general.

    That, and the map design should honestly be changed to reflect a more healthy outlook to M1 Killers as a whole... rather than punishing them with insanely strong loops and set-ups that make using a certain perk an insane loop that requires bloodlust to overcome, like Lampkin Lane + Balanced Landing, or Iron Works and balanced landing, etc.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I was mentioning in another post about Rotten Fields how it is the most dangerous map for a Survivor because it is the most wide-open map with the loops only being on the edges so if they are caught in the open they're dead. The problem is the corn, the corn blinds the Killer and instead makes it the most Survivor sided instead. If they just take the corn and make like 4 of 6 squares of corn in the same area you wold have large areas of no corn and several patches of corn, that would decrease places to hide and make the corn a trap instead of cover. This would encourage Survivors to stay near the edges with the loops, if maps got changes like that then playing Killer would be more fair because maps are also a huge deal when it comes playing Killer.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,114

    I try to practice Huntress sometimes. When the survivors start doing that, walk away and practice throwing hatchets at trees or some other inanimate object. They hate when you ignore them. I've had survivors DC over that.

    Also, I've started equipping Lightborn since Tome level 2 went up. I've had a lot of survivors trying to flashlight me, way more than usual (either because of the challenge or because of the Halloween flashlights), and it's nice to frustrate them without having to do too much. I dunno if they actually tried to blind you or were just clicking away to be annoying. If it's the first one, Lightborn's good, and if it's the latter, muting the game is good.

    I dunno about you, but I get satisfaction from ignoring the survivors who try to bully or taunt me. If they get nothing out of it except a boring generator repair sim with no killer interaction and possibly a depip, maybe it'll stop being fun for them.

    (Also, I'm still terrible with her hatchets. I have trouble lining it up to hit trees much less a moving target. I wish there were a reticle or something to help with her on console, because damn she can be frustrating.)

    More on topic: If survivors want to see a wider variety of killers, they shouldn't scare people off of playing the other killers by treating them like garbage. Just play the game normally without being jerks. That alone would help. Losing isn't the worst thing, but being treated poorly when you're already struggling will stop people from trying again.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314

    True, the map size does play a factor in the mobility and map pressure some Killers have to apply in droves to be viable.

    If they did that and some buffs and reworks than things would probably be a lot better.