Tips for people trying to complete the 2nd tome.

Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
edited November 2019 in General Discussions

Just in case some people are having trouble, I decided to give some tips I've found useful while doing them myself.

  1. Self Care Service: This is pretty straightforward. Bring Self Care and Botany Knowledge and just heal yourself 2 times whenever possible. I did this with a no heal GhostFace. We lost, but they weren't doing gens anyways so we would have lost anyways. Apparently according to @Andreyu44 you can bring a med kit and use it to 99 the heal, then use self care to finish it.
  2. Appeal to Heal: This one's not too bad. Run Pharmacy and bring a 16 charge med kit with heal speed addons(nothing to increase charges, or increase healing on skillchecks, you want to deplete the medkit on a single heal). Open a chest and you'll get a 2nd med kit. Get injured, heal when possible. Don't bring Ace in the Hole, because that will ruin the next med kit you get possibly. You want to heal in a single charge, remember. You can also heal others with your med kits as needed. With this tactic you can do it in 3 games. 2 if you find a third med kit in each game, but not likely. @brokedownpalace and @Elk confirmed you can use styptics and syringes to do this as well if you wanna deplete them faster.
  3. Generosity: Bring Botany Knowledge and We'll Make it. Maybe or Empathy as well, and just be the healer of the team for a few games. You should get this one done fairly easily with We'll Make It alone, but the others help too.
  4. By Any Means Necessary: This one became really easy after I found the perfect build for it. Bring Object of Obsession, Spine Chill, Windows of Opportunity, and Lithe. What you want to do is look at the killer so that he's coming towards you and run him around with all of these, throwing pallets as needed. You're basically the runner of the game. I actually found a love for OoO in this game. Didn't know it could be so fun to have on demand chases with a pallet throwing build. Use Lithe to get to the next pallet if you're having trouble. You can play pretty normally with this build while doing this challenge and still get it done pretty fast. Spine Chill is for Spirit, but it's helpful to know where the killer is in case it's a stealth killer as well while injured in a chase.
  5. Fight Back: This one is the same as By Any Means Necessary, except you want to stun the killer.
  6. Bring the Light: You want Better Together(or Bond), Prove Thyself, and a toolbox(preferably Commodious with socket swivels). If you want you can also bring Resilience. With those, just hammer those gens out with a teammate. This one counts progression on generators(meaning you can do a generator without it counting as 1 generator because you didn't complete a full one), but Prove Thyself is still helpful here.
  7. Dark Senses: Same as Bring the Light. The only difference is you only have to be on the gen when it completes I believe, whereas Bring the Light requires you do complete a generator worth of repairs to count as one generator.
  8. Blood Debt: I did this with a friend, because we happened to be playing while I got this one, but I imagine Aftercare will be helpful. It's pretty standard and in a normal game you're likely to do this anyways though.
  9. Liberator: This one's standard. Just play as normal, or do like some people do and bring Borrowed Time and hook farm people.
  10. Botanist Extraordinaire: Pretty standard, just bring Botany Knowledge and a med kit(self care too if you want even more efficiency on your med kit). You can also bring Pharmacy like I mentioned in Appeal to Heal to get a second med kit once your first one runs out.
  11. Enlightened: The only thing I can suggest is bring a flashlight and hope the killer isn't one of those who brings a mori every time they see a flashlight. As for actual blinding, just like normal, drop a pallet, wait for him to break it, flashlight save someone if possible, etc.
  12. Golden Age: Standard, just play the game and you'll unlock this one eventually.
  13. Bloody Rewards: Same as Golden Age.
  14. Agitated Advantage: Bring Agitation and Iron Grasp, and down 2 survivors. That's pretty much it.
  15. Got You: Play Spirit, GhostFace, or Myers and grab someone off a gen. If you're playing Spirit you can bring Distressing to make them never know if you're actually in their area or not, then phase up and grab them when they don't notice.
  16. Reverent: Nothing special, just play killer as normal and you'll unlock this one eventually.
  17. Manifest Distress: This is basically half of a ritual with Distressing equipped. Pretty standard.
  18. Hungry Jaws: Dark traps might help, and hope they don't have Small Game. Another one that definitely helps if you have it is Iridescent Stone. They disable a trap you placed, don't see you replace it, and then fall for the trap while you're chasing them. It was relatively easy and a nice feeling placing all my traps in areas players would walk through without having to reset them, and only moving ones that became pointless due to generator completion. The Game map also feels like a good map to have for Trapper so if you wanna bring a map offering that's a pretty good one to bring I'd say.
Post edited by Atrushan88 on


