To The Devs

xRem Member Posts: 375

What did the spirit nerf fix?

I mean I get it, shes harder to use and some addons are not as annoying or useless and replaceable by lower tier addons *cough* amulet *cough*.

But what was fixed? She can still hit you and phase on your face, still stand at a window with one option removed and still can stand still at pallets. Yes shes harder but she still doesn't give feedback, which was the main issue because she wasnt the most difficult.

So instead of nerfing her addons or power, why not make grass shuffle or make her husk do something noticeable but not ridiculously obvious?

Because shes still the same just slightly harder or you wont get the occasional collision hit, most spirits that are experienced just hear you either way.



  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    So we should punish the players who took the time not to rely on the collision and such..? When will people ever be satisfied I swear

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990

    You people cant give it a break can you? My lord

  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    That's not what I meant, I love spirit as is and enjoy playing her but this nerf didnt fix anything people were complaining about. Sure collision was annoying but not the main issue.

    Sorry on the dbd fourms I talk about dbd.

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    I find it interesting that a Spirit player, whose character they love doesn't get the Legion treatment, complains why they didn't get the Legion treatment.


  • xRem
    xRem Member Posts: 375

    Not what I meant, I want her to stay just as strong.

    But I was asking why the devs didnt fix anything that was huge, sure shes harder but shes still the same basically.

    I want her to be more fun for both sides in this rework, if it isn't changed enough now she more than likely will get legioned.

    My post didnt ask for nerfs or say I'm upset shes till Amazing, I asked why didn't they change what most who wanted change asked for? I wouldn't mind a MINOR, MINOR,MINOR(just for the devs,we all know what slight means) visual que and in exchange shes faster ot has a longer duration etc etc.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I'm pretty sure scratch marks would be the actual death of her.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    Imo her core issue isn't fixed and I will call it now: survivors will still hate her the same and DC/suicide as often as previously. Maybe less because of prayer beads.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I mean, any killer that can down you with their power is doing to get flak.

    Old Nurse, Rework Freddy, Billy like a while ago, the list goes on.

    I feel like what's the problem here is that some survivors dislike being put into the Injured state before a chase. I mean who would when you had little time to react?

    But that just means the killer got the drop on you, and they'll use that to their advantage.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212
    edited November 2019

    Prayer Beads and the collision changes needed to happen.

    The issue is that most good Spirit players pairs of headphones won't be affected by that in the slightest.

    It does nothing to address that Spirit has multiple tools to pinpoint your exact location while phasing, where survivors are left completely to guess, and then surprisingly the one with all the information often wins out.

    It does nothing to address the issue that the only way to play against Spirit and not be a blaring beacon of "HIT ME I'M RIGHT HERE" is a PERK, which should not be mandated based on a broken killer being meta. And to add to that, Stridor still completely overrides Iron Will and removes the one reliable tool against her.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    If it's after she finished using her power, then it's a pretty useless telltale. If it's during her phase, then it would killl her.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    I can agree with this when you put it that way, it wouldl force players like me to play more unpredictably and I like that. I like the random jumpscares I give people ^^

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    Wow will no survivor be happy until every killer is moving at 80% speed, can only use there power once per match, and must be able to get hit by pallets / blinded / just pretty do nothing until survivor tells you πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„


  • Shirokuro
    Shirokuro Member Posts: 182

    I think the changes are a step to the right direction. The devs will most likely monitor how she performs in the future and make further changes if needed.

    I personally love that the collission during phasing is gone since it was basically a free hit whenever it happened

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    I've seen several people talk about exactly this topic, and I agree with you/them. This is not fixing what people hated (apart from her anal beads), it's just smoothing over some of the rough patches on the sandpaper dildo that is playing against spirit.

    Having a mapwide spooky sound when she entered her power, like with how beads works now, would have been a way better fix for her base kit, letting people know that now is the time to do weird and unpredictable things. Instead, we're still stuck guessing at all the same things (except window vaults, those are no longer a glaring issue).

    I mean, as happy as I am over not getting clapped by a 15-meter lunge anymore, I'm still going to dramatically sigh every time I get paired up against Rin.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982

    Funny, I'd like to meet some of these survivors who want every killer to be nerfed into total oblivion. I haven't seen any on these forums.

    But seriously, you're not promoting a constructive conversation when you make a strawman out of every Survivor complaint. Spirit was, and still is, unlike any other killer in the game, because she has almost no tells for what she's actually doing, and avoiding a hit from her is almost always a matter of guesswork instead of true mindgames.

    When Huntress is about to throw a hatchet, she has an audio cue and a visual cue before it happens. When Hillbilly is about to use his chainsaw, he has an audio cue and a visual cue before it happens. When Spirit is using her Phase Walk, she has... nothing. There's no sound that tells you when it's happening, nor any visual cues to let you know what she's doing. One moment she's standing in place, and may or may not be phasing... and the next, she's right in your face, and you take a hit.

    I have zero issue with having strong killers that can get a 4k against good survivor teams if played well. But there needs to be good counterplay. You can't have a Killer that forces the survivors to just rely on blind guesses to try and avoid getting hit.

  • Logey7
    Logey7 Member Posts: 17

    This was a great fix and I hope they keep up the good work. Dev's made her harder to play but shes still useable and not destroyed in the slightest.

  • TheObamacare
    TheObamacare Member Posts: 29

    Still really like this guys changes to the spirit, it was so simple but seems hecka effective!