What Do You Think The Best Perk Is.

What do you think the best perk is on both sides of the Fence I personally Like Iron Will as a Survivor because lets face it some survivors are loud like really loud when their injured. I enjoy running Endurance mostly because it makes survivors throw pallets before I even get to them.
It's definitely DS or Adrenaline.
For killer...nothing is really super strong like that. Maybe bbq for bp but I can't unironically say any hex perk. Pop goes the weasel is up there.
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I never go for the survivor fresh of the hook unless they actively get in my way. But I made it a point to post in my Bio that if you hit me with DS I will make sure that you die in that match.
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Killer: BBQ and Chili - Who doesn't love double blood points and aura reading?
Survivor: Borrowed Time - Lord knows these killers love camping. Which is why BT is good for extra insurance.
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Dead hard, without a doubt.
Its usefulness is only limited to how you use it
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I love Dead Hard I press X right at the apex of the killers swing and it give me exhaustion during dying state.
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I used it to win a hatch standoff, killer was very salty.
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Shadowborn and Plunderer's Instinct
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Id say dead hard or iron will
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Killers: BBQ or POP
BBQ: You see if survivors do which gen or if they stay close for a save. Ofc some will hide into a locker but you always see atleast 1 surivvor with BBQ that gives you a free chase and potentially a kill.
Pop goes the genrush: Better then ruin, way more consistent and gives you alot of map pressure, if you protect a specific area and always pop some generators there, the survivors are forced to leave this area and start new gens, with that you can kind of "zone" survivors out of a unhealthy area with many pallets. You can save a gen from finishing that is really close at 90%+ and maybe even pop it twice if the survivors are silly and touch the damaged gen.
Survivors: Adrenaline or Balanced/Dead Hard
Adrenaline: I dont want to count how many situations carried me or other survivors when the last gen popped, you can do so much stuff with that perk. You can simply use it as a sprint burst in chases, go for a insane quick unhook. Or tank a hit and then adrenaline pop. Do some risky saves such as farming infront of the killer and then "pop" adernaline and both you and the saved are full. You can reset a chase with that by healing yourself + 5 sec sprint burst. There are more situations like that.
Balanced/Dead Hard: I count them both equally because they are both really good in there own situations. Dead hard is more simple but effective, you can just increase a loop by +1 extra. Or bait a hit to increase the chase by that. You can reach specific pallets that you couldnt without this perk. You can even sometimes make it to a gate with it. You can protect someone kind of by baiting a hit with that aswell, you can outplay some killers with that pretty badly. Only weakness, exhaustion addons or onehit perks or abilitys.
And Balanced is for my opinion the better to use (I just like it more, I am not saying that it is better, both are equally good!). You can extand your loop by many ways, you can run specific areas that you couldnt run properly without. Examples: Myers basement house, Hills on old maps, Ironworks, 2 floor house in preeschool etc. You could run them without balanced but you would lose alot of distance without this perk. You are free for every loop or mindgame that the map can offer and no path is blocked or unhealthy for you. You can bait some hits with the sprintburst that you gain and even if you get a exhaustion addon from a killer you dont care, you still have the 75% passive. Its just increadable how usefull Balanced is.
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Well, I have the main problem of categories of perks. So, for me saying what is the "best perk" is like saying what's the best is like saying what's the best type of car. It depends on what you're after.
If I had to choose one though?
BBq for Killers. For sure. You have a detection perk and a BP farming perk in one. Even at level 1, it's still one of the best perks in the game.
Survivors, I'm going to have to say Self Care. The ability to heal without finding someone else is quite strong and useful.
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Dead Hard or DS
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Iron Will
Pretty easy choices if you ask me.
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For me it's bond, cause I play solo most of the time and I'm a noob so I need a good heal every now and then :p
I don't play killer by now though
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We'll Make It has always been my personal favorite. Even in red ranks where you'd expect people not to heal end up healing. It'll be a shame if you get into a chase unprepared and get a hit that did the opposite of helping the team. I run a whole healing build just so we can do gens faster and chase a little longer if need be.
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Uh, Spine Chill, you unenlightened heathens. 😀 (...with Bond as a close 2nd place)
For killers, I dunno. I really love Whispers, and will fight anyone who says it's not amazing.
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Im gonna go with whispers and spine chill. Both these perks are very useful at providing information to those who know how to use them without ever being OP.
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Mindbreaker and Mettle of Man.
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Survivor: Bond or Borrowed Time. Bond is arguably the best survivor aura perk and Borrowed Time is great because 8/10 killers camp and tunnel.
Killer: Maybe Corrupt Intervention. Killer perks aren't all that great.
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For survivors it's Bond imo. It's the only thing that allows a solo survivor to understand what is going on and to coordinate with others.
Killers are too different to declare a perk best for everyone, though.
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More games have been won with Hex: Ruin than any other perk.
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I’m a H.O. for head on.
My fave perk because I’ve gotten saves with it, and it’s gotten me out of tough situations.
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Survivor: Iron will
killer: bbq for the points and balanced aura reading
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Dead Hard (if they ever fix it) and decisive strike.
Bamboozle - for most killers it will help you several times in every single game you play. That's pretty darn useful.
Whispers - not nearly as useful as people think.
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Spine Chill
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Killer - Ruin
Survivor - Self Care
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Decisive strike / Adrenaline / Unbreakable
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Balanced landing, not only does it have a sprint burst, but the passive opens up so many more loops you can do.
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So many people will disagree with me on this one, but let me explain. I think the best perk is Autodidact. LET ME EXPLAIN.
First off it rewards you with being altruistic and helping your teammates as well as giving you benefits for healing others as you do so. It also gives you a new secondary objective to get stacks and heal others instead of doing generators. Thirdly when you do have all of your stacks and end game is around you can do some good plays and it sometimes works against slugging. My friend told me I couldn’t get the heal off and I said oh yes I can and BOOM. He was healed up and he didn’t know it because of autodidact. It was really lucky that a skillcheck appeared. I just wish it could give you more skillchecks. Autodidact is also a good substitute for any other healing perk besides self care. It also in some way rewards you for not being seen by the killer (Okay yes I know Nurses is a thing) oh and you know healing slowdown? Well yeah throw that out the window, but not all the way because having more to heal gives you more times for skillchecks, but if you already have 5 skillchecks let’s just say the slowdown wasn’t a slowdown. I know that a counter argument is actually getting skillchecks, but that’s the fun about the perk (in my opinion) you could get so many at the beginning and not get any at 5 stacks or not get any in the beginning, but get a crazy load with 5 stacks. This is why I will be playing Adam next to get the perk.
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DS and BT are leagues above most the other perks, like S+
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Ruin, Iron Will
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Survivor: Balanced Landing
Killer: Barbecue and Chilly
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For survivors: DS
For killers: Nurses
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Survivor: Decisive Strike or Adrenaline
Killer: Ruin or Whispers
No contest.
Edit: Forgot Whispers existed
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Either Alert or Pop Goes the Weasle.
For my playstyle, anyway.
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I personally love Dying light, it's good at slowing down over time especially when combined with thana
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Empathy as a solo. OoO in SWF.
NOED as killer.
If I ran one perk and expected it to get me the best results in a match, I would use these.
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Yo dude if you’ve got time to comment on this you’ve got time to go address the dozens of posts about people not liking the Nurse changes.