  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    Useful tips 👍

    Though for Hungry Jaws all I did was just farm with the Survivors. Don't need to go through the stress of playing Trapper if you could sidestep it with farming.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Thanks, and yeah, but it's sometimes hard to get survivors to know what you're wanting to do.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527
    edited November 2019

    For the self care challenge,you can bring a medkit,heal to 99% then tap yourself with Self Care.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    It only counts the completion, and not the time spent healing? Good to know. I'll add that to the list.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Do you think a Styptic Agent will make Appeal to Heal faster. I already finished it before i could try it.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    Yes. And supposedly dying with a medkit counts too.

  • Elk
    Elk Member Posts: 2,267

    Well. Haha now i know. Atleast other people can do this. The dying with a medkit, doesn't work. Well for me it didn't. I played many games and died with one.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Also some tisp for the dark sense one

    1. Bring in bond and prove thyself ( basically just use dwight)

    2. Try to stay hidden from the killer ( getting chased and hooked can be a pretty big waste of time ).

    3. Hope that your team is good at chases cause you'll need that extra time

    4. Also don't be surprised when the killer dced at the sight of gens being done super quick.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Yeah, I mentioned those. I said to do the same as Bring the Light, which is where I recommended a commodious toolbox and Prove Thyself+Better Together or Bond. As for number 2 and 3, I didn't mention those mainly because if you're trying to do gens you should be expecting to hide.

  • TheRoyalOwl
    TheRoyalOwl Member Posts: 749

    Might or might not have read the entire post, anyway thanks for telling me.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Np, I also recommended Resilience if wanted, since if you were injured that'd also make them faster.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    Idk what to tell you. I just pushed through it but my experience was kind of buggy

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I can actually give advice on how to complete them by farming (even as a solo Survivor).

    • Fight Back: Find the Killer, get to a pallet (might get hit once at least), stand on it and point at it. Depending on the Killer you get, they will either comply or smack you anyway. Got it done on my first try, let the Killer kill me (the 3 others escaped anyway).
    • Enlightened: Find the Killer, stand still, shine your flashlight once or twice to let them know. Again, depends on the Killer you get. Havent tried this one yet, but if you get a nice Killer, should be done fast.
    • Got You: Pick any Killer, find a Survivor, hit them once, follow them from right behind until you get to a dropped pallet/window, pull them. If they stop because they catch on what you are doing, just swing in the air. I got it done within the first minute of the match.
    • Hungry Jaws: Get 4 traps, trap 4 spots around you and start spinning in the middle (looks ridiculously funny, by the way). Survivors will wonder where you are and will eventually come to you. Smack them if they try to disarm your traps. They will get your message.
  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited November 2019

    I've heard that one way to do the trapping one if you're having trouble getting survivors to fall for it is to place down a trap, down a survivor, and then let them wiggle off your shoulder while standing to the right of the trap, such that when they escape they will drop right into the trap.

    The Game is an excellent map for the Got You challenge, especially if you're playing a stealth killer, because there are many generators right next to corners that you can just walk around and grab someone before they even know you're there. I used Myers for this because he doesn't need to exit stealth mode (which can give survivors a second's forewarning) in order to grab a survivor.

    Blood Debt is easier if you start the game aggressive and make sure you're the first one hooked.

    Agitated Advantage is easier if you play a basement killer like Trapper or Bubba, so you can get your second hook off whoever rescued the first person. Territorial Imperative can also be useful for this challenge - survivors often try to loot the basement chest at the start of the game, so if you get a warning when they enter the basement you can usually catch them searching the chest or coming out with their item.

    By Any Means Necessary is easy to complete if you're someone who doesn't mind throwing the game for the challenge. The killer doesn't even have to technically be chasing you, just run around in front of them until the chase music begins, and as long as it's playing you can throw any random pallet you like and it will count for the challenge. You can tell if a pallet was counted for the challenge if you get bloodpoints for throwing it.

