Decisive Strike change?

xEa Member Posts: 4,105


Since many people complain about DS, i have a suggestion for this perk, which would not neccesary nerf, but simply change it a little bit, so it might become more attractive for both sides.

  • After being unhooked or unhooking yourself, Decisive Strike will become usuable for 30 seconds
  • If the Killer downs the survivor during the 30 seconds of "usable time", DS becomes active, and stays active, until the Killer picks up the Survivor.
  • While Decisive Strike is active, when picked up by the Killer, succeed a Skill Check to automatically escape the Killer's grasp and stun them for 5 Seconds
  • DS becomes deactivated, if the survivor is healed or has entering a locker.

This will solve many problems. First of all, it will be more a anti-tunnel perk due to the shorter usable time.

Second, slugging is not working anymore. This is often annoying for both sides.

Third, Locker counter will be removed. Very annoying for Killer.

What do you think?

Decisive Strike change? 65 votes

Yes, good idea
Seiko300DeadeyexEaEnderloganYTgaydavidkingGlamourousLeviathanSilentSpectrePlaquer 8 votes
Yes, good idea, but i would change it a little bit (let us know please)
Th3NightmarePokerface303DipTapeKnotRIP_LegionAtrushan88Ershjasonq500Brucecastro81pichumudkipLordRegal 11 votes
No, keep DS as it is
Science_GuyMc_HartyPuggyMohawkCL4P_TRAP_ERStar99erSpartagone45Jacoby2041Micheal_MyersAven_FallenAxX7891CJsDBDSkeletalEliteGrootDude[Deleted User]konchokrch614SunderMunMedicSpirit7TaigaMysticAdvisor 35 votes
I have a completly different idea
PigNRunAcromioZagridKenshinTragicSolitudeHoodiedWalker_of_the_fog_96Karl_ChildersUistreelPadafuSlayer192845 11 votes


  • Walker_of_the_fog_96
    Walker_of_the_fog_96 Member Posts: 1,238
    edited November 2019
    I have a completly different idea

    I like the current state of desicive strike, but I would like this little change:

    First hook: 30 seconds to use it. duration of killer stun: 2 seconds

    second hook: 60 seconds to use it. duration of killer stun: 3 seconds

    last hook: unlimited duration of killer stun: 3.5 seconds

    It can only be used once in game.

    Post edited by Walker_of_the_fog_96 on
  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    Yes, good idea

    While your idea is interesting, a 2 or 3 second stun is probably 2 less.

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,550
    Yes, good idea, but i would change it a little bit (let us know please)

    Honestly if nothing about it changed other than locker grabs didn’t let it activate I think I’d be more or less ok with it. Locker baits are the main time I get frustrated with it.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    This sounds like it would activate more than once. Is this the case or no?

  • Rezblaze
    Rezblaze Member Posts: 843
    edited November 2019
    No, keep DS as it is

    Decisive Strike gets killers who don't pay attention.

    I've seen Otz get absolutely ridiculous Decisive Strikes.

    0:41 - 2:24 is where we should pay attention.

    He disengaged, found TWO other targets, hit both, disengaged, then snuck up on the survivors fully healed, and got punished for it.

    Just have Decisive proc when you're injured. If you're healed to full, Decisive should not proc anymore.

    PS: accidentally voted no.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    Yes, good idea, but i would change it a little bit (let us know please)

    I don't think DS should be completely deactivated upon entering a locker either way. If the killer slugs you, he still gets pressure while still tunneling. 30 seconds is clearly tunneling either way, so jumping in a locker would only ensure he didn't get pressure while doing it. I also think with these changes, DS should not be deactivated completely at all. If you get tunneled off your first hook, you should be able to DS, but if you also get tunneled off your second hook, you should also be able to DS.

  • Yung_Slug
    Yung_Slug Member Posts: 2,238

    You'd already be dead after the third hook. And unlimited DS would just make the problem worse.

  • Zagrid
    Zagrid Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,000
    edited November 2019
    I have a completly different idea

    Just have it deactivate when another player is hooked. Ez Pz fix to those times where you don’t tunnel a player but they still stab you.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,035
    I have a completly different idea

    DS will be the same as before, but tweaked to truly be anti-tunnel

    When unhooked you will have a 40 second timer, the timer ticks down outside the TR and takes 2 as long to tick down when in the dying state

    When another survivor is hooked, the timer is cut down by 75%/60%/45%.

    When the exit gates are powered, the timer is decreased to 20 seconds.

    The killer is stunned for 5 seconds when hitting the skill check

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    No, keep DS as it is

    It's fine as it is. 60 seconds at level 3 is more than fair considering that you can only activate it once per trial.

  • Helevetin_nopee
    Helevetin_nopee Member Posts: 408
    No, keep DS as it is

    30 seconds is too low, considering the amount of people that already wait for the timer to pass at 60 seconds.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,501
    I have a completly different idea

    It's a problem that DS can punish killers who don't tunnel and it gives survivors free reign to make bad plays for which they can't be punished. However, I know that as survivor even 60 seconds can feel really short, so I wouldn't change that; I'd keep it at 60 seconds. However...

    If there are four survivors left and two are hooked, DS should deactivate.

    If there are three survivors left and one is hooked, DS should deactivate.

    If there are two or fewer survivors left, DS shouldn't activate at all.

    DS should also not activate during the EGC.

    This is not a perfect solution, but it would help. Unfortunately, it's kind of complicated. Even just using part of my suggestion would make DS less broken, though: deactivating DS if it's the EGC or if there's only one survivor left on the map. At that point in the game, it's not tunneling.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912
    I have a completly different idea

    DS is not just anti tunnel. its beyond broken. it should not work in lockers and also the survivor should not be able to do gens as long as the 60 sec last. THEN its an anti tunnel perk. right now its just bs.

  • Nyaren_Chan
    Nyaren_Chan Member Posts: 243
    No, keep DS as it is

    That 30 seconds thing is such a huge nerf. I'm against it.

    LULKEK Member Posts: 82
    No, keep DS as it is

    nope in my opinion ds is to weak just remove the 60 sek and after he gets you after hook it can work

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
    Yes, good idea

    Yes, but the change is, that you can not get slugged anymore then. If you get downed during the 30 seconds, the killer HAS to eat the DS, no matter what.

  • Brucecastro81
    Brucecastro81 Member Posts: 1,609
    Yes, good idea, but i would change it a little bit (let us know please)

    The locker thing is not good. The killer just need to eat the DS, and is not the best use of DS, and go for somewhere else or just keep chasing. I like your idea. <3

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
    I have a completly different idea

    Even better, remove it.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited November 2019
    I have a completly different idea

    30 seconds is too short. So if a competent survivor gets tunneled off hook, but manages to run for 30 seconds, DS deactivates? No. Why is that killer not getting hit with DS when he was indeed tunneling? This doesn’t make the perk more anti-tunnel, it just makes it bad.

    Im fine with it as is, but voted another idea because I think it makes sense to remove the timer altogether. DS just stays up until another survivor is hooked. Now the killers who hook another survivor don’t get hit, and survivors can’t outrun their own perk timer so a tunneling killer will always get hit even if he chases them for 2 minutes. Tough, that’s their fault for tunneling. Everyone would know the rule...hook someone else or risk getting stunned. Simple.

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    How about adding a way to stop a killer from tunneling and then moriing a survivor?