As a killer who likes a fair game...

If the survivors im against are at a notable disadvantage due to DCers or other such shenanigans(sandbagging or suiciders) I will end my blood thirsty killer ways and allow the remaining survivors to collect some extra points, and escape for their time. After I've tunneled down the (obvious)sandbagger if they haven't disconnected already.

What do you guys think? Does anyone else do this? Is it possible my generosity towards the unfortunate but resilient survivors setting a bad precedent?


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,971

    if someone DCs I just play normally but guaranteed someone gets hatch

  • Revansith
    Revansith Member Posts: 367

    In reply to the OP, I have seen some killers act in this fashion, whereas depending on the number of disconnects the killer is obliged to murder everyone left playing in the trial. I suspect this is not so much to get more bloodpoints as to avoid a depip situation.

    My recommendation would be if a survivor disconnects all remaining survivors are guaranteed not to depip (that is they would black pip at least), the same would apply to the killer who would also be guaranteed a black pip.

    Currently if a player disconnects while the trial is loading all remaining participants are given a black pip or "neutral" or "safety pip".

    I would much prefer to play the rest of the trial knowing nobody is going to depip because of one selfish person.

  • IceCreamPrincess
    IceCreamPrincess Member Posts: 226

    As noble a goal as that is, and even with the best if intentions, i feel that does more harm than good. It sets the precedent that if theres an early DC, then the killer "should" go easy on the survivors. And whilst it might seem like a nice gesture, what happens when theres a killer who decides that he wont go easy because someone DCs, but the other 3 survivors expect the killer to.

    Instead of shouldering the pain of a DC on yourself, and sparing survivors, i instead just play normally entirely. The blame should be pinned on the survivor who left, not the killer, and if the survivors become accustomed to "free wins" because of DCs, then they'll blame killers who dont follow the same mindset as them.

    Of course, here i am generalizing the entire playbase, so my input could just be speculation

  • Bleediss
    Bleediss Member Posts: 130

    I play normally and let someone go if I think they deserve it.

    Also, with no DC I tend to let new players go cause they're super cute to me.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    It depends on how many DC. If it's one, then I basically go easy on them. Also, it's a pretty high chance that if I still get 2 kills, I'm giving the third the hatch. If it's two or more then it turns into a straight up farming match.

    Now, in the case of a sandbagger, yeah, I generally begin to focus on them a whole lot more, if I can tell it was on purpose.

  • I generally follow the same guidelines as Cornpopers. 1 DC = normal play. 2 or more (early enough into the match) = farm.

  • Cornpopers_Evan
    Cornpopers_Evan Member Posts: 2,428

    Just to give you a heads up because I'm assuming you're new here, if you ever want people to be notified that you have mentioned them always put a @ or directly reply to them by pressing the quote.

  • That's fair feedback. I have no quarrels with murdering survivors of course. I'll happily dial back my generosity a bit so that it doesn't become an expected trend. :p

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Depends on a variety of things.

    Beginning of the match DC. If it is only one DC then I’ll play normally but not play as aggressive. If it is two DC’s and the other survivors start memeing with me or just staring at me then I’ll most likely farm with them.

    Mid match and late match DC’s have no affect on my playstyle. I have no sympathy when someone DC’s due to missing DS or because they are on death hook.

    I also might just kill everyone to get everybody out of the match as quickly as possible or because I don’t feel like sitting through them fixing five generators.

    I feel sympathy toward survivors when their teammates DC for selfish reasons. Not their fault their teammates are selfish.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    When I started the game, I always went easy on survivors when disconnects were involved. Even in the dark times of old Decisive Strike.

    However over the time, I started to feel less and less empathy towards the survivors, purely because they near enough never returned the favour to me, if I am having a bad match, or I am running a meme build (No blink Nurse, Burgerking Myers,etc).

    Now I am a true killer, and mercilessly hook everything that breathes on the map.

    Survivors wanted it that way.

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    For me it depends. I mean, I'm not a good killer so if someone DCs, sure it's no one else's fault but like that's not really fair to me. Why DC when you don't even know what skill level you up against. Not really fair to other killers regardless of skill either.

    It also depends on how far into the game. If the other survivors showed no sign of toxicity I -might- let them live. Or at least let one live.

  • Stompa
    Stompa Member Posts: 154

    why should it affect my playstyle? already got emblem points and bp denied by the dc. they can thank their teammate later for screwing everybody over

  • You don't have to change your playstyle. I was mostly just curious as to whether or not me doing it was unhealthy so to speak for the overall quality of games. I do it because I've been the survivor in those games. Sure I've gotten lucky hatches but most times its just frustrating as a solo player to be gimped by randoms, and waste my time for what.. 6k 7k blood points?

  • I definitely feel you on having less sympathy haha. I show no mercy to the ones who loop > pallet stun > flash light me.

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    There's too many DCs these days, I just play it out.

  • Lanterns
    Lanterns Member Posts: 83

    I'm surprised if there isn't a DC in my matches. Either way I play normally.