    If you're playing with friends, you can get them to bring brown medkits for the Appeal to Heal challenge and give them to you once you deplete your own. In fact, most of the survivor challenges are easier if you can find a SWF group to coordinate with.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited November 2019

    Yeah, I saw that tip for the Trapper one as well, but I didn't include it because it basically means playing abnormally. I tried to put my tips according to normal gameplay for the most part so that you don't have to screw up the game for others.

    Object of Obsession, Windows, Lithe, and Spine Chill were my go to perks for the pallet throwing one because Spirit can end chases super fast and if you have both OoO and Spine Chill you pretty much know where she is at all times. Windows to find pallets that aren't broken and Lithe to vault said pallets(or windows if you find one) if you get a chance to get to the next one if you think you might go down at the one you're at. Funny thing, I did a few 5 gen runs with this combo equipped. It was awfully fun too.

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123
    edited November 2019

    Did them all over the weekend, using stuff that is pretty baseline and not purchasable.


    1. Agitated Advance: Use Agitation, Iron Grasp/Ruin. Use Lery's offering to get decent basement rng.
    2. Got You: Use a stealth killer without a terror radius, I personally got it with deaf ears Hag, get someone downed, walk away, teleport, then nab them unhooking.
    3. Reverent: Grind, play brutal but fair to prevent dcing.
    4. Manifest Distress: Easy, just find a survivor and chase them with Distressing.
    5. Hungry Jaws: Perks: Ruin, Thrill of the Hunt, Agitation, Whispers. Use Iridescent Head and Tar Bottle and a Lery's offering. Do your best to keep survivors off of Ruin/Thrill to keep the game lasting longer while the traps auto set, stop anyone competent enough to gen rush and do your best to hook survivors in multi trapped areas.


    1. Self Care Service: Use Self Care/Botany Knowledge/Resilience, get injured and self heal.
    2. By Any Means Necessary: Grind games, use pallets early and try not to get hit.
    3. Fight Back: This can be surprisingly hard in high ranks because a lot of killers are using Ghostface/Spirit/Huntress and respect pallets. Use Dead Hard and force a pallet smack in a loop. I got lucky after 10 games and got a Doc and I pretty much had to facetank at a pallet.
    4. Appeal to Heal: Grind, keep bringing medkits and use em. It actually works in killer matches as well for some reason.
    5. Generocity: use Empathy or just unhook rush and heal.
    6. Bring the Light: Grind, use toolboxes and play more immersed.
    7. Blood Debt: Easier assuming nothing bad happens lol, took me a few times due to dcs, unhookers, and random Devour Hopes.
    8. Dark Senses: Use Streetwise/Dark Sense/Sprint Burst/Stake Out or Spine Chill. Use a Commodius with wire spool and instructions and a Hawkins Lab map offering (survivors know the gen locations least on this map). Tell your team what you're doing and hope they don't gen rush. Do 3 gens and hope you don't get found first and tunneled.
    9. Liberator: Grind and ensure it's a safe hook, I usually just body block.
    10. Botanist Extraordinaire: Use a ranger or regular first aid kit with charge boosting add ons. Get Botany Knowledge/Empathy and heal teammates. If killer has Franklins do your best to remember and get the medkit back.
    11. Enlightened: I recommend using a Sport Flashlight with battery add ons. Streetwise/Empathy or any killer detection perks. Try to flashlight blind on pallet break or stealth blind in path of killer chasing/picking up survivor.

  • Inji
    Inji Member Posts: 1,096

    These are all some useful tips. Thank you all.

  • Paina
    Paina Member Posts: 231

    Dying with a medkit worked for me as well. And that self care challenge, I don't have self care for my main survivors so I've played as Claudette with self care tier 1. When I came to the point to heal myself I used the medkit I've found instead of self care (lol), cause I'm just not used to self care xD So I was like "damn, okay maybe next trial". But the funny thing is I've completed the challenge just by healing myself with a medkit while running selfcare. I'm sure that this is not how it should work, but I'm happy lol. Another weird thing is that I've only healed myself once during that trial instead of twice. So it seems a lil buggy, cause I've also had big broblems with that pallet challenge. A lot of pallet drops didn't count, even though I've definitely been in a chase. And when the killer dc the pallet drops didn't count for me as well.