NOED Rework Suggestion
I mentioned this to friends and they seem to like to the idea.
NOED is no longer a hex perk. When all generators are complete, or when hatch is closed and end game is initiated, NOED gains tokens equal to the number of dull totems on the map when it activates. Every time a killer hits a survivor with a basic attack (could be a healthy or injured survivor), one stack is removed. When NOED runs out of stacks is deactivates.
So if there's only one dull on the map when gens are complete, killer only gets one insta down. Two dulls = two insta downs, and so on.
But there is nothing currently wrong with NOED the way it is. Stop gen rushing and do totems, they are actually worth good points.
If you get hit with NOED, its your own fault.
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NOED doesn't need any changes.
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NoED is fine.
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Noed is balanced. This same discussion pops up at least once a week.
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That would be a nerf... noed doesn't need that.. it's in a good place... dont like it? Cleanse totems... there are only 5.. and with ruin being meta.. you only need to find 4... if it bothers you so much either bring a map or run small game until you learn spawn points.
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Or I could just continue using Small Game to cleanse every totem myself, every game, and have the Killer waste a perk slot.
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I used to want Noed reworked.
when I made it to red ranks as killer I finally realized how wrong I was.
Do the damn totems If Noed is a problem.
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This wouldn't please anyone because you can already just do all the totems, the people who want it nerfed are probably the same people staying low rank to bully baby killers and want to just rank up as many wins as possible.
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As much as I hate Noed, I agree with people saying it's fine and balanced. They added more BP to doing totems to try to encourage people to do more totems. Sure, not every killer has noed so you never know when to spend your time doing totems but just do it anyway to be safe.
Noed ONLY becomes active after the last gen is done. It's not like it's active the entire match. YOU as the survivor actually have a chance to deactivate it just like any other hex perk. If your teammates hate you for doing totems, tell them you don't like noed as much as the next person and you'd rather be safe than sorry.
The only thing to make it better would be to add a totem counter (much like the gen counter) for when you're solo queing and can't communicate how many totems are left.
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How do i know when all totems are cleansed as solo survivor?
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You don't, its part of the risk of totems. It wouldn't be fair to the Killer if there was some kind of tracking to let everyone know how many totems are left.
If you feel SWF have an advantage in this respect, you'd be 100% correct in that SWF screws the Killer at every chance. And its not fair to solos or Killers.
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But how am i supposed to counter NOED, if i don't know if other survs cleansed totems too?
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as long as NOED is unchanged and DS is unchanged, the balance exists.
No further changes should be made, and both are balanced currently imo.
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you will find shattered bones if they cleansed totems. Map awareness is the key, remember in which areas you cleansed and where you found broken totems
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It seems unless RUIN is in play, survivors don't give totems a second glance, unless they are in a super easy spot.
I run Small Game because my RUIN skill checks are garbage. As a result I'm often alerted to totems and traps from Trapper and Hag. Its quite useful.
But even not using that perk, there are usually totems around most of the generators, there are a few spots that totems spawn that are away from gens but you'll just need to learn those possible positions. Unfortunately this is a trial and error portion of the game, and there is no quick study.
Again if you are scared of NOED then you need to put in the work. There is no quick and dirty totem defense. Totems were always designed to be a time distraction from the generators. If you are looking hi and low for totems then gen time is extended.
Solos and Killers are the only ones playing the game as per the original design. With only minimal gestures for communication. The lack of knowledge is supposed to be part of the game, SWF are just bypassing this aspect totally.
All I can say is try to kill at least one or two totems before starting the gens. Then you know you did your part. If every survivor played by that rule then there would definitely be less NOED casualties.
And like I said totems are worth enough BP's to be worth the time to cleanse.
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I cleanse every totem i see and still get hit by NOED when playing survivor. The only time a killer can't use his NOED is when i bring a rainbow map with double range. And the only reliable counter NPED shouldn't be a UR item.
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In the end you are talking about countering someones PERK with an ITEM. Using NOED is a gamble the Killer plays. I will trade a perk slot for the majority of the game, for a chance to have a powerful perks in the end game. Sometimes is works and sometimes nope. Don't forget you can also destroy the totem to end NOED.
There shouldn't be a 100% easy counter for any PERK.
I'm sorry you are having NOED problems, but it is a PERK after all and sometimes it actually needs to activate, otherwise it'll get a boost so that it for sure activates.
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I'm a killer main and i never use NOED outside of endgame builds. It's way too powerful at the moment and rewards killers that are unable to secure kills and juggle survivors. My point is that you are unable to counter it without a specific